Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hypersomnia And Elderly

the Pope against anonymous funds, but if the IOR ... Acquitted

Intorno alle operazioni finanziarie della Chiesa

Il Papa tuona contro i capitali anonimi: e lo IOR?

La banca ‘di Dio’ è un vero e proprio paradiso fiscale ed i movimenti di essa non sono
soggetti né a ricevute, né a tracciamento – Essere ed apparire -

Alla recente settimana sociale dei cattolici svoltasi a Reggio Calabria, nella sua conclusione il Santo Padre ha invitato a rendere incisivo l’impegno nella politica, nel sociale, nelle istituzioni, da parte di una nuova classe precipuamente di giovani, che facciano scaturire il senso autentico del messaggio cristiano. In frangenti quanto mai chiari di assoluta crisi, quasi vacatio, etica, è un auspicio condivisibile. The lines had been drawn in recent months: Epper it seems important affirmation of speech 'arm', pronounced by the Pope a few days before opening the Synod of Bishops of the Middle East between the false gods that oppress the world, Benedict XVI said: "We think of the great powers of history today. Think of the anonymous capital that enslave men, who are no longer things of men, but an anonymous power by which men are enslaved, tortured, even murdered. I am a power destruction that threatens the world. " These words are not expressed in the case: the successor of Peter almost never, except in conditions of lack of sanity, preaches pointless.
In the weeks before, as some may remember, the President of the IOR, the Vatican bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, and its director general, has been entered under investigation by prosecutors in Rome for breach of financial rules against money laundering, or for doing Credito Artigiano transit through the capital of some 23 million euros, for the Deutsche Bank and then in other accounts, without which it could be claimed the recipient of both the head of the operation. Recently, the investigation has widened, that the Court of Rome, confirmed the seizure of millions of euros, and investigated in check for 300 thousand Euro in the name of a nonexistent Maria Rossi, and one sample of 600 cash thousand € to unknown recipient, not some operations of transparency, it is not really the case to express surprise, as he instead made the head of the Vatican press office, p.Federico Lombardi. The anti-money laundering rules are very clear in Italy. After the Pope's words, the suspect said President IOR Germans, through the work of Reggio Calabria: "If the Pope made this statement that we do not want to comply? ... I think that, especially in the global world, where there are cash flows substantial, the need for transparency is essential, especially for institutions linked to the Holy Church, to avoid the mistakes of men might damage the credibility of the Church. We must be exemplary. " Transparency, in fact. And destructive powers. He has avoided any further questions, nor the journalists had to seek attention, and report to citizens, the State of Vatican City, created in 1929 following the famous Concordat is a true offshore tax haven, where IOR makes no receipt for their banking transactions where customers are completely anonymous and identified only by number, all steps are performed through transfers of money, we do not accept international requests, and (so far) the Holy See, whose Only the top bank handling the IOR is known, has not signed international agreements against money laundering.
In other words, as if each us, simply by going into any post office or bank for a transfer or a withdrawal, must produce documents extremely fine detail, in compliance with the regulations in force in Italy to control the flow of money, the Holy See, representing certain states of Central America that are in the effects of offshore tax havens (and included in the so-called black list of the International Monetary Fund, which offer no information on the capital and hold the owners of these), does not care about Codest standards. At least until this year, the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone has in fact recently stated that the Vatican will join by 2010, with international standards on control of financial flows. It would appear then, from the point of view of the high priests, understood, and is timely, even if the data-breakers-interested and we would say later, but the allegations full of dark omens, the Holy Father (who does not speak on that occasion ex cathedra, so has the dogma of infallibility, as stipulated by the Second Vatican Council, which limits it only to matters pertaining to the faith), if you avoid to take into account the financial network woven by the IOR, in recent decades, in world.
You do not want to argue with the past here is absolutely top of the bank said 'God', with the fame of it was sad that some people call the Archbishop Marcinkus: persona invece astuta ed abile come pochi, ed a cui l’odierna finanza vaticana deve molto di più di quanto non sia disposta a riconoscere. Neppure si intende stilare una filippica contro i cosiddetti stati offshore: la cui legislazione è perfettamente lecita, ed i cui capitali, appunto, anonimi, sono la ricchezza di quelle isole di sogno, di quelle nazioni altrimenti destinate all’isolamento. Anzi, crediamo che tutto codesto accanirsi dei vertici finanziarii internazionali contro i detti paradisi fiscali, non sia affatto dettato da motivazioni di carattere etico, bensì da bramosìa di rastrellare quanto più denaro possibile, poiché si sa che la strada per Tipperary, citando una vecchia canzone di guerra inglese, that the economic crisis, is still very long and the end of it seems far away.
But the Holy Father should say with the utmost respect PEL throne of Peter, with high devotion to the message of the Apostle and trusting in the eternal Light of the Trinity, ponder the words better. The IOR has, as we know from national surveys and international subsidiaries and numerous banks subsidiaries (the famous case of ragweed poor Calvi was the most striking, certainly not the only one) which make handling of large amounts of money, which tracking is almost impossible. While Opus Dei, the powerful organization that is the will of the late Polish Pope, took the management of the IOR after the known events of the eighties (and they are part of its vertices, by Gotti Tedeschi down), does not hesitate even to conceal its long arm in this field. That many men dell'Obra de Balaguer founded by Sant'Escrivà be included in the nerve centers of the Italian political and economic power, is very well known news: we believe we can not criticize or object. As well, a dull fight between what decades ago had appealed against the secular finance the white one, or religion, has given rise (in our opinion, with some accuracy) the Financial Commission of the European Union to punish Italy for granting the exemption ICI buildings owned by the Church, interpreting it as state aid and then violating the EU regulations. If the Vatican, which is currently exempt, will have to pay taxes on Italian secular state which owns numerous properties in Italy, will be a furious war of groundwater, but it will relieve the public purse, and benefits. Provided MISUSE maneuver, part of a much bigger picture when you insert the words "anonymous capital" of Benedict XVI comes to an end and not be blocked, suppressed or silenced by others, and most sensational events.
What can be deduced from all these stealthy movements in high places and in the hushed halls of the guilloche power, the secular city, the ordinary Christian, the free thinker? If again, as should every day, holding the Holy Book, reads: "Do not store up treasures on earth, where moth and rust, wear and thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust and wear thieves do not break through nor steal. In fact, where your treasure is, there your heart is pure "(Mt.6, 19-21);" My children, how difficult it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God "(Mark 10, 24). Also consider the immense power of the Vatican bank, the IOR, run by Opus Dei, the shadowy haze of its operations, the big difference from these normal movements that Italian citizens face daily, and finally to the above statements of the Pope. It can only trust in the mercy of the Supreme Artificer, in virgin purity of the Great Mother, whose simple life saves the world every day, misrepresented by those who betrayed, having sworn they will also, as is established, their reward.


(published on Sicily Sera No. 334, December 5, 2010)


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