Monday, September 20, 2010

Does Herpes Appear On The Stomach?

Exhibition and Seminar on Cholera and revolutions in the Municipal Historical Archives of Catania, Sicily, 25-26 September 2010

part of European Heritage Days 2010 "Treasure Italy Europe "to which the participating Municipality of Catania, Catania, the Municipal Historical Archives of organizing an exhibition and a seminar on "Cholera and Revolutions in Sicily: two disasters in and out of the monasteries in the letters of Verga (1854-1866) '. It is a laudable initiative which Dr. Marcella is the architect primero Minissale, director of the Archives, assisted by the able people. With these events the eternal light always shine Culture obscuring darkness of ignorance.

Here we have the poster of the event.

Speakers: Prof. Antonio Di Silvestro, the Faculty of Arts, University of Catania, on "Moments of religious and family themes Verga"

Dott. Francesco Giordano, giornalista pubblicista studioso di storia patria, sul tema: "Aspetti politico sociali del colera del 1837"

Dott. Giovanni Verga, giornalista pubblicista, pronipote dello scrittore

Leggerà alcuni brani delle lettere in esposizione l'attrice Agata Tarso, della compagnia "Amici del Teatro" di Nicolosi.

Ulteriori informazioni sull'iniziativa possono essere ottenute al seguente, ove è la scheda storico tecnica della mostra.


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