Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy

The useless mud "savoiagate" in 2006

Acquitted Prince Vittorio Emanuele, the truth prevails

"The fact that there" is how the heir to the throne and the five accused to see the mud fall
shameful accusations made by Potenza Woodcock pm - La Russa: nap Pantheon to the bodies of the last two King of the House of Savoy -

Summer of 2006: the heatwave as often devoid of news, especially on the anniversary of the sixty years since the proclamation of the Republic, and the (false, as evidenced by the acts and story) that the referendum marked the end of the monarchy and the royal house of Savoy in Italy, as a storm breaks out unexpectedly that the journalist, indeed sometimes worthy of the worst species of the invertebrate animal kingdom, defines 'savoiagate': accused of corruption, gambling and prostitution, the Prince of Naples (and heir to the throne) Vittorio Emanuele, almost seventy years old, head of the Royal House, is arrested and taken like a common thug to power, where discounts seven days in prison in Rome after several months of house arrest. The investigation is initiated by the PM Henry J. Woodcock, already known to the judicial reports for similar cases of so-called surveys perform very well with the prince of the blood, are arrested five people in various ways involved in the investigation, including three in Sicily: the 'entrepreneur Rocco Messina Migliardi, Lagat Nunzio, Ugo Bonazza, Gian Nicolino Narducci and Achille De Luca di Catania. The offenses, allegations, invented the misdeeds, the wickedness even by some so-called 'old world monarchy', in those weeks are on the agenda. Even Emanuele Filiberto, the son of the Prince, now TV star, is briefly involved in the investigation. Which, however, should evaporate after some time, and in 2009, acts to move jurisdiction to the Court of Rome. The prosecution, it will remember, was a criminal conspiracy for trafficking in slot machine Stakeholders with the other defendants then, for-profit and other dark plots. Recall also che in quell’occasione, sia nei siti Internet che sui giornali si rispolveravano le vecchie, ed inconsistenti, accuse al Principe di collusioni con poteri segreti, di traffici illeciti: insomma, nell’anno in cui sarebbe stato doveroso, per storici studiosi e divulgatori verso il cittadino del XXI secolo, come è già accaduto in altre Nazioni, dispiegare con dovizia di particolari la scaturigine della nascita della Repubblica dal vero e proprio colpo di Stato dell’allora Presidente del Consiglio De Gasperi, a danno di Re Umberto II e della Casa regnante, e come questi per evitare il già preventivato spargimento di sangue fraterno, abbia volontariamente e con clamorosa protesta scelto la via dell’esilio da Sovrano in carica legal, this gave the floodgates to the muddy pit of fantasy altogether invented against legitimate heir of the House of Savoy.
That these charges were invented, it has finally established, as many in the world have never doubted the monarchy, on Sept. 22 this year, the preliminary hearing judge of the Court of Rome, finally completing the Royal Highness Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy (the which, as you recall, by virtue of the constitutional reform of 2002, has since also an Italian citizen after years of unjust exile) and the aforementioned Mr Rocco Migliardi, Lagat Nunzio, Ugo Bonazza, Gian Nicolino Narducci and Achille De Luca, the allegations made at the time, "because fatti non sussistono". E’ evidente la discrepanza fra la notizia dell’assoluzione, che non ha avuto quasi nessuna rilevanza tra i mezzi di comunicazione, e le accuse ed il carcere, amplificati al solo fine di distruggere, con l’immagine personale del Principe, sinanco quella dell’intera casa Savoja. E però la Storia, checché ne dicano i maligni ed i nemici della Patria, non si può mai cancellare, ed il tempo è ottimo giudice. E ristabilisce la Luce, mentre per tratti può sembrare che imperino le tenebre.
