Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hypersomnia And Elderly

the Pope against anonymous funds, but if the IOR ... Acquitted

Intorno alle operazioni finanziarie della Chiesa

Il Papa tuona contro i capitali anonimi: e lo IOR?

La banca ‘di Dio’ è un vero e proprio paradiso fiscale ed i movimenti di essa non sono
soggetti né a ricevute, né a tracciamento – Essere ed apparire -

Alla recente settimana sociale dei cattolici svoltasi a Reggio Calabria, nella sua conclusione il Santo Padre ha invitato a rendere incisivo l’impegno nella politica, nel sociale, nelle istituzioni, da parte di una nuova classe precipuamente di giovani, che facciano scaturire il senso autentico del messaggio cristiano. In frangenti quanto mai chiari di assoluta crisi, quasi vacatio, etica, è un auspicio condivisibile. The lines had been drawn in recent months: Epper it seems important affirmation of speech 'arm', pronounced by the Pope a few days before opening the Synod of Bishops of the Middle East between the false gods that oppress the world, Benedict XVI said: "We think of the great powers of history today. Think of the anonymous capital that enslave men, who are no longer things of men, but an anonymous power by which men are enslaved, tortured, even murdered. I am a power destruction that threatens the world. " These words are not expressed in the case: the successor of Peter almost never, except in conditions of lack of sanity, preaches pointless.
In the weeks before, as some may remember, the President of the IOR, the Vatican bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, and its director general, has been entered under investigation by prosecutors in Rome for breach of financial rules against money laundering, or for doing Credito Artigiano transit through the capital of some 23 million euros, for the Deutsche Bank and then in other accounts, without which it could be claimed the recipient of both the head of the operation. Recently, the investigation has widened, that the Court of Rome, confirmed the seizure of millions of euros, and investigated in check for 300 thousand Euro in the name of a nonexistent Maria Rossi, and one sample of 600 cash thousand € to unknown recipient, not some operations of transparency, it is not really the case to express surprise, as he instead made the head of the Vatican press office, p.Federico Lombardi. The anti-money laundering rules are very clear in Italy. After the Pope's words, the suspect said President IOR Germans, through the work of Reggio Calabria: "If the Pope made this statement that we do not want to comply? ... I think that, especially in the global world, where there are cash flows substantial, the need for transparency is essential, especially for institutions linked to the Holy Church, to avoid the mistakes of men might damage the credibility of the Church. We must be exemplary. " Transparency, in fact. And destructive powers. He has avoided any further questions, nor the journalists had to seek attention, and report to citizens, the State of Vatican City, created in 1929 following the famous Concordat is a true offshore tax haven, where IOR makes no receipt for their banking transactions where customers are completely anonymous and identified only by number, all steps are performed through transfers of money, we do not accept international requests, and (so far) the Holy See, whose Only the top bank handling the IOR is known, has not signed international agreements against money laundering.
In other words, as if each us, simply by going into any post office or bank for a transfer or a withdrawal, must produce documents extremely fine detail, in compliance with the regulations in force in Italy to control the flow of money, the Holy See, representing certain states of Central America that are in the effects of offshore tax havens (and included in the so-called black list of the International Monetary Fund, which offer no information on the capital and hold the owners of these), does not care about Codest standards. At least until this year, the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone has in fact recently stated that the Vatican will join by 2010, with international standards on control of financial flows. It would appear then, from the point of view of the high priests, understood, and is timely, even if the data-breakers-interested and we would say later, but the allegations full of dark omens, the Holy Father (who does not speak on that occasion ex cathedra, so has the dogma of infallibility, as stipulated by the Second Vatican Council, which limits it only to matters pertaining to the faith), if you avoid to take into account the financial network woven by the IOR, in recent decades, in world.
You do not want to argue with the past here is absolutely top of the bank said 'God', with the fame of it was sad that some people call the Archbishop Marcinkus: persona invece astuta ed abile come pochi, ed a cui l’odierna finanza vaticana deve molto di più di quanto non sia disposta a riconoscere. Neppure si intende stilare una filippica contro i cosiddetti stati offshore: la cui legislazione è perfettamente lecita, ed i cui capitali, appunto, anonimi, sono la ricchezza di quelle isole di sogno, di quelle nazioni altrimenti destinate all’isolamento. Anzi, crediamo che tutto codesto accanirsi dei vertici finanziarii internazionali contro i detti paradisi fiscali, non sia affatto dettato da motivazioni di carattere etico, bensì da bramosìa di rastrellare quanto più denaro possibile, poiché si sa che la strada per Tipperary, citando una vecchia canzone di guerra inglese, that the economic crisis, is still very long and the end of it seems far away.
But the Holy Father should say with the utmost respect PEL throne of Peter, with high devotion to the message of the Apostle and trusting in the eternal Light of the Trinity, ponder the words better. The IOR has, as we know from national surveys and international subsidiaries and numerous banks subsidiaries (the famous case of ragweed poor Calvi was the most striking, certainly not the only one) which make handling of large amounts of money, which tracking is almost impossible. While Opus Dei, the powerful organization that is the will of the late Polish Pope, took the management of the IOR after the known events of the eighties (and they are part of its vertices, by Gotti Tedeschi down), does not hesitate even to conceal its long arm in this field. That many men dell'Obra de Balaguer founded by Sant'Escrivà be included in the nerve centers of the Italian political and economic power, is very well known news: we believe we can not criticize or object. As well, a dull fight between what decades ago had appealed against the secular finance the white one, or religion, has given rise (in our opinion, with some accuracy) the Financial Commission of the European Union to punish Italy for granting the exemption ICI buildings owned by the Church, interpreting it as state aid and then violating the EU regulations. If the Vatican, which is currently exempt, will have to pay taxes on Italian secular state which owns numerous properties in Italy, will be a furious war of groundwater, but it will relieve the public purse, and benefits. Provided MISUSE maneuver, part of a much bigger picture when you insert the words "anonymous capital" of Benedict XVI comes to an end and not be blocked, suppressed or silenced by others, and most sensational events.
What can be deduced from all these stealthy movements in high places and in the hushed halls of the guilloche power, the secular city, the ordinary Christian, the free thinker? If again, as should every day, holding the Holy Book, reads: "Do not store up treasures on earth, where moth and rust, wear and thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust and wear thieves do not break through nor steal. In fact, where your treasure is, there your heart is pure "(Mt.6, 19-21);" My children, how difficult it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God "(Mark 10, 24). Also consider the immense power of the Vatican bank, the IOR, run by Opus Dei, the shadowy haze of its operations, the big difference from these normal movements that Italian citizens face daily, and finally to the above statements of the Pope. It can only trust in the mercy of the Supreme Artificer, in virgin purity of the Great Mother, whose simple life saves the world every day, misrepresented by those who betrayed, having sworn they will also, as is established, their reward.


(published on Sicily Sera No. 334, December 5, 2010)

Build Bow Hunting Platform

Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy

The useless mud "savoiagate" in 2006

Acquitted Prince Vittorio Emanuele, the truth prevails

"The fact that there" is how the heir to the throne and the five accused to see the mud fall
shameful accusations made by Potenza Woodcock pm - La Russa: nap Pantheon to the bodies of the last two King of the House of Savoy -

