Monday, August 2, 2010

How Long Can You Be Infected With Chlamydia

Death to pedophile priests: he says the Church

authoritative teaching of the Holy See

Death to the (priests) pedophiles: now says the Church

The prestigious word in the parent repair Scicluna abuse of priests, can be a valuable suggestion to our politicians - Even in ancient times is so punished pederasty -

The part of the public still pervaded by those who once used to establish sound principles, it remains quite horrified to read the information, and operators have a very serious responsibility in this regard- foul deeds of abomination against children, frightening cases of child abuse which are often amplified and sometimes described it 'their gruesome detail, almost a kind of dirty satisfying cravings for knowledge, for certain. Who then has the gift of 'children, and tries to educate them according to the Ethics in an absolute sense, feel such disdain, even if it has blood in his veins, to ask the Almighty to contain: This reaction is believed to be purely human. For our part, and also from these columns, many times we raise our voice to perennial and perpetual condemnation of these murderers, for which a civil state that is said, can only impose the extinction of what is no longer life, but offensive to the genus name: ie, put to death.
Fortunately, state communities supported by the peoples of the subject nations (the United States to Japan, Saudi Arabia, much criticized for other reasons, to China and then the larger population of the Earth) retain their judicial death penalty for crimes so serious and dangerous to society. Sad record in reverse, that of Italy, that many times in international fora, instead of defending the lives of children from conception, there was unworthy spokesman of the abolition of capital punishment, thus sanctioning punishment at all unsuitable for these kinds of crimes. A state ethics can not and must not impose that the extinction of Codest physical beings, that if you exclude themselves from the same human race. Our thoughts, we know to be a minority in Italian public opinion: Epper, even after the newly discovered cases shameful, if the higher religious forum, namely the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, officially expressed, albeit in respect of accused priests and confess of child abuse, to their deaths, the carat weight outline of the question, in our opinion, very much. It would be a good thing that my fellow journalists, accustomed to tinker and toy with amenities, they did bounce continually the words of the promoter of justice, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Father Charles Scicluna, who on May 29 he led a prayer in St. Peter's of reparation for the crimes committed by pedophile priests.
In this authoritative forum, he has said the word of God, for those who believe in the Gospel passage known (by us several times recalled, and finally erected a banner in a perfect manner, by the Holy See) that "whoever causes one of these little ones who believe, and 'it's better for him to put a millstone ass by the neck and thrown into the sea. "Scicluna The Father then explained what should be the attitude towards the priests pedophiles, referring to St. Gregory the Great," who after being brought to a profession of holiness destroys others by word, example, it would be better for him that his misdeeds were the cause of death being secular rather than sacred his office did not require it as an example for others in his sins, because basically if he fell from his torment in hell would only quality more bearable. "According to the promoter of justice appointed by the Pope," the Church has always taken care to children and weak "and considers the child" image of the disciple who wants to be great: receive the kingdom of God like a child with a pure heart is to accept with docility, abandonment, confidence, enthusiasm, hope. "But" this icon is so holy trampled, broken, muddy, abused, destroyed. "why" comes from the heart Jesus 'cry of a deep echo,' Let the children come to me do not stop, do not be stumbling on their way to me, not to hinder their spiritual progress, do not let them be seduced by the devil you do not children of the object of your lust impure ... Welcoming the Kingdom of God like a child is to accept with a pure heart, with gentleness, abandonment, confidence, enthusiasm, hope. The child reminds us all of this. All this makes the child in the eyes of God and precious in the eyes of a true disciple of Jesus As for the land becomes barren and sad the world when this picture was so beautiful and 'trampled ... How many sins in the Church for the arrogance,' s insatiable ambition, the tyranny and injustice of those who take advantage of the ministry for a career, to show off, for trivial reasons and miserable vainglory. "Also the one who arguably be the long arm of Benedict XVI in such cases serious, said another crucial passage of Sacred Scripture, that it is best to expunge the member body that infects the whole, that keep it intact or to isolate the perpetrators. "Several Fathers interpret hand, foot, eye as my friend dear to our heart, with whom we share our lives, we are bound by ties of affection, harmony and brotherhood. There 's a limit to this link ... If my friend, my companion, a person dear to me is for me an occasion of sin, is a stumbling block for me in my travels I have no other choice according to the criterion of the Lord if not to cut this link. Who would deny the agony of such a choice? Is this not a cruel amputation? Yet the Lord is clear: it is better for thee to enter alone into the kingdom, without a hand, without a foot, without an eye, which move in with my friend Geena, into the unquenchable fire. This image so strong of the limbs, body, puts us without too much fuss in front of the mirror of our conscience. "
The Catholic Church guided by the wisdom of Pope Benedict, is really experiencing a new springtime of love and faith, where harsh words out by this but Much needed, you can learn a lesson to the people, especially politicians in our Parliament, many apparently professantisi Christians, should strive to apply even in a secular state that respects the religious sensibility, the indications that come from beyond the Tiber. To which we would like to add the well-known passage from Leviticus on pederasty, transcribed, to more fully effective, in the authentic language of the Magisterium, in Latino: "Qui dormierit cum masculo coitu femineo, uterque operatus est nefas: morte moriantur; sit sanguis eorum super eos" (Lev.20,13).
E se qualche bello spirito avesse da obiettare, anche in senso anticlericale, che le pene anti pederastìa sono inapplicabili a’ tempi moderni, o che da parte della Chiesa non è il caso di insistere, si potrebbero ricordare molti casi in cui lo Stato dell’antica Roma, il quale soggiaceva a ben altra religione che la Cattolica, era assolutamente severo nei confronti dei delitti contro la pudicizia. "Ciò mosse Caio Mario, generale, allorché proclamò la legittimità dell’uccisione del tribuno militare Caio Lusio, figlio di sua sorella, da parte del soldato Caio simple uncle for daring to lure to be raped "(Valerius Maximus, that statement, VI, I 12). The great tradition of the ancient civilizations far more than Christianity, forged strict laws against sex reversal and, because those parts of the assailed population, took care to crack down with greater hardness. Fortunately, in ancient times, there was no amplification of scandalous crimes such as these makes the TV nowadays, despite the almost-spreading form of anodyne service, so of course you can choose what program to follow: the same reasoning applies to the Internet, not demonic in itself, but changing the use to which it is semi- dissolution. It 'so important that by the Holy See, which is waging a holy battle against the perversions of the world and its the same body (mystical reading of the believer), coupled with the equally sacred for the recovery of the ancient liturgy Latin language, thanks to the Motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum" who wants to celebrate the pre-conciliar rite alongside the ordinary in local languages, there has been such a magisterial authoritative indication of a clear path and clear from all forms of deviation and inferior laxity . The present time, never forgetting the message of love suggests that tolerance does not allow the rest further hesitation. Words dure e chiare, in evo oscuro. Ove senza alcun dubbio, anche tra le tempeste e le procelle quasi misteriose e la sfiducia che avvolge ciascuno nei momenti buj, mai è assente quella mano fraterna, quella Luce dell’Angelo, che presiede al reggimento degli universi. Con le ispirate parole di Gerolamo Savonarola (dalle Meditazioni sul Salmo 50): "L’abisso della misericordia è più grande dell’abisso della miseria, perciò l’abisso colmi l’abisso, l’abisso della misericordia colmi l’abisso della miseria".

Barone di Sealand (Francesco Giordano)

Pubblicato su Sicilia Sera n° 331, August 1, 2010


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