Around a great secret society
Carbonari heretical sect and a bulwark of freedom
In the early nineteenth century many patriots joined it, and several riots, including
Sicily, were inspired by the association - and Verga Carbonari -
Among the flowering of idealism that followed the Restoration of the governments after the fall of Napoleon's star in 1815, there was certainly the rise of secret societies which, in particular in Italy devastated by the occupation of Austria who was the mistress of Europe in those years, they tried to overthrow the yoke the foreigner, teaching classes to the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial freedom and self-determination, whose seeds had been sown by the armies of the great Corsican. It is true that these occult groups were limited to those who were in subsidized education with a sensitivity and ethics, however, the post-Risorgimento historiography has shown that these have made important contributions, for thirty years running from the fall of Murat in the riots of 1848, all 'idea independence of what will be the Italian homeland: with obvious nuances of character and autonomy, for what concerns Sicily in particular, for independence. The most important secret society of those years, as is known, has been called the Carbonari. While scholars
also part of Freemasons, have long been assessed and found, despite the similarity of the ritual and made a certain style of affiliation, the substantial difference between Freemasonry, which remained even absent, as an organization, in deeds of insurgency those years, as various independent scholars and even adverse to sectarianism, have not failed to point out ("is excluded from the claim that the Masonic sètte, pullulanti in Italia dopo il 1815, siano derivazioni o mascheramenti o economia della Massoneria. Poco conta che dei massoni affluirono tra i carbonari, e fra le due sètte vi siano rassomiglianze rituali… Lo spirito religioso e nazionale della Carboneria non quadra con l’internazionalismo e l’irreligiosità sostanziale della Massoneria", scrive A.Omodeo in Difesa del Risorgimento, Torino 1951), è assai probabile la nascita della Carboneria nel meridione d’Italia durante il periodo murattiano: "La Carboneria… fu un prodotto del tutto italiano e di natura contingente… ebbe contatti non con la Massoneria, ma coi singoli Massoni che ad essa si affiliarono, malcontenti della inattività in cui languished lodges, and had rather sharp contrast with Freemasonry for the methods of action repugnant to the spirit and the Masonic tradition "(see France, The Myth of impiety, Naples 1946). Codest diversity, such as the fact that Masonry in Italy, but also in France after the restoration, had gone up, is attested by the reports of knowledgeable ubiquitous Austrian police, whose important documents stated: "... the old sect of Masons Franco eras already-dissolved around 1817 \\ 18 - s'andavano forming secret societies and new in Italy, among which the largest was that of the Carbonari "(secret papers and records of the Austrian Police in Italy, Capolago 1851). For
also briefly outline a framework of ideals carbonara, it can be said that the association was clearly political aims and aspirations of peoples for independence against the "tyrants", hence the slang known "purge the forest by wolves, and ostentation filial attachment to the Catholic religion, including the symbolism of the cross, crown of thorns, and others in his imagination: What if Jesus Christ was the first Carbonaro Universe, the patron saint of the Carbonari was St. Theobald, a hermit who for pure noble mysticism in legnajolo became the eleventh century. Hence all the derivations of the esoteric symbolism of the forest, naturist, the so-called mystique of the wood. It was a very important sect, considering affiliations: Silvio Pellico (who also was not a Freemason, but only Carbonaro), who made her family even after the Risorgimento in the Vulgate, with many well-known book-complaint, "My Prisons, reading exciting and moving ov'egli stigmatizes with the serenity of the Adept tolerant than the ferocious fanaticism and violence of government repression obscurantist Austrian (you can even define this book the political manifesto of the Carbonari), to Count Federico Confalonieri (the follower of the English Regular Freemasonry, which join at Cambridge), from unhappy Santarosa maker of motions containing the Piedmont of '21 Morelli and Silva Minichini abbot that King Ferdinand demanded that the English Constitution, then immediately betrayed. In Sicily were inspired by the Carbonari uprisings that had its epicenter in Catania in 1837, and bulwark of the independence of Sicily, so many of the Carbonari were shot from Barbagallo Pitt Pensabene, following the fierce repression of the Lieutenant Bourbon Del Carretto. Even Mazzini seems to have been passed through the subsidiary carbonara, before maturing strategy that will transport you to identify, he master of plots and conspiracies, in the organizational structure that he designed, the Young Italy, which will therefore be of the half-savage antagonist Carbonari almost always ineffective in but of considerable practical idealism, to break the alliance between throne and altar so maligned.