Summer of 2006: the heatwave as often devoid of news, especially on the anniversary of the sixty years since the proclamation of the Republic, and the (false, as evidenced by the acts and story) that the referendum marked the end of the monarchy and the royal house of Savoy in Italy, as a storm breaks out unexpectedly that the journalist, indeed sometimes worthy of the worst species of the invertebrate animal kingdom, defines 'savoiagate': accused of corruption, gambling and prostitution, the Prince of Naples (and heir to the throne) Vittorio Emanuele, almost seventy years old, head of the Royal House, is arrested and taken like a common thug to power, where discounts seven days in prison in Rome after several months of house arrest. The investigation is initiated by the PM Henry J. Woodcock, already known to the judicial reports for similar cases of so-called surveys perform very well with the prince of the blood, are arrested five people in various ways involved in the investigation, including three in Sicily: the 'entrepreneur Rocco Messina Migliardi, Lagat Nunzio, Ugo Bonazza, Gian Nicolino Narducci and Achille De Luca di Catania. The offenses, allegations, invented the misdeeds, the wickedness even by some so-called 'old world monarchy', in those weeks are on the agenda. Even Emanuele Filiberto, the son of the Prince, now TV star, is briefly involved in the investigation. Which, however, should evaporate after some time, and in 2009, acts to move jurisdiction to the Court of Rome. The prosecution, it will remember, was a criminal conspiracy for trafficking in slot machine Stakeholders with the other defendants then, for-profit and other dark plots. Recall also che in quell’occasione, sia nei siti Internet che sui giornali si rispolveravano le vecchie, ed inconsistenti, accuse al Principe di collusioni con poteri segreti, di traffici illeciti: insomma, nell’anno in cui sarebbe stato doveroso, per storici studiosi e divulgatori verso il cittadino del XXI secolo, come è già accaduto in altre Nazioni, dispiegare con dovizia di particolari la scaturigine della nascita della Repubblica dal vero e proprio colpo di Stato dell’allora Presidente del Consiglio De Gasperi, a danno di Re Umberto II e della Casa regnante, e come questi per evitare il già preventivato spargimento di sangue fraterno, abbia volontariamente e con clamorosa protesta scelto la via dell’esilio da Sovrano in carica legal, this gave the floodgates to the muddy pit of fantasy altogether invented against legitimate heir of the House of Savoy.
That these charges were invented, it has finally established, as many in the world have never doubted the monarchy, on Sept. 22 this year, the preliminary hearing judge of the Court of Rome, finally completing the Royal Highness Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy (the which, as you recall, by virtue of the constitutional reform of 2002, has since also an Italian citizen after years of unjust exile) and the aforementioned Mr Rocco Migliardi, Lagat Nunzio, Ugo Bonazza, Gian Nicolino Narducci and Achille De Luca, the allegations made at the time, "because fatti non sussistono". E’ evidente la discrepanza fra la notizia dell’assoluzione, che non ha avuto quasi nessuna rilevanza tra i mezzi di comunicazione, e le accuse ed il carcere, amplificati al solo fine di distruggere, con l’immagine personale del Principe, sinanco quella dell’intera casa Savoja. E però la Storia, checché ne dicano i maligni ed i nemici della Patria, non si può mai cancellare, ed il tempo è ottimo giudice. E ristabilisce la Luce, mentre per tratti può sembrare che imperino le tenebre.
Il Principe, sempre confortato dall’amore della consorte Principessa Marina Doria, nota per le numerose opere benefiche che patrocina, ha così commentato, in una recente intervista ad Today, from Bergamo while inaugurating a 'tour' in various Italian places on the anniversary of the Unit: "It's like I woke up from a nightmare. I do pinch and I understand that there was no truth. It is a wonderful feeling ... like a bad dream I felt powerless, a victim of a gear bigger than me. The charges were so absurd that I did not know how to defend myself ... Believe me, this whole investigation there was only one element of practicality that would allow me to respond, react, react. It was all slippery and elusive. It was like fighting ghosts. A terrible thing ... It's all over. And just as happens with the nightmares, once awake try to rebuild them. You do it with a relaxed mind, more calm. A dramatic story you can remember even the most beautiful, most funny and paradoxical ... It is the time to put things right. I had to shame. Now that shame is over at them. "Of his affair and the magistrate who persecuted him literally says:" Until a few days ago I had my resentment for those who have hurt me and my family. Today I feel pity for that person ... Woodcock, Henry John Woodcock. In recent years he has prosecuted 210 people were acquitted because there was nothing against them, no nothing. At the trial, even before the defense, the first to ask my assoluzione è stato il pm, la pubblica accusa": Della sua vicenda intende fare un esempio perché più non accada a nessuno il dramma personale vissuto:"Capita un po’ troppo spesso. Non è normale costruire processi come il mio, con accuse a vanvera, fondate sul nulla…Nel nome della legge in questo Paese vengono commesse colossali ingiustizie. Non si può sbattere la gente in galera così, sulla base di un teorema. Ci vogliono le prove. Ecco, io vorrei che il mio caso offrisse lo spunto per cambiare. Penso al bene dei cittadini. Ma anche al bene di questo magistrato, che non va lasciato nelle condizioni di commettere altri errori. Perché alla fine ad andare di mezzo sarà lui. Un giornale lo ha definito il pm delle cause perse. Terribile". E per sé il Principe chiede, come farebbe qualunque cittadino, i danni allo Stato (che a parer nostro, effettuando la tanto sospirata riforma della giustizia, dovrebbe pagare di tasca propria il magistrato che ha sbagliato, ossia non solo ha commesso un crimine etico inquisendo degli innocenti, ma ha provocato aggravi finanziarii alle casse statali!): ma è una richiesta da gran signore, da rappresentante di quel casato che è il più antico della penisola, che vanta mille anni di storia da Umberto Biancamano: "Mi accontenterei di vedere le salme dei miei genitori rientrare in Italia, nel posto che spetta loro, al Pantheon".
Re Umberto e la Regina Maria Josè, della casa di Sassonia Coburgo, avrebbero senza no doubt the right to return to the shrine of our italics Re unit. The Prince, tactfully, does not add, but our intention is to repeat as many times by these columns and other audiences, that they return the remains to the Pantheon primarily Soldier of the King Vittorio Emanuele III, the winner of the Great War (buried in Alexandria Egypt '), and Queen of Charity, Elena Petrovich of Montenegro Niegos (buried in Montpellier, France), to which must be thankful for the undying charitable works undertaken (we Sicilians always remind the tireless work of a pro Messina earthquake of 1908), even the current Italian Republic has dedicated a commemorative stamp. Only in this way, one hundred and fifty National Unity who were indisputable glory of the House of Savoy, will be celebrated and I concluded with condescension and Sovereignty. As has happened in the UN also does not own democraticissime (Russia honored the bodies of the Czar and the entire royal family, for example). In recent days the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa has officially declared that it is necessary, even for "an act of piety," close the sesquicentennial celebrations of the Unit returning the remains to the Pantheon of the last two kings of Italy and their wives: action is absolutely commendable and deserving of wider acclaim, that at this point expect soon.
"And you, Victor, covers \\ the italic flag and the crown scale \\ beyond the Po, in the ground at the sound of the battle ..., Novell \\ thrills the sky of Italy here tingle; \\ as a cloud that thunders \\ and hot lightning bursts, \\ long clamor from the Alps to the sea lies "that the verses of the poet Carducci, Gentleman for the King in 1861 which sealed the country together under his scepter, may be of bright hope for the future or indeed saddest of our holy mother, Italy, the clamor of the white cross, illuminated from light and gold Star Pentalpha, as in have dispelled the ugly truth in the story mentioned above, come back to protect their children, especially the most needy, and the common house, protected by the glorious flag.


(published on Sicily Sera No. 334, December 5, 2010)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ladies Pro Wrestling Fights

century was already fully anticipated

was all planned
also the man who chooses
Ah, yes? And who had expected? The spirit your mother? Branko? The teacher of the average Italian? "Select", well ... she'll be gone with a more comfortable use of the Italian language, come on.
and the smile that you
while you're taking away
take up? But what? A lot of rubbish? A bicycle unattended? Car double parked?
I expected that I would
left alone in my house
That one is a miracle of Padre Pio, eh. Better alone That in bad company. Change the lock and go to light a candle of thanks, you listen.
and I'll jump on the bed
and hug your pillow
But when ever I were you dissolve it in acid muriatic. Now.
in love but what love ...
Exactly, but what love? You were going away with an idiot that you greeted smiling.
In fact, I do not think you even have saluted. Excuse me for saying so, but if I were able to reason you only ten minutes to recover, or even less.
E adessdo no, Richard, please. Do not stick with the usual whining from your na na na ...
And to think I once yelled at a poor student because he had only written two lines of etc.. to extend the theme. You have made us the millions with something like that, but damn.
fecebook Now I join, I try my former student and address of the public apology, look!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sore Throat Persistent

Carbonari, heretical sect and a bulwark of Liberty

Around a great secret society

Carbonari heretical sect and a bulwark of freedom

In the early nineteenth century many patriots joined it, and several riots, including
Sicily, were inspired by the association - and Verga Carbonari -