Il Principe, sempre confortato dall’amore della consorte Principessa Marina Doria, nota per le numerose opere benefiche che patrocina, ha così commentato, in una recente intervista ad Today, from Bergamo while inaugurating a 'tour' in various Italian places on the anniversary of the Unit: "It's like I woke up from a nightmare. I do pinch and I understand that there was no truth. It is a wonderful feeling ... like a bad dream I felt powerless, a victim of a gear bigger than me. The charges were so absurd that I did not know how to defend myself ... Believe me, this whole investigation there was only one element of practicality that would allow me to respond, react, react. It was all slippery and elusive. It was like fighting ghosts. A terrible thing ... It's all over. And just as happens with the nightmares, once awake try to rebuild them. You do it with a relaxed mind, more calm. A dramatic story you can remember even the most beautiful, most funny and paradoxical ... It is the time to put things right. I had to shame. Now that shame is over at them. "Of his affair and the magistrate who persecuted him literally says:" Until a few days ago I had my resentment for those who have hurt me and my family. Today I feel pity for that person ... Woodcock, Henry John Woodcock. In recent years he has prosecuted 210 people were acquitted because there was nothing against them, no nothing. At the trial, even before the defense, the first to ask my assoluzione è stato il pm, la pubblica accusa": Della sua vicenda intende fare un esempio perché più non accada a nessuno il dramma personale vissuto:"Capita un po’ troppo spesso. Non è normale costruire processi come il mio, con accuse a vanvera, fondate sul nulla…Nel nome della legge in questo Paese vengono commesse colossali ingiustizie. Non si può sbattere la gente in galera così, sulla base di un teorema. Ci vogliono le prove. Ecco, io vorrei che il mio caso offrisse lo spunto per cambiare. Penso al bene dei cittadini. Ma anche al bene di questo magistrato, che non va lasciato nelle condizioni di commettere altri errori. Perché alla fine ad andare di mezzo sarà lui. Un giornale lo ha definito il pm delle cause perse. Terribile". E per sé il Principe chiede, come farebbe qualunque cittadino, i danni allo Stato (che a parer nostro, effettuando la tanto sospirata riforma della giustizia, dovrebbe pagare di tasca propria il magistrato che ha sbagliato, ossia non solo ha commesso un crimine etico inquisendo degli innocenti, ma ha provocato aggravi finanziarii alle casse statali!): ma è una richiesta da gran signore, da rappresentante di quel casato che è il più antico della penisola, che vanta mille anni di storia da Umberto Biancamano: "Mi accontenterei di vedere le salme dei miei genitori rientrare in Italia, nel posto che spetta loro, al Pantheon".
Re Umberto e la Regina Maria Josè, della casa di Sassonia Coburgo, avrebbero senza no doubt the right to return to the shrine of our italics Re unit. The Prince, tactfully, does not add, but our intention is to repeat as many times by these columns and other audiences, that they return the remains to the Pantheon primarily Soldier of the King Vittorio Emanuele III, the winner of the Great War (buried in Alexandria Egypt '), and Queen of Charity, Elena Petrovich of Montenegro Niegos (buried in Montpellier, France), to which must be thankful for the undying charitable works undertaken (we Sicilians always remind the tireless work of a pro Messina earthquake of 1908), even the current Italian Republic has dedicated a commemorative stamp. Only in this way, one hundred and fifty National Unity who were indisputable glory of the House of Savoy, will be celebrated and I concluded with condescension and Sovereignty. As has happened in the UN also does not own democraticissime (Russia honored the bodies of the Czar and the entire royal family, for example). In recent days the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa has officially declared that it is necessary, even for "an act of piety," close the sesquicentennial celebrations of the Unit returning the remains to the Pantheon of the last two kings of Italy and their wives: action is absolutely commendable and deserving of wider acclaim, that at this point expect soon.
"And you, Victor, covers \\ the italic flag and the crown scale \\ beyond the Po, in the ground at the sound of the battle ..., Novell \\ thrills the sky of Italy here tingle; \\ as a cloud that thunders \\ and hot lightning bursts, \\ long clamor from the Alps to the sea lies "that the verses of the poet Carducci, Gentleman for the King in 1861 which sealed the country together under his scepter, may be of bright hope for the future or indeed saddest of our holy mother, Italy, the clamor of the white cross, illuminated from light and gold Star Pentalpha, as in have dispelled the ugly truth in the story mentioned above, come back to protect their children, especially the most needy, and the common house, protected by the glorious flag.


(published on Sicily Sera No. 334, December 5, 2010)


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