Monday, August 2, 2010

When Do You Use Boxed Heart Conversion?

Ethics between reason and religion

L’esempio deve praticarsi dall’alto

Tornare al giusto concetto di Etica nella ragione e nella religione

I frequenti appelli del Papa alla morale, interpretata dalla dottrina della Chiesa, non hanno
contraltare nel mondo secolarizzato – La parola luminosa del Voltaire e l’accordo fra i giusti -

Le ultime vicende di corruzione che imperversano attraverso la stampa, continuano a trasmettere il messaggio comune che, se la morale popolarmente intesa è in pieno decadimento, non sussiste neppure una autorità superiore che può farsi latrìce di una qualsivoglia interpretazione ed applicazione della medesima, mentre le supreme autorità statali, sin dalla concezione dell’idea pura di Nazione, hanno –specie negli ultimi decenni- affatto rinunziato ad ergersi quali garanti di una corretta applicazione dei cosiddetti principi etici. Per essere più precisi, formuliamo un esempio banale: ove un cittadino ritenga di patire ingiustizia, si rivolge con fiducia alla Magistratura, che è –massime in Italia, poiché, per chi non lo rammenti, è dalla Suprema Corte che deriva il medesimo riconoscimento dello stato repubblicano, nel giugno 1946, ben più pregnante dell’oramai discusso e storicamente falso referendum sulla forma del governo- la garante massima del Diritto. Il quale in certo senso you invest in ethical cognition. And yet, the private lives of the corporation, among many others in Italy but certainly more powerful, the Magistrates can not be the subject of proceedings under the confidentiality and privacy. In other words, those who administer justice and in some sense, morality, can not be a moral issue. Then it turns to religion, and age are the focus of their work, closely related to educational levels: Roman Catholicism in particular, our faith predominates. There are frequent references of the current Holy Father, perhaps more than their predecessors, for a strict application and adheres to Christian values \u200b\u200band Catholic social teaching, this concept that he himself, in an address on May 22 last, has appealed to "World Ethos": "Without the reference point represented by the universal common good can not be said that there is a genuine global ethic and the corresponding will to live, with appropriate institutions. It is then crucial that those assets are identified in which all peoples must have access in their view of human fulfillment ... What, however, is a fundamental priority, in view of the development of the entire family of nations, 's efforts to recognize the true scale of property-values. Only through the correct hierarchy of human goods is impossible to understand what kind of development should be promoted ... It is given especially by the increase in those good choices that are possible when there is the notion of an integral human good, when there is a telos, a purpose, on which light is designed and intended development "(see the participants of the Conference Foundation Centesimus Annus). Benedict XVI also be fine theologian, often back on the relationship between Thomism, rationality and faith (see us sitting on Wednesday, June 16) in specifying the shape of the high Aquinas, has not concealed the important reference to the simultaneous binding principles and ethics in the modern world.
Well-known scandals allignanti also facing the inside, the Church through the Petrine teaching strives to provide, to believers e non credenti, una via non diremmo propriamente solo di salvezza, ma di comportamento specchiato.
Quel che scandalizza in una società fortemente secolarizzata è che il rapporto etico appare assolutamente deficitario, in coloro i quali fanno professione di libero pensiero, di superiorità di atteggiamenti, in un termine di spòcchia intellettuale. Tra codeste categorie, libertine ne’ costumi come nel linguaggio, sono preponderanti i politici della nostra Patria. E’ semplicemente vergognoso sentir ciarlare taluni (non si fanno qui nomi per non insozzare le pagine orgogliose del giornale…) in termini che in altri tempi si sarebbe detto da osterìa, come altri non applicare il precetto senechiano secondo cui ci you should always behave as if we all observe, through the streets of righteousness. Financo there is the righteous behavior of those who dare to stigmatize, to remain in the wake of the Gospel, the splinter in the other, while the beam in his eye is abnormal and macroscopic. The fact is that the teachings of that supreme master to which all must bow, the gentle Rabbi of Nazareth, who often repeated that "he who is without sin among you cast the stone", are the many, and politicians in the first place, not only unfulfilled but betrayed by those maxims, the most guilty, which enclose the sides of the spotless robe of baptism, profess to be Christians and act spargon items as such. While the apostolate has no need of trumpets, no fanfare: a work in silence and prayer of the heart first, the other-then-only those who believe.
"There is a moral one, as there is only one geometry. I will oppose that most people ignore the geometry. It 's true, but every man if we only studied a bit', there is agreement. So farmers, laborers, artisans, have never taken courses on morals, have never read Cicero's De finibus, or the various Ethics of Aristotle: but not just reflect a bit 'on the subject, unwittingly become disciples of Cicero: The Indian dyer, Pastor tartar and the English sailor, recognize the same way right and wrong ... The moral is not superstition, nor in the ceremonies, and has nothing in common with dogma. We will not repeat often enough that while the dogmas of religion are different from each other, the moral is the same among all men who know how to make use of reason. The moral we receive from God, as light. Our superstitions are nothing but darkness. Think, dear reader: apply this truth and pull the consequences'. This is the "morale" of the Philosophical Dictionary of Voltaire, dated 1764: History was never more uncertain, being so large sacrosanct words universal for all peoples and applying to all human being who has the concept of goodness and righteousness well-honed team in shots and a mallet.
Where an enlightened philosopher in the great century, the eighteenth century, has led the way, nowadays only remnants of those who crédonsi's followers could carry the torch. The conciliation important and great that the Church (Second Vatican Council) and representatives from the world of light that never sets, to say the least, allowed to set without hesitation a common path, whose main features may remain hidden, because time of fanaticism are now clearly identified, are still the eternal flame, the Ark of the good order of the people. Still, will not fail to return the serene, and from as from the bottom of the Ethics will be led by leaders, peoples and churches. As it once was since the beginning of time, according to the law of Melchizedek.

Bar.Sea. (Jordan Francis)

Published in Sicily Sera No. 331, August 1, 2010


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