Among the flowering of idealism that followed the Restoration of the governments after the fall of Napoleon's star in 1815, there was certainly the rise of secret societies which, in particular in Italy devastated by the occupation of Austria who was the mistress of Europe in those years, they tried to overthrow the yoke the foreigner, teaching classes to the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial freedom and self-determination, whose seeds had been sown by the armies of the great Corsican. It is true that these occult groups were limited to those who were in subsidized education with a sensitivity and ethics, however, the post-Risorgimento historiography has shown that these have made important contributions, for thirty years running from the fall of Murat in the riots of 1848, all 'idea independence of what will be the Italian homeland: with obvious nuances of character and autonomy, for what concerns Sicily in particular, for independence. The most important secret society of those years, as is known, has been called the Carbonari. While scholars
also part of Freemasons, have long been assessed and found, despite the similarity of the ritual and made a certain style of affiliation, the substantial difference between Freemasonry, which remained even absent, as an organization, in deeds of insurgency those years, as various independent scholars and even adverse to sectarianism, have not failed to point out ("is excluded from the claim that the Masonic sètte, pullulanti in Italia dopo il 1815, siano derivazioni o mascheramenti o economia della Massoneria. Poco conta che dei massoni affluirono tra i carbonari, e fra le due sètte vi siano rassomiglianze rituali… Lo spirito religioso e nazionale della Carboneria non quadra con l’internazionalismo e l’irreligiosità sostanziale della Massoneria", scrive A.Omodeo in Difesa del Risorgimento, Torino 1951), è assai probabile la nascita della Carboneria nel meridione d’Italia durante il periodo murattiano: "La Carboneria… fu un prodotto del tutto italiano e di natura contingente… ebbe contatti non con la Massoneria, ma coi singoli Massoni che ad essa si affiliarono, malcontenti della inattività in cui languished lodges, and had rather sharp contrast with Freemasonry for the methods of action repugnant to the spirit and the Masonic tradition "(see France, The Myth of impiety, Naples 1946). Codest diversity, such as the fact that Masonry in Italy, but also in France after the restoration, had gone up, is attested by the reports of knowledgeable ubiquitous Austrian police, whose important documents stated: "... the old sect of Masons Franco eras already-dissolved around 1817 \\ 18 - s'andavano forming secret societies and new in Italy, among which the largest was that of the Carbonari "(secret papers and records of the Austrian Police in Italy, Capolago 1851). For
also briefly outline a framework of ideals carbonara, it can be said that the association was clearly political aims and aspirations of peoples for independence against the "tyrants", hence the slang known "purge the forest by wolves, and ostentation filial attachment to the Catholic religion, including the symbolism of the cross, crown of thorns, and others in his imagination: What if Jesus Christ was the first Carbonaro Universe, the patron saint of the Carbonari was St. Theobald, a hermit who for pure noble mysticism in legnajolo became the eleventh century. Hence all the derivations of the esoteric symbolism of the forest, naturist, the so-called mystique of the wood. It was a very important sect, considering affiliations: Silvio Pellico (who also was not a Freemason, but only Carbonaro), who made her family even after the Risorgimento in the Vulgate, with many well-known book-complaint, "My Prisons, reading exciting and moving ov'egli stigmatizes with the serenity of the Adept tolerant than the ferocious fanaticism and violence of government repression obscurantist Austrian (you can even define this book the political manifesto of the Carbonari), to Count Federico Confalonieri (the follower of the English Regular Freemasonry, which join at Cambridge), from unhappy Santarosa maker of motions containing the Piedmont of '21 Morelli and Silva Minichini abbot that King Ferdinand demanded that the English Constitution, then immediately betrayed. In Sicily were inspired by the Carbonari uprisings that had its epicenter in Catania in 1837, and bulwark of the independence of Sicily, so many of the Carbonari were shot from Barbagallo Pitt Pensabene, following the fierce repression of the Lieutenant Bourbon Del Carretto. Even Mazzini seems to have been passed through the subsidiary carbonara, before maturing strategy that will transport you to identify, he master of plots and conspiracies, in the organizational structure that he designed, the Young Italy, which will therefore be of the half-savage antagonist Carbonari almost always ineffective in but of considerable practical idealism, to break the alliance between throne and altar so maligned.
The Church is immediately perceived the danger, and the Carbonari condemned as heretical sect with the encyclical "Ecclesiam a Jesu Chisti" September 13, 1821: Pope Pius VII excommunicating without appeal the Carbonari and their supporters, after admitting that the sect "is boast of his followers claim that they maintain and exercise charity and every kind of virtue, and with the utmost care to refrain from all vices ", accuses them" to defile and deface them with certain sacrilegious ceremonies of the Passion of Jesus Christ, to be mockery of the very mysteries of the Catholic religion ... they want to overthrow the Apostolic See. " Many priests were affiliated, as Rome well knew, the "Sales", ie meetings, coal, and, as we wrote the distinguished scholar and priest Pauline R. Edwards in his study, "ended in the barracks started preaching in the Churches", which was consequential for them the message of Freedom released by the Carbonari, becoming well aware of the abject bigotry of the then established power and a secular and religious. Terrible is purtanto the declaration of the Apostolic Penitentiary in November 1821, following "some doubts arisen" about the excommunication order, raised by the Curia of Naples: the Holy See permits, ask it to express "if the child has to denounce his father, brother, his sister, "that" established once it is a heretical Sertta, the child is required to denounce the father, etc., but all with great caution and secrecy. "The last explanation is least repulsive: fortunately, the Church has acknowledged his guilt in this area and flourishes to the new spring, as has been noted: the conciliar declaration Dignitatis Humanae, 1965 expressed "a solemn and explicit mea culpa about the deviations committed by the People of God, the Church, against the freedom of conscience" (cfr.Esposito). And to date the Church, as it has been for Freemasonry, no implication 'revoked' the excommunication of the Carbonari, which exist in various forms are renewed but in Tradition, even in the twenty-century, this is sufficient to silence any controversy.
The twenty-one by Giovanni Verga Catania (and Vizzini), whose grandfather was Carbonaro, printed at his expense-just unified Italy in 1861 to the middle class in glorious red shirt of Garibaldi (who, symbol of Italian Masonry nineteenth was elevated to the rank of Master Mason in 1860 alone, conquered Palermo, a well-53 years ... the explanation is given to make the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Freemasonry, although ideally similar, in structure and in men was far from the Italian Carbonari) at Crescenzio Galatola, the novel "The Carbonari of the Mountain", the second and his first in a bright success literature. This book is, with that of Pellicano, the literary manifesto of the Carbonari history. It 'also important because, even under the guise of fiction stage, which then makes it clear that the historiography specify (never quite well, in our opinion), the subsidiary that is primarily English in funding, and then design of selling coal, during the period of the British presence in Sicily by Lord W. Bentinck, the true maker and creator of the Anglo-Carbonari southern Calabria and southern Italy, whose figure was broadly in three years while his government of the island. This policy, according to anti-French, of course, will be continued by Admiral Sidney Smith, chief commander of the British fleet in the Mediterranean (and influential Freemason) so if there was a subsidiary Carbonari-Freemasonry, it must eventually sought overseas, in London and mists in the archives of the United Grand Lodge of England where, even the impulse of Smith, erase reunited with the Ancient Moderns, with the famous 'Act of Union' of 1813, actual date of birth of modern Freemasonry from the 'parent' in Britain.
"My Dear Cousin, where are you from?-From the Forest." What It brings?-Health, Friendship and Fraternity. "Who is your Father? - (The good cousin turns his eyes to heaven)-Who is your mother? (See the Good Earth Cousin). "This excerpt from a ritual Carbonaro, gives the exact idea of \u200b\u200bmysticism and dare we say panic, carbon Naturist Society, in line with the rest of all the fraternities initiation of the ancient world and the modern . The ultimate hope is that, as the cross was to shine like the eye of God "(Carbonari final of the Mountain) in the ideal of the Carbonari, so the common understanding of the many, already ascertained from the history, read the experience Carbonari of the nineteenth century as a noble aspirations, and ever renewed spirit of independence and freedom, but above all the peoples hearts.

Barone di Sealand ( Francesco Giordano )

Nella foto, grembiule del Rito Carbonaro, appartenuto a Ciro Menotti

(Pubblicato su Sicilia Sera n°333 del 3 novembre 2010)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Warhammer Orbital Bombardment Mephiston

Murphy's Law applied to my bathroom

During a black out of my wits, I made the insane decision to remake one of the bathrooms of the house. I also listened to a plumber who ruled insolently: - everything must be done again, change solo le piastrelle sarebbe come mettere la cipra a una vecchia.
Ed ecco, dopo l'ordinazione, mi consegnano varie scatole; ma come recita l'inesorabile legge di Murphy: l'unico pezzo che la fabbrica non spedisce è quello su cui si regge il 75% degli altri (legge della confusione applicata). Manca una parte a incasso: l'idraulico si incassa moltissimo.
Corro dunque dal fornitore, che sta a una quindicina di chilometri, ma quando arrivo mi accorgo di avere le mani stranamente vuote: ho dimenticato la borsa.
Interpretando senza fatica la parte della deficiente, entro allora nel magazzino sperando di poter portare via gratis il pezzo che serve. La commessa mi scruta poco amichevolmente mentre cerco to convince her that my air is not fake airhead. I sign a little 'card, then again with the anxiety that the police stop me (I have no money, driving license, identity card, mobile phone, anything). Pianissimo a feeling I'm going to wait an impaired checkpoint and when you finally do get home a bitter discovery: the plumber has gone away. Recapture lost a plumber is like step into the shoes of Will Coyote and succeeds in only after a series of falls on deaf ears.
then resume work, too bad in my drawer there is not even a thin shirt, may also have its uses, perhaps to retain the electrician. Meanwhile
shows the paved and tells me: - Verrò a fare il lavoro sabato mattina, alle sette e mezza. Si sa che gli idraulici stanno a Bip Bip come i piastrellisti a Speedy Gonzales, per cui accetto con entusiasmo. Sì, però adesso chi informa il resto della famiglia di questo attentato al sacro riposo del sabato? La situazione è delicata, anche perché io sarò a scuola e gli occupanti della casa, non ultimi i gatti, hanno un pessimo rapporto con gli artigiani. Come minimo al mio ritorno nell'impolverata magione troverò un covo di serpenti a sonagli.
Mia nonna aveva proprio ragione, se vuoi augurare una cosa brutta a qualcuno non servono tanti discorsi, basta dire soltanto: Spero che ti vengano i muratori in casa.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Inside Right Foot Pain

Garibaldi honest, in the commemorations of the Italian unit

Sulle ultimi analisi della storiografia dell’Eroe

Garibaldi l’onesto, dall’inizio alla fine dell’impresa dei Mille

Prevale oggi una lettura critica dell’eroica azione che unificò l’Italia, ma nessuno può
mettere in dubbio la rettitudine etica dell’uomo – Soli premi, delle sementi e del caffè -