The Church is immediately perceived the danger, and the Carbonari condemned as heretical sect with the encyclical "Ecclesiam a Jesu Chisti" September 13, 1821: Pope Pius VII excommunicating without appeal the Carbonari and their supporters, after admitting that the sect "is boast of his followers claim that they maintain and exercise charity and every kind of virtue, and with the utmost care to refrain from all vices ", accuses them" to defile and deface them with certain sacrilegious ceremonies of the Passion of Jesus Christ, to be mockery of the very mysteries of the Catholic religion ... they want to overthrow the Apostolic See. " Many priests were affiliated, as Rome well knew, the "Sales", ie meetings, coal, and, as we wrote the distinguished scholar and priest Pauline R. Edwards in his study, "ended in the barracks started preaching in the Churches", which was consequential for them the message of Freedom released by the Carbonari, becoming well aware of the abject bigotry of the then established power and a secular and religious. Terrible is purtanto the declaration of the Apostolic Penitentiary in November 1821, following "some doubts arisen" about the excommunication order, raised by the Curia of Naples: the Holy See permits, ask it to express "if the child has to denounce his father, brother, his sister, "that" established once it is a heretical Sertta, the child is required to denounce the father, etc., but all with great caution and secrecy. "The last explanation is least repulsive: fortunately, the Church has acknowledged his guilt in this area and flourishes to the new spring, as has been noted: the conciliar declaration Dignitatis Humanae, 1965 expressed "a solemn and explicit mea culpa about the deviations committed by the People of God, the Church, against the freedom of conscience" (cfr.Esposito). And to date the Church, as it has been for Freemasonry, no implication 'revoked' the excommunication of the Carbonari, which exist in various forms are renewed but in Tradition, even in the twenty-century, this is sufficient to silence any controversy.
The twenty-one by Giovanni Verga Catania (and Vizzini), whose grandfather was Carbonaro, printed at his expense-just unified Italy in 1861 to the middle class in glorious red shirt of Garibaldi (who, symbol of Italian Masonry nineteenth was elevated to the rank of Master Mason in 1860 alone, conquered Palermo, a well-53 years ... the explanation is given to make the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat Freemasonry, although ideally similar, in structure and in men was far from the Italian Carbonari) at Crescenzio Galatola, the novel "The Carbonari of the Mountain", the second and his first in a bright success literature. This book is, with that of Pellicano, the literary manifesto of the Carbonari history. It 'also important because, even under the guise of fiction stage, which then makes it clear that the historiography specify (never quite well, in our opinion), the subsidiary that is primarily English in funding, and then design of selling coal, during the period of the British presence in Sicily by Lord W. Bentinck, the true maker and creator of the Anglo-Carbonari southern Calabria and southern Italy, whose figure was broadly in three years while his government of the island. This policy, according to anti-French, of course, will be continued by Admiral Sidney Smith, chief commander of the British fleet in the Mediterranean (and influential Freemason) so if there was a subsidiary Carbonari-Freemasonry, it must eventually sought overseas, in London and mists in the archives of the United Grand Lodge of England where, even the impulse of Smith, erase reunited with the Ancient Moderns, with the famous 'Act of Union' of 1813, actual date of birth of modern Freemasonry from the 'parent' in Britain.
"My Dear Cousin, where are you from?-From the Forest." What It brings?-Health, Friendship and Fraternity. "Who is your Father? - (The good cousin turns his eyes to heaven)-Who is your mother? (See the Good Earth Cousin). "This excerpt from a ritual Carbonaro, gives the exact idea of \u200b\u200bmysticism and dare we say panic, carbon Naturist Society, in line with the rest of all the fraternities initiation of the ancient world and the modern . The ultimate hope is that, as the cross was to shine like the eye of God "(Carbonari final of the Mountain) in the ideal of the Carbonari, so the common understanding of the many, already ascertained from the history, read the experience Carbonari of the nineteenth century as a noble aspirations, and ever renewed spirit of independence and freedom, but above all the peoples hearts.
Barone di Sealand ( Francesco Giordano )
Nella foto, grembiule del Rito Carbonaro, appartenuto a Ciro Menotti
(Pubblicato su Sicilia Sera n°333 del 3 novembre 2010)
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