In questi mesi ferve sulla stampa e nelle commemorazioni ufficiali, occasione il centocinquantenario dell’Unità d’Italia, una rilettura dell’impresa dei Mille, che è alquanto diversa dalla vulgata ufficiale, in vigore sino a circa un ventennio or sono. Ovvero, si discetta –anche a livello accademico, e ciò appare senza dubbio un bene per la storiografia- delle circostanze, molte poco chiare, entro cui si svolse la magnifica azione, che ad opera dell’eroe (mai appellativo fu più meritato) Giuseppe Garibaldi, componeva finalmente il dilacerato quadro geografico della Nazione, nella –ideale più che real, but it was the supreme action, made-Italian team. Work worthy of being in the most radiant pages in history: it is inevitable that work lends itself to a healthy rhetoric is in fact the one hand, that of laudatores that other de 'detractors, it flakes inexorable. The greater part of the documents also of Garibaldi's expedition, starting from the fourth anniversary of Genoa on the same day of the ascent to heaven Titan Napoleon, in 1860, were published by scholars in recent years, and if there was any need , is a place to add that, in each chapter of the human species shares the most important, there are points which must necessarily remain silent in the writings, eloquent in the shares.
Here we believe we have good memory exercise, for the benefit of the reader, recalling where the wave undoubtedly lends itself to the recollection, the absolute figure, in every sense, of Garibaldi, as a perfectly honest man. And 'he not the leader of Europe on which a lot of biographies, the most numerous historians, were written: well, from adverse horizons, all converge on one clear point, ideal vertex of a triangle: the righteousness of adamantine character, who had behind two goals, the Nation and Humanity. It would have been for his human vision can reach both sides if he had not been animated, since from youth pirate (remember that arrives in Sicily, as commander of a group of "pirates bourgeois" in a red shirt, a fifty-three years, tempered by multifarious battles and human pain and social) diana out by this, for a light of virtue as asylum seekers him, namely the principles of honesty, simplicity of manners, a secular ethical and transparent way. Garibaldi still in the XXI century, to a certain vision that rejects even the intelligent part of historical research clerical, anti-Christian goes for a: while attention knows that the student was so tight, and sometimes with unusual ferocity, anticlerical, but never anti-Christian nor anti-Catholic . His faith lay, moreover, he immediately showed nell'accorrere, after the victories that have still incredible, and the yield of Calatafimi the powerful fortress of Palermo, Sicily's capital, in the Cathedral to attend the feast of Santa Rosalia, and pay homage to the beloved saint western Sicily (that they would not or Bakunin, Karl Marx nor certain, who contrary to the coming of Garibaldi in England in 1864, described the ceremonies and the main character a "demonstration of stupidity"). Disconcerting to some, moreover, the contemporary documentation (the "Malta Times" in private correspondence) report once that the head of the Mille you can notice immediately "several monks Franciscans with the cross in one hand and a sword in the other. " One of them, which will become known, including 'John Pantaleo, had the abitufine, usual for him, to celebrate Mass every day in the fields of Garibaldi, the rest varied mix of unbelievers and devout Catholics, men of the doubt and pencolanti toward deism , above all in colorful dress. The
quaestio surging now is to have raised in recent years, research by underground: he had the enterprise of young men in a red shirt volunteers the support, complicity, or even its structure before, in the halls of Foreing Office of His Majesty British nation that was known to be particularly General bound and which he visited in the fifties of the nineteenth century?
sometimes smashing into paper-verbal contortions is useless, if the answers are, as arises for under the gaze of those who want to see. Garibaldi himself, known in his memoirs, he writes, about eleven of the landing at Marsala in May, where two ships of the fleet Bourbon, had (oddly?) Removed just before approaching the Piedmont and Lombardy - come back soon, just finished unloading-, while two British warships steam, the Argus el'Intrepid, anchored in the bay Marsala: "The presence of two sticks somewhat influenced by British war on the determination of comandanti dei legni nemici, naturalmente impazienti di fulminarci, e ciò diede tempo di ultimare lo sbarco nostro. La nobile bandiera di Albione contribuì, anche questa volta, a risparmiare lo spargimento di sangue umano; ed io, beniamino di codesti Signori degli Oceani, fui per la centesima volta il loro protetto”. Anche se subito dopo egli si affretta a precisare, poiché erano nate subito delle polemiche direttamente smentite dal gabinetto inglese, l’inesattezza “che gli inglesi avessero favorito lo sbarco in Marsala direttamente”, è innegabile che l’excusatio non petita dell’ingenuo –ed in ciò riposa la caratura della sua sincerità, della sua schiettezza che gli fece l’anno dipoi gridare in faccia a Cavour, probabilmente provocandone involontariamente la crisi cardiaca e pochissimo dopo la morte, di aver generato una “guerra fratricida”- generale, depone a chiarificazione di molti avvenimenti, i quali non per questo si spogliano della loro avventurosa genialità, del loro coraggio invidiabile. Scrivano pure alcuni che l’oro di Londra, le mene –tutte da provare, ma che non si possono stabilire- della Massoneria corruppero i generali borbonici, segnatamente il Lanza, nel permettere le vittorie dei garibaldini: dai rapporti coevi, pubblicati dagli storici, nessuno può mettere minimamente in dubbio che la pugna del cosiddetto ‘pianto dei Romani’ nelle terrazze digradanti della piana Calatafimi, he saw "the Thousand dressed in civilian clothes, worthy representatives of the people" who "cold-blooded assault heroic position in place, the soldiers of tyranny, brilliant gallons, shoulder pads, and they fugavano! .. the few 'pirates' without gallons and gilding, which was mentioned with solemn contempt, thousands more were against the best troops of Bourbon, with artillery and all that ... a body of civilians, even pirates, inspired by love of country, can So to win too, without much gilding. So the prose of Garibaldi, in his mind. The soldiers of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, is fought with value, but not si attendevano, da una accozzaglia di civili, ben dieci assalti consecutivi alla bajonetta (scrive il coevo il Malta Times).
Il mito era nato, e rimane indelebile. Tutto il seguente, dalla celebre frase di Garibaldi a Bixio, al popolo che lo vedeva come un secondo Messìa, dagli Argonauti alla cerca del vello d’oro alla giubba di Tancredi di Salina, è leggenda o letteratura degli ultimi cento e più anni: bellissime narrazioni, necessarie anzi a forgiare l’animo romantico del popolo e cullare gli ozi dei dotti, ma sempre narrazioni. Il sangue versato tra italiani invece rese triste sempre Garibaldi, che scelse ognora la strada del compromesso, ove possibile, al fine di evitare lo scontro tra popoli che egli inequivocabilmente considered brothers and sons of the same common Mother, Italy. Who could and could doubt the sincerity of his high ideal?
The company performs in the autumn, with the meeting and not a little too idealized for-Tean, the entrance of the Piedmontese troops, forming the annexation to the Kingdom of Italy. Garibaldi was not the same that he proud Republican and manufacturer in the Republic of South Rio Grande de la Plata, Montevideo and defender of the aims of the tyrant Rosas Brazilian (who offered him in those years to become rich and head of the navy of Brazil: others would agree, as now, not Garibaldi pace with the 'poncho' which, relate to the British charge d'affairs in Montevideo, wearing tattered clothes in order to hide, because he had no money to buy more ...) had assumed the Dictatorship of Salemi in Sicily "in the name of Victor Emmanuel King of Italy"? And now he a private citizen, also stripped of the honors that had been offered, and indignantly rejected, as it was in any case an incorruptible (churches only, and not obtained, by politicians of the government that the partisans were placed in the regular army), the island of Caprera, he had chosen as a refuge, as an eagle's peak when resting, but not for long, the weary limbs. There was also the pose, but the sincerity and prevailed outrage, yet tinged with a confident smile (trust that next year would fall projettile body with an Italian rifle, on the slope of the Aspromonte), on the evening of November 9, 1860, when he embarked on the steamer General Washington, to Caprera. When he arrives, Giovanni Pascoli wrote in a happy remembrance, "is happy, lands his prey, the fabled pirate: a bit 'of sugar and coffee, a bale of dried cod, a lot of seed ...." At home "there are no chairs here, the officers of the Washington give them, write on, each, their name". This measure of the man, "human leader," says the Pastures, "calm e sorridente, immerso in una perenne immutevole serenità”. Un uomo di fede, di sentire religioso, molto distante dai confessionalismi che jeri come oggi imperversano ed a volte soffocano gli ideali di Libertà, e possono occultare con funesta tenebra, la Luce perenne. Ma egli con l’intemerato esempio di italiano onesto è sempre lì, nelle piazze, nelle vie, nelle strade e dovrebbe entrare vieppiù nei cuori dei giovani, insegnando con linguaggio che non può ripetersi, quale sia il sentiero da percorrere, verso l’infinito di un sogno che, alfine, si realizza.

Barone di Sealand

Pubblicato su Sicilia Sera n°332 del 5 ottobre 2010

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exhumed Ceausescu in Romania: hidden meaning?

Un capitolo di storia che ritorna dopo venti anni

Riesumato in Romania il cadavere di Ceausescu: quali significati?

Fu un leader amato dalle potenze occidentali, ancorché appartenente al blocco comunista, per le sue posizioni politicamente eterodosse – La crisi attuale romena e le scaturigini occulte -

Quando, una ventina di anni fa, andammo in un pomeriggio d’estate al cimitero ortodosso di Ploiesti, alla periferia nord di Bucarest, capitale della Romania, erasi spenta da pochissimo l’eco della “revoluzia”, ovvero la rivolta popolare che portò alla caduta del regime comunista dopo quarantasei anni, ed alla morte violenta del capo dello stato e del partito, il Presidente Nicolae Ceausescu e la moglie Elena, fucilati il 25 dicembre 1989 dopo un sommario, ed esitante, processo improvvisato. Eravamo lì anche per rendere omaggio a quei poveri resti che, si diceva, senza alcuna indicazione di nome, fossero sepolti: separati, a pochi metri di distanza l’uno dall’altra. Tutti ivi sapevano di chi si trattasse, fra le tombe dei cittadini comuni: pure, correva voce che ivi non fossero stati sepolti i veri coniugi Ceausescu, che governarono la Romania per ventiquattro anni, ma dei sosia, delle controfigure. Tornammo dopo un paio d’anni in quel cimitero: una piccola lapide celebrativa era stata messa a ricordo del late dictator, only for his wife's name inscribed in simple wood.
This story came to us very clear in memory, when in recent weeks, namely July 21, corpses, suspected of Ceausescu were exhumed from their graves that we visited, the order of the Judiciary Romania which since 2004 had received request of the couple's daughter, Zoe, a mathematician (now deceased, the cause was continued by her husband Mircea Opran), who wished to ascertain if indeed the mortal remains of the parents is. It will establish these days of DNA testing, compared evidently the surviving relatives (grandchildren suppose, because his other son, Nicu, is also died of liver cirrhosis, and the third Valentin, and adopted). The event has a couple of days, as it appears, did almost awaken, in an allegorical way, the interest on the one who in life was called the "conducator" and "din geniul Carpathians", fondled by so-called Western powers and governments North Atlantic Treaty and by the United States very well received, as 'rebel' often, also being part of the communist bloc and the Warsaw Pact, under the directives of Moscow. Nicolae Ceausescu came to the leadership of Romania in 1965 after the death of Gheorghe-Dej Gheorghju, a strong Communist bureaucrat inspired by Stalin and then by Khrushchev; first, liberated Romania, better the workers would say, in 1944 by troops of the Red Army was under the hauberk fierce Ana Pauker, an official of the International Red ruthless, that he did not hesitate to send the survivors to death of the former regime, said the exiled King Michael (which is now back living at home), and led the PC Romania, until Stalin had it 'purge', for a softer government, whose summit was a liberal as formal Petru Groza: that according to the agreements of Yalta between Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt. Of
Georghiu Dej Ceausescu was the highest contributor, but just then the Brezhnev began its course in the USSR, while there at the beginning meant innovation then recline freezes of the Cold War of the seventies, the new head of state and Party Romania, had value and momentum pan-nationalist force: during the first occurred in Romania a decade developing the standard of living of the population , therefore, highly centralized socialist state, that even our sources of West praised as the best of all the nations of the communist bloc. While Ceausescu's foreign policy immediately explained his independent refuse to participate in the invasion of Prague in 1968, is aligned with the Western powers (the United States gave to the favored nation clause Romania for trade, as the EEC), he participated regularly Moscow Olympics Boycott (sensation aroused the presence of the teams to Romania Los Angeles in 1984), was received at the White House by Nixon, Carter and Buckhingam palace by Queen Elizabeth, was invested with the patronage of a friend of the central African states (Mobutu was the best ally on the African continent), and while he decided to devote himself to research petrochemicals in the seventies, the debt with the IMF progressed. This does not prevent him from maintaining good diplomatic relations with Israel (the only country in the Soviet bloc), and refused to condemn the actions (especially after the Yom Kippur War). In short, despite the portrayal in recent years has past the clichés of historical, Nicolae Ceausescu was a leader of communist state 'good friend' of the West. Even Italy, which he argued Eurocommunism Berlinguer, his speeches and his poetic prose were translated and appreciated. With Italy and Romania, due to the common linguistic origins, and partly ethnic, Latin, had and still has a privileged relationship. His tragedy was to insist to cover, changing the Constitution with a clause that prevented Romania to contract new external debt (the first article was very new government that succeeded him, changed in the early days of the so-called "revoluzia" which casts suspicion not just about planning for what was essentially a coup d'etat) precisely the debt contracts with the International Monetary Fund: for the Eighties, the Romanians made great efforts (ie that there was no great sacrifice at times of basic necessities ...) to cover all financial corporations of the West, and just late summer of 1989 the debt had been fully recovered. It was no accident that within a few months, twenty years later in circumstances that emerge more clearly, he was assassinated and the new regime opened the seams of the public debt, with the consequences of today. On 25 June, in fact there was an assault on the presidential palace in Bucharest (the same as the last known address of 21 December 1989 Ceausescu, the in cui venne artatamente fischiato da parte della folla) da parte di circa seicento persone, respinto con violenti scontri dalla polizia. I romeni chiedevano al presidente del Consiglio Emil Boc di sospendere le misure del governo che tagliano il 25% degli stipendi ed il 15% delle pensioni; si aggiunge la richiesta al Presidente della Repubblica Basescu, da poco rieletto, di non firmare la legge. Per queste ragioni il Fondo Monetario Internazionale ha chiesto l’approvazione della Corte Costituzionale romena prima di concedere l’ulteriore prestito. In questo frangente attuale, estremamente drammatico per la Romania (denunciato dal PRM, partito Romania Mare, ossia grande,il più numeroso tra le compagini dell’opposizione), si è svolta the 'virtual resurrection' of Nicolae Ceausescu. What is the hidden meaning, behind the veil of official form?
E 'now known by many, that the true rulers of the international governments are not really those that we see in television, but hidden men who never get noticed, but the ranks of the great rulers of the world economy and finance. From many investigations courageous, you know that they gather in groups 'study' and lobbies, such as Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the Council of Foreing Relations, and the like. They are linked, often, by the formation of associations and fraternal bond of Freemasonry, which is a supranational entity and also a center of essential clotting to unite people and ideas would be dispersed and opposite. On the Masonic philosophy, we have nothing to complain, unlike the followers of a conspiracy. We note only that, as is known from related environments, Nicolae Ceausescu (probably his wife Elena: she, however, uneducated but intelligent woman, was the real ruler of the soul of her husband, especially in the last fifteen years, was also a political position, being the first Vice President of the Council) was affiliated to the ancient brotherhood of Masonry International. This then explained, and explains better today, his unorthodox acts in terms of foreign policy. Communist better yet fervent socialist, he had no hesitation in the tie with Nixon and General De Gaulle, though he is a personal friend of the President of East Germany Erich Honecker (who died in exile in Chile in general of anti-Pinochet Chile, after the fall and the dissolution of the GDR: Pinochet is that Honecker , as seems almost certain, they were bound by oath of the Masonic initiation constraint) imposed the profit participation of workers in domestic factories (definitely read the corporate documents of the Italian Social Republic, but was able to apply them ... so it was very well regarded by Ambiente Italia 'right', as it may seem incongruous ...), and was awarded highest honors from the Queen of England ('s Were withdrawn just days before his assassination, as if you knew in high places ...). Yet the same disappearance of the man who established one of the most systematic personality cults of all communist regimes, is surrounded by the aura Masonic: it seems that just before the deadly discharge of musketry, he was singing the Internationale: it is not the Codest 'socialist workers' anthem around the world, whose words were penned by that French workers, Eugene Pottier, known to affiliate (as well as Ho Chi Minh and, probably, Deng Xiaoping) to which the appeal massonofobi the' cult of the snake green ', ie the Grand Orient of France?
Finally, for those who want to read (we are very confident that in international circles of the occult has been given a similar reading) the 'resurrection' of the body of Ceausescu and his wife (if they really are: remember that he, like other famous dictators, he had three or four doubles, one in particular, Andruza, was the twin brother: If you find that the corpses are not real ones, is another mystery in the mystery ...) in the key of esoteric numerology, the 21 (day of the disinterment), seven (month July, and the seventh month after twenty years), and the digits of the year, according to the Major Arcana (and readings Gebelin and Levi) they signified the world, led by well-fenced wagon, che va verso il giudizio, il quale è vicino, comunque orientato da Iside, la papessa, ed Osiride, il mago, attorniati dalla matta folla. Per quei che invece si dilettano di vampirismo (l’eroe nazionale romeno, Vlad Tepesc, cristiano combattente contro i turchi, ha avuto da Bram Stoker la jattura di essere assimilato al personaggio diu Dracula nell’omonimo romanzo ottocentesco: Ceausescu, che pare andasse a ‘rigenerarsi’ esotericamente nel castello di Vlad a Snagov, fu paragonato a Dracula; ma anche Bram Stoker era affiliato all’ordine riservato, e paramassonico, della Golden Dawn…), sia sufficiente la testimonianza di Gelu Voican, oggi ambasciatore romeno in Tunisia e componente del tribunale improvvisato which condemned to death Ceausescu, who said recently that that night you saw disappear and then reappear the bags containing the two bodies: the moon was full. And five days later to bury the body of the former dictator was warm, as if asleep.
We like to remember the man, no doubt guilty of many crimes but also much less criminal than it has said so far, with a poem he wrote in the seventies, to paraphrase (was not this a case for an atheist communist which, however, allowed freedom of worship in the churches, from Catholic to Orthodox synagogues ..) Isaiah 5.4: "Let us draw from cannons tractors \\ lights and nuclear sources, \\ From nuclear missiles \\ plows to work the fields. " If the company today applied Codest precepts, even from a so-called tyrant, many evils would be remedied. St. Teresa of Avila wrote: "If Satan could love," and who says he can not, we would add, "cease to be bad."

Baron of Sealand

Published in Sicily Sera No. 332, October 5, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Run-python From Batch


Due ragazze parlano di quanto sia rintronata la loro professoressa:
-Figurati che in classe stavamo parlando del tiramisù e lei ha detto: “E dopo averne presa una porzione enorme, non usate il coltello per il kamasutra“.
C’è stato un attimo di sbigottimento generale, mentre lei si correggeva: “Harakiri, volevo dire harakiri”.
-Ah ah, kamasutra, non saprà neanche cos’è.
-Ma quanto è scema.
-Harakiri, è un cibo giapponese, vero? Hanno il sushi, il sashimi e l’harakiri.
-Ma cosa dici! L’harakiri è uno sport.

(dialogo ascoltato realmente, on a bus)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Does Herpes Appear On The Stomach?

Exhibition and Seminar on Cholera and revolutions in the Municipal Historical Archives of Catania, Sicily, 25-26 September 2010

part of European Heritage Days 2010 "Treasure Italy Europe "to which the participating Municipality of Catania, Catania, the Municipal Historical Archives of organizing an exhibition and a seminar on "Cholera and Revolutions in Sicily: two disasters in and out of the monasteries in the letters of Verga (1854-1866) '. It is a laudable initiative which Dr. Marcella is the architect primero Minissale, director of the Archives, assisted by the able people. With these events the eternal light always shine Culture obscuring darkness of ignorance.

Here we have the poster of the event.

Speakers: Prof. Antonio Di Silvestro, the Faculty of Arts, University of Catania, on "Moments of religious and family themes Verga"

Dott. Francesco Giordano, giornalista pubblicista studioso di storia patria, sul tema: "Aspetti politico sociali del colera del 1837"

Dott. Giovanni Verga, giornalista pubblicista, pronipote dello scrittore

Leggerà alcuni brani delle lettere in esposizione l'attrice Agata Tarso, della compagnia "Amici del Teatro" di Nicolosi.

Ulteriori informazioni sull'iniziativa possono essere ottenute al seguente indirizzo:www.comune.catania.it/informazioni/news/cultura/musei/archivio-storico/default.aspx?news=16097, ove è la scheda storico tecnica della mostra.

Monday, August 2, 2010

When Do You Use Boxed Heart Conversion?

Ethics between reason and religion

L’esempio deve praticarsi dall’alto

Tornare al giusto concetto di Etica nella ragione e nella religione

I frequenti appelli del Papa alla morale, interpretata dalla dottrina della Chiesa, non hanno
contraltare nel mondo secolarizzato – La parola luminosa del Voltaire e l’accordo fra i giusti -

Le ultime vicende di corruzione che imperversano attraverso la stampa, continuano a trasmettere il messaggio comune che, se la morale popolarmente intesa è in pieno decadimento, non sussiste neppure una autorità superiore che può farsi latrìce di una qualsivoglia interpretazione ed applicazione della medesima, mentre le supreme autorità statali, sin dalla concezione dell’idea pura di Nazione, hanno –specie negli ultimi decenni- affatto rinunziato ad ergersi quali garanti di una corretta applicazione dei cosiddetti principi etici. Per essere più precisi, formuliamo un esempio banale: ove un cittadino ritenga di patire ingiustizia, si rivolge con fiducia alla Magistratura, che è –massime in Italia, poiché, per chi non lo rammenti, è dalla Suprema Corte che deriva il medesimo riconoscimento dello stato repubblicano, nel giugno 1946, ben più pregnante dell’oramai discusso e storicamente falso referendum sulla forma del governo- la garante massima del Diritto. Il quale in certo senso you invest in ethical cognition. And yet, the private lives of the corporation, among many others in Italy but certainly more powerful, the Magistrates can not be the subject of proceedings under the confidentiality and privacy. In other words, those who administer justice and in some sense, morality, can not be a moral issue. Then it turns to religion, and age are the focus of their work, closely related to educational levels: Roman Catholicism in particular, our faith predominates. There are frequent references of the current Holy Father, perhaps more than their predecessors, for a strict application and adheres to Christian values \u200b\u200band Catholic social teaching, this concept that he himself, in an address on May 22 last, has appealed to "World Ethos": "Without the reference point represented by the universal common good can not be said that there is a genuine global ethic and the corresponding will to live, with appropriate institutions. It is then crucial that those assets are identified in which all peoples must have access in their view of human fulfillment ... What, however, is a fundamental priority, in view of the development of the entire family of nations, 's efforts to recognize the true scale of property-values. Only through the correct hierarchy of human goods is impossible to understand what kind of development should be promoted ... It is given especially by the increase in those good choices that are possible when there is the notion of an integral human good, when there is a telos, a purpose, on which light is designed and intended development "(see the participants of the Conference Foundation Centesimus Annus). Benedict XVI also be fine theologian, often back on the relationship between Thomism, rationality and faith (see us sitting on Wednesday, June 16) in specifying the shape of the high Aquinas, has not concealed the important reference to the simultaneous binding principles and ethics in the modern world.
Well-known scandals allignanti also facing the inside, the Church through the Petrine teaching strives to provide, to believers e non credenti, una via non diremmo propriamente solo di salvezza, ma di comportamento specchiato.
Quel che scandalizza in una società fortemente secolarizzata è che il rapporto etico appare assolutamente deficitario, in coloro i quali fanno professione di libero pensiero, di superiorità di atteggiamenti, in un termine di spòcchia intellettuale. Tra codeste categorie, libertine ne’ costumi come nel linguaggio, sono preponderanti i politici della nostra Patria. E’ semplicemente vergognoso sentir ciarlare taluni (non si fanno qui nomi per non insozzare le pagine orgogliose del giornale…) in termini che in altri tempi si sarebbe detto da osterìa, come altri non applicare il precetto senechiano secondo cui ci you should always behave as if we all observe, through the streets of righteousness. Financo there is the righteous behavior of those who dare to stigmatize, to remain in the wake of the Gospel, the splinter in the other, while the beam in his eye is abnormal and macroscopic. The fact is that the teachings of that supreme master to which all must bow, the gentle Rabbi of Nazareth, who often repeated that "he who is without sin among you cast the stone", are the many, and politicians in the first place, not only unfulfilled but betrayed by those maxims, the most guilty, which enclose the sides of the spotless robe of baptism, profess to be Christians and act spargon items as such. While the apostolate has no need of trumpets, no fanfare: a work in silence and prayer of the heart first, the other-then-only those who believe.
"There is a moral one, as there is only one geometry. I will oppose that most people ignore the geometry. It 's true, but every man if we only studied a bit', there is agreement. So farmers, laborers, artisans, have never taken courses on morals, have never read Cicero's De finibus, or the various Ethics of Aristotle: but not just reflect a bit 'on the subject, unwittingly become disciples of Cicero: The Indian dyer, Pastor tartar and the English sailor, recognize the same way right and wrong ... The moral is not superstition, nor in the ceremonies, and has nothing in common with dogma. We will not repeat often enough that while the dogmas of religion are different from each other, the moral is the same among all men who know how to make use of reason. The moral we receive from God, as light. Our superstitions are nothing but darkness. Think, dear reader: apply this truth and pull the consequences'. This is the "morale" of the Philosophical Dictionary of Voltaire, dated 1764: History was never more uncertain, being so large sacrosanct words universal for all peoples and applying to all human being who has the concept of goodness and righteousness well-honed team in shots and a mallet.
Where an enlightened philosopher in the great century, the eighteenth century, has led the way, nowadays only remnants of those who crédonsi's followers could carry the torch. The conciliation important and great that the Church (Second Vatican Council) and representatives from the world of light that never sets, to say the least, allowed to set without hesitation a common path, whose main features may remain hidden, because time of fanaticism are now clearly identified, are still the eternal flame, the Ark of the good order of the people. Still, will not fail to return the serene, and from as from the bottom of the Ethics will be led by leaders, peoples and churches. As it once was since the beginning of time, according to the law of Melchizedek.

Bar.Sea. (Jordan Francis)

Published in Sicily Sera No. 331, August 1, 2010

How Long Can You Be Infected With Chlamydia

Death to pedophile priests: he says the Church

authoritative teaching of the Holy See

Death to the (priests) pedophiles: now says the Church

The prestigious word in the parent repair Scicluna abuse of priests, can be a valuable suggestion to our politicians - Even in ancient times is so punished pederasty -

The part of the public still pervaded by those who once used to establish sound principles, it remains quite horrified to read the information, and operators have a very serious responsibility in this regard- foul deeds of abomination against children, frightening cases of child abuse which are often amplified and sometimes described it 'their gruesome detail, almost a kind of dirty satisfying cravings for knowledge, for certain. Who then has the gift of 'children, and tries to educate them according to the Ethics in an absolute sense, feel such disdain, even if it has blood in his veins, to ask the Almighty to contain: This reaction is believed to be purely human. For our part, and also from these columns, many times we raise our voice to perennial and perpetual condemnation of these murderers, for which a civil state that is said, can only impose the extinction of what is no longer life, but offensive to the genus name: ie, put to death.
Fortunately, state communities supported by the peoples of the subject nations (the United States to Japan, Saudi Arabia, much criticized for other reasons, to China and then the larger population of the Earth) retain their judicial death penalty for crimes so serious and dangerous to society. Sad record in reverse, that of Italy, that many times in international fora, instead of defending the lives of children from conception, there was unworthy spokesman of the abolition of capital punishment, thus sanctioning punishment at all unsuitable for these kinds of crimes. A state ethics can not and must not impose that the extinction of Codest physical beings, that if you exclude themselves from the same human race. Our thoughts, we know to be a minority in Italian public opinion: Epper, even after the newly discovered cases shameful, if the higher religious forum, namely the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, officially expressed, albeit in respect of accused priests and confess of child abuse, to their deaths, the carat weight outline of the question, in our opinion, very much. It would be a good thing that my fellow journalists, accustomed to tinker and toy with amenities, they did bounce continually the words of the promoter of justice, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Father Charles Scicluna, who on May 29 he led a prayer in St. Peter's of reparation for the crimes committed by pedophile priests.
In this authoritative forum, he has said the word of God, for those who believe in the Gospel passage known (by us several times recalled, and finally erected a banner in a perfect manner, by the Holy See) that "whoever causes one of these little ones who believe, and 'it's better for him to put a millstone ass by the neck and thrown into the sea. "Scicluna The Father then explained what should be the attitude towards the priests pedophiles, referring to St. Gregory the Great," who after being brought to a profession of holiness destroys others by word, example, it would be better for him that his misdeeds were the cause of death being secular rather than sacred his office did not require it as an example for others in his sins, because basically if he fell from his torment in hell would only quality more bearable. "According to the promoter of justice appointed by the Pope," the Church has always taken care to children and weak "and considers the child" image of the disciple who wants to be great: receive the kingdom of God like a child with a pure heart is to accept with docility, abandonment, confidence, enthusiasm, hope. "But" this icon is so holy trampled, broken, muddy, abused, destroyed. "why" comes from the heart Jesus 'cry of a deep echo,' Let the children come to me do not stop, do not be stumbling on their way to me, not to hinder their spiritual progress, do not let them be seduced by the devil you do not children of the object of your lust impure ... Welcoming the Kingdom of God like a child is to accept with a pure heart, with gentleness, abandonment, confidence, enthusiasm, hope. The child reminds us all of this. All this makes the child in the eyes of God and precious in the eyes of a true disciple of Jesus As for the land becomes barren and sad the world when this picture was so beautiful and 'trampled ... How many sins in the Church for the arrogance,' s insatiable ambition, the tyranny and injustice of those who take advantage of the ministry for a career, to show off, for trivial reasons and miserable vainglory. "Also the one who arguably be the long arm of Benedict XVI in such cases serious, said another crucial passage of Sacred Scripture, that it is best to expunge the member body that infects the whole, that keep it intact or to isolate the perpetrators. "Several Fathers interpret hand, foot, eye as my friend dear to our heart, with whom we share our lives, we are bound by ties of affection, harmony and brotherhood. There 's a limit to this link ... If my friend, my companion, a person dear to me is for me an occasion of sin, is a stumbling block for me in my travels I have no other choice according to the criterion of the Lord if not to cut this link. Who would deny the agony of such a choice? Is this not a cruel amputation? Yet the Lord is clear: it is better for thee to enter alone into the kingdom, without a hand, without a foot, without an eye, which move in with my friend Geena, into the unquenchable fire. This image so strong of the limbs, body, puts us without too much fuss in front of the mirror of our conscience. "
The Catholic Church guided by the wisdom of Pope Benedict, is really experiencing a new springtime of love and faith, where harsh words out by this but Much needed, you can learn a lesson to the people, especially politicians in our Parliament, many apparently professantisi Christians, should strive to apply even in a secular state that respects the religious sensibility, the indications that come from beyond the Tiber. To which we would like to add the well-known passage from Leviticus on pederasty, transcribed, to more fully effective, in the authentic language of the Magisterium, in Latino: "Qui dormierit cum masculo coitu femineo, uterque operatus est nefas: morte moriantur; sit sanguis eorum super eos" (Lev.20,13).
E se qualche bello spirito avesse da obiettare, anche in senso anticlericale, che le pene anti pederastìa sono inapplicabili a’ tempi moderni, o che da parte della Chiesa non è il caso di insistere, si potrebbero ricordare molti casi in cui lo Stato dell’antica Roma, il quale soggiaceva a ben altra religione che la Cattolica, era assolutamente severo nei confronti dei delitti contro la pudicizia. "Ciò mosse Caio Mario, generale, allorché proclamò la legittimità dell’uccisione del tribuno militare Caio Lusio, figlio di sua sorella, da parte del soldato Caio simple uncle for daring to lure to be raped "(Valerius Maximus, that statement, VI, I 12). The great tradition of the ancient civilizations far more than Christianity, forged strict laws against sex reversal and, because those parts of the assailed population, took care to crack down with greater hardness. Fortunately, in ancient times, there was no amplification of scandalous crimes such as these makes the TV nowadays, despite the almost-spreading form of anodyne service, so of course you can choose what program to follow: the same reasoning applies to the Internet, not demonic in itself, but changing the use to which it is semi- dissolution. It 'so important that by the Holy See, which is waging a holy battle against the perversions of the world and its the same body (mystical reading of the believer), coupled with the equally sacred for the recovery of the ancient liturgy Latin language, thanks to the Motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum" who wants to celebrate the pre-conciliar rite alongside the ordinary in local languages, there has been such a magisterial authoritative indication of a clear path and clear from all forms of deviation and inferior laxity . The present time, never forgetting the message of love suggests that tolerance does not allow the rest further hesitation. Words dure e chiare, in evo oscuro. Ove senza alcun dubbio, anche tra le tempeste e le procelle quasi misteriose e la sfiducia che avvolge ciascuno nei momenti buj, mai è assente quella mano fraterna, quella Luce dell’Angelo, che presiede al reggimento degli universi. Con le ispirate parole di Gerolamo Savonarola (dalle Meditazioni sul Salmo 50): "L’abisso della misericordia è più grande dell’abisso della miseria, perciò l’abisso colmi l’abisso, l’abisso della misericordia colmi l’abisso della miseria".

Barone di Sealand (Francesco Giordano)

Pubblicato su Sicilia Sera n° 331, August 1, 2010

Size Of Monopoly Porperty Cards

Carlo Delcroix, hero of Italy and bard of pain

A soldier and hero now forgotten

Carlo Delcroix, bard of Pain

gloriously maimed in the Great War, was able to ascend to the heights of lyrical narrative
and was a symbol of the Invalides military causes - His ever-living word -

When the Lord went black enough to snatch the feeble body of the god in human form, it is natural that he resists extreme battle, but if the you win, would always be the sign. Supreme skill of the soul is to transfuse the scar, the mark of everlasting Darkness in infinite Light who can drink the miserable, the other brothers affected by pain. Could be condensed so the apostolic life of Charles Delcroix, military heroism, great Italian silver medal for Valor, a figure at the present day-in times of forgetfulness of shining examples of patriotism-mindless forgotten by many, but remembered by those who still believe the sublime virtues of sacrifice that makes a saint, in this example is to govern the survivors. In a time where some, with great difficulty, he endeavored to celebrate the one hundred fiftieth anniversary of Italian unity, while others undermine artfully, it seems to us absolutely necessary to remember this great son of our motherland, che visse sino a non molti anni fa, martoriato sì nel corpo ma lucidissimo nell’anima, trasparente megafono della vita come era anche ferita vivente della violenza che gli ghermì, senza tuttavolta fiaccarlo, le carni.
Come spiegare a’ giovani del XXI secolo chi fu, chi è ancora Carlo Delcroix? Si risponderebbe subito, senza retorica ma con convinzione assoluta: un eroe. Un eroe vero, non costrùtto nel mito, non incasellato in una bolgia di ipocrisie, non immerso in un oceano di menzogne: un eroe autentico, un apostolo del Dolore, questo "dio senza altari", come egli scrisse, che diede forza e vividità a coloro che come lui furono duramente colpiti dalla guerra. Poiché se vi fu conflitto che chiuse il Renaissance and cement forever the unity of Italy in recent weeks that we celebrate, sometimes without memory, this was the first, or the so-called "Great War". In that battle and deadly earnest of blood and glory, tens of migliaja of Italians, from the Deep South to northern lands, unironsi the Supreme Command of the King-who really personified the strength then, the lighthouse of the Nation: that King soldier was among them, in the trenches, at the conference in Peschiera defended almost Country dall'arretramento also wanted by the Allies, that Vittorio Emanuele III, who years later still guaranteed, but on the little person with his acciajo, the continuity of the state, as well as President Emeritus Ciampi has publicly acknowledged in 2003 - to accomplish the inevitable destiny. Battle felt like it was not the second war battle Holocaust, when many jumped into the burning ecstasy.
Among the many, the lieutenant of the 3rd Sharpshooters Carlo Delcroix of Florence, where he was born in August 1896, Belgian father, Italian mother: coll'ardore of twenty years had performed courageous service in the Alps, the Marmolada, conquered Col di Lana. And it was an unfortunate exercise in order to save the lives of soldiers, the incident that took place that the mutilated hands and deprived him of sight. So the story of his colleague Lieutenant Minghetti, "Delcroix was the snow, in a pool of blood. He had lost his hands and eyes and appeared injured in many other parts of the body ... limp and lifeless eyes were blood-soaked black, face and lips were swollen as the blaze burned 's explosion. Hundreds of the fragments were embedded in the whole body, especially in the 'abdomen and chest, with deep wounds ... The stumps of the arms showed a bloody mixture of muscles, tendons, nerves and bones broken up violently. "Despite the enormous losses blood, the irrepressible youth ordered him to live, and he lived. He was a devotee of the studies, and graduated in Literature and in Law. Mutilus and blind, was not in oratory, where he became teacher with unexpected skill: uttered fiery speeches to the military and civilians, in a few years became a symbol of the Maimed in Italy, where the National Association was the founder and President. Also founded and chaired the Italian Blind Union. He had a brilliant rhetoric, and escaped to the honor that's bestowed Fascism: after all, it was the regime of Benito Mussolini who had given shelter and surrender to the veterans, the disabled, war wounded, framing not only in terms and administrative work in the new nation formed by the corporate state, but had made almost a flag, a national claims of the powerful mystique. Carlo Delcroix nevertheless had a Assaji decisive and strong personality to succumb completely fascist authoritarianism. The rest of her figure was always above any suspicion of partisanship, unanimously recognized as a unifying and symbolic of the mutilated combatants authentic heroes of the Fatherland. Therefore Maimed also remained President of the Second World War, and in 1953 became Member of Parliament for the National Monarchist Party. He was a staunch supporter of the sacred figure of the Savoy monarchy which glue necessary to the construction of the country, and remained, in speeches for all Sixties held in the squares of the nation, for the PNM and then PDIUM, also known as "Stella and Corona ". Married and the father of offspring, Carlo Delcroix si spegneva ottantenne a Firenze nell’ottobre del 1977.
A noi rimane indelebile la sua parola di letterato: perché la vena poetica del Delcroix fu fervida e feconda. Chi ancor oggi, non più ristampati ma presenti nei negozi di libri vecchi, si imbatte ne "I miei Canti", in "Un uomo ed un popolo" (biografia di Mussolini commovente, alcune pagine della quale divennero antologiche: "Io non ho mai visto il Duce, ma dalla sua voce…") e "Quando c’era il Re", per citare tre fra i suoi molti libri, scopre una umanità immensa tra le piaghe dilacerate di un uomo felice anche nella sua sofferenza, e profondamente cristiano. Il libro che più disvela l’animo del letterato Delcroix è per noi "Sette Saints without candles, 1925, published, like almost everyone, from Vallecchi of Florence in its narrative in the vein of part-dannunziana pitch later when we discover the influences of the Papini-dissolves into a lyrical prose infinite, almost sperdentesi between pages but coll'immancabile thread of conviction of being the herald, the voice of incorruptible people who have no voice, the "saints without candles" in fact, the maimed who returned to their homes and have, after having shed their blood for the country, entitled to those awards that do not go out after the usual whining of the immediate. "Who knows in the iron chain hammering arms and crowns or in prison can carve stone images, and are, who knows how to draw nourishment from his wounds and inspiration from his sentence, will never be beaten, never conquered. And I'm not blind and I walk because I believe, are not a victim because lot and I love, I am not a beggar because I can and giving, I am a man to be envied or pitied, like all men, with a win more less with a weapon .... "He realizes that the monument of human suffering, the pain, he deserted the altars: it is then a priest of this god:" The man raised his stakes and are erected to all the gods but not never raised a temple to the pain: this unknown god visited people through the ages and had no home nor believers but found his revenge e la sua vittoria sono nella stessa incomprensione di quanti deprecando lo chiamano e rinnegando lo confessano non accorti di esserne invasi fino al delirio e posseduti fino allo spavento. Nessuno vi crede e tutti lo temono, nessuno lo accetta e tutti lo sentono che mai dio ebbe più testimoni e meno credenti". Adesso che si tenta pure di nascondere i testimoni contemporanei del dolore, esaltando quasi all’inverosimile il piacere pur di mascherare il resto, la voce di Carlo Delcroix appare quasi necessaria, forse più del tempo suo. Perché quando "l’umanità sarà sempre triste ma meno vile" avrà accettato, come nel dettato cristiano, il sacrificio quale "non più fato ma provvidenza: il dolore riconosciuto nume scopre il secret of his chain, announces the gifts of his penis and the regret turns into hope and the need for love. "
Delcroix's poetry is ultimately a motionless flight, in the wake of the great Italian, to the sublime purity of the wing:" I am not what more tight \\ chest in the anguish of greeting; \\ I am new, unknown child, \\ perhaps more than you expect ... nothing has changed on the hearth, \\ you are left in me that day as \\ e although I do not find me I can find; \\ give me your hand and let me go around, \\ are not yet tired of trying "(dedicated to his mother, his other son, by my songs). mists of time agonizing, even long eclipse , Codest: nevertheless, that "blood is purple in the sun", in gratitude to the soul of Delcroix, you need to keep on hoping to start a daily sprinkling of renewed life.

Baron of Sealand (Jordan Francis)

Published in Sicily Sera No. 331, August 1, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

How To Tell If You Have A Tumor


What do you do if you find a kitten and live with a man who is not a gattofilo like you? Prepare a strategic plan, weave a plot, in short, devise something (after all, the queen of the vacuum cleaner and mop you). Justifications
to extract to the sleeve axis:
- the animal that you see on the couch is stuffed;
- yes, well, actually moves, but do not worry, it's a friend, is playing for around the world, if the balloon will not have failures, including eighty days will come to take it back;
- and we think the savings in power if we will use it in the fall as scaldasonno?
- yes, I admit I'm cheating, the truth is otherwise: I signed a contract with Discovery Channel, which will make a documentary on the effect of frisee valley fog in the hair of cats.
course, at that point, the landlord will assume an air of annoyance, but you convince yourself that it will make a right. And in a sign of gratitude will give him a nice halo friendly solar panels, with lights flashing. Come in handy next Christmas, because, with a house full of cats, not convenient to do the tree: the cats would now the fastest and disastrous to bring it down.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

14 Year Old Mastubate

Benedict XVI Virgin

Five years of intensive pontificate

Benedict XVI, a man only

Required fraternal solidarity with the Pope that
courage and determination to fight against the evils of the Church is also evil - Little obedience -

When, in April five years ago, St. Peter's exit from the chimney of the fatal 'white smoke' and the new Pope appeared on the balcony Central San Pietro, I want all that Joseph Ratzinger chose the glorious name of the patron saint of Europe and fidei defensor of the Christian tradition of the West, we help him on the path and increasing the awareness of what the believer appeals to faith, what he calls the dubious ethics, of that certain 'quid' and the Gnostic, appeals knowledge. After five years, appears Sadly, as we believe, in many places even inside the church and priestly body, the action often silent but lately vigorous renewal of the tradition, Benedict XVI, is opposed and vigorously opposed even by those who intend to thrive on certain past attitudes. It is without critical issue for either of the aspects, but striving to be objective. Especially in the face of the over twenty-six years of the pontificate of John Paul II, who, fortunately, no one advocated-as-someone called 'the Great' is large and less desire for holiness.
contradictions, even the obvious antithetical visions that Benedict XVI and John Paul II led the way to govern the Church as never before in recent months emerged with 'the clear yes. You will note that, in these columns, at the time of his election as already pointed out that Pope Ratzinger would prove much more than its predecessor and it did. And yet, while the analysis was just one of the greatest contemporary theologians, the eminent Professor Hans Kung, the bankruptcy judge for the respect of the progress of Catholicism, Pope John Paul II, we differ from the same court that has the same prof.Kung weeks made about the recent former colleague at the University of Tubingen, now Santo Padre. E’ stato, più di ogni altro problema, l’affare insanguinato e doorosissimo della pedofilia, lo spartiacque indiscusso che ha permesso anche ai tentennanti ed agli incerti, di comprendere il vero ‘carattere’ del pontificato di Benedetto XVI ed il suo privato, non pertanto impossibile da condividere, dramma personale ed umano. Così la giornata organizzata nelle scorse settimane di maggio, a pro della persona del Pontefice, ha nelle immagini televisive restituito il volto di un signore anziano di oltre ottant’anni, evidentemente compiaciuto e confortato dalle espressioni affettuose che delegazioni di tutta Italia gli hanno pòrto in piazza San Pietro, volendo dirgli "ti siamo vicini in un momento di grande dolore collective '. It is the closeness, even here made explicit, for one man who drives a ship in stormy waters, with sailors often rebel, rebellious, ready to act as the Judas Gospel.
therefore not repeat it again "a Pope that failed "(this was true for Wojtyla), but being next to one man, who is fighting openly and" as sheep among wolves "(it is now clear the meaning of his words seemed so enigmatic, shortly after the election), a perilous battle at all, where greater part of its clergy, it looks good from exercising the virtue of obedience and to question the actions of the last decades, for fear of withdrawal temporal power, direct child of the "father of lies", the devil, who has successfully bought the soul of many. It 'was very clear, the Holy Father, nell'Angelus of Sunday, May 16: "The evil to be fought is sin .. sometimes present among members of the Church ...." It is true that, in particular the mercy of the inevitable ambiguities of actual permanent service in the anticlerical press, which serves the powers-zealots of secularism by trade, far more dangerous in recent years, a dogma which also allows, under certain limits, the manifestation of a thought, and even free in some form, after Vatican II, has pertinent all'eterodossìa- obviously pleased reported episodes of disgusting corruption of priests, nuns and sometimes to the detriment of children, in the name of the statistics must honestly admit that they are minimum, compared with so-called 'psychological abuse' (slaps or other), counted to make mass in the group of sex scandals.
It 's a personal attack to Benedict XVI, who, as has been said, very precise and very clear for principals. As this is not the forum of any ecclesiastical body, we can put it bluntly: even the very strong power groups of the Church (see the case of the infamous head of the Legionaries of Christ) entwined in mortal embrace the Pope Wojtyla, can not forgive the intransigence personal and ethical rigor of Joseph Ratzinger Pontifex Maximus, and make every effort to undermine the authority where it appears, as in the case of the recent visit to Malta, strengthened. In the latter predicament, never witnessed in the past-not to remind that 'repentance' or so-called facts that occurred centuries earlier, while not lacking the positive aspects of Pope John Paul II, we have also been very critical of his reign, was moved to expansions tears as happened in recent weeks in the very Catholic Malta, the Pope during his meeting with some victims of sexual abuse by priests. The same former victims later told reporters the poignant cry of the elderly Pope, and his solemn promise: "I will ensure that never happens again." He is a man to keep what he says. Moreover, even the much criticized approach of pedophilia, including clerical, with the homosexuality, it comes from the minds artfully crammed with prejudices, but from the Bible, from the fact its oldest: "If one lies with a male as one lies with a woman , both commit an abomination: they shall die, they fall on their blood "(Leviticus 20, 13). The words of Moses are very clear, and Jesus: "But who scandalize one of these little ones which believe in me, it would be better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea ... I say in fact that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven "(Mt 18, 6-10). The whole step of the Divine Master is an eloquence without frills and would be the case that even the secular law would punish the murderers pedophiles methods with exactly the same as those suggested by him.
Loneliness of Pope Benedict is also where the moon, moved the field from the decisive action taken pedophilia, it is noted how his orders in terms of teaching are not applied only in small part: the evidence is sufficient that the motu proprio "Summorum Pontificorum" his control issued three years ago, namely the obligation per ogni diocesi di celebrare la Messa secondo il rito tridentino, quindi in lingua latina come avveniva prima della riforma conciliare, è in molte parti d’Europa disatteso, quando non vilipeso e criticato apertis verbis. Per fortuna in Italia, qui e la, si avvertono intenzioni positive: a Bologna persino il Cardinale Arcivescovo Caffarra, dopo aver disposto che ogni domenica la Messa latina, già affollata da molti giovani, sia celebrata in una chiesa, ha egli stesso concelebrato secondo l’intramontato rito, dando un luminoso esempio ai confratelli delle altre diocesi della nostra Patria.
Non che Papa Ratzinger sia esente da errori: notammo infatti che, forse per la sua formazione inserita da molti decenni nelle gerarchie della Santa Sede, poco o punto incisiva è la parola sua intorno al dilacerante problema del lavoro e della disoccupazione, che nella Italia di oggi colpisce le fasce sociali più deboli e sempre meno tutelate: mentre la Chiesa se tende a tamponare con soluzioni in stile Caritas (fra l’altro sovvenzionata dagli enti pubblici dello Stato), non alza solennemente la voce con l’enfasi che servirebbe, contro gli sfruttatori del lavoro in ogni forma. Persino Pio XII negli anni dell’immediato dopoguerra, era affatto incisivo in tal senso, anche per contrastare il sindacalismo comunista. Inoltre, le mancate chiarificazioni del Santo Padre sull’annoso problema del matrimonio (e delle sue conseguenze, mentre si diffondono sempre più i divorzi cumbersome with the annulment, which should be simplified to revive new marriages, and above all to free the Church from the yoke of Mammon), reported that "free from the pumps of Satan" in the homily Benedict XVI recalled the night of Easter just passed by linking it to Baptism and the book of Enoch: For those who have not understood, a text considered apocryphal, but full of esoteric mysticism, for example, took over from another bench of the Petrine teaching. And if
"reconstruct Christ's robe," as Benedict XVI said not long at Lourdes, is above all the task of baptized Christians, we realize how many tears MISUSE as its symbol, has agreed with copious perdite di sangue: ogni sforzo deve auspicarsi, senza deflettere di un millimetro, per recuperare le forze e le stille di codesto liquido vitale. Il canale primo e privilegiato è, come jeri come sempre, la Grande Madre: Vergine beatissima dei popoli e delle nazioni, perpetuo soccorso di coloro che la invocano con fiducia, rosa mistica al centro della croce dalle eguali braccia che comprendono l’universo intiero: "sicut in caelo et in terra". Era la medesima divisa della Tabula Smaralgdina: "come in alto così in basso, per la bellezza dell’Unità".

Barone di Sealand (Francesco Giordano)

Pubblicato su Sicilia Sera No. 330, July 4, 2010