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exhumed Ceausescu in Romania: hidden meaning?

Un capitolo di storia che ritorna dopo venti anni

Riesumato in Romania il cadavere di Ceausescu: quali significati?

Fu un leader amato dalle potenze occidentali, ancorché appartenente al blocco comunista, per le sue posizioni politicamente eterodosse – La crisi attuale romena e le scaturigini occulte -

Quando, una ventina di anni fa, andammo in un pomeriggio d’estate al cimitero ortodosso di Ploiesti, alla periferia nord di Bucarest, capitale della Romania, erasi spenta da pochissimo l’eco della “revoluzia”, ovvero la rivolta popolare che portò alla caduta del regime comunista dopo quarantasei anni, ed alla morte violenta del capo dello stato e del partito, il Presidente Nicolae Ceausescu e la moglie Elena, fucilati il 25 dicembre 1989 dopo un sommario, ed esitante, processo improvvisato. Eravamo lì anche per rendere omaggio a quei poveri resti che, si diceva, senza alcuna indicazione di nome, fossero sepolti: separati, a pochi metri di distanza l’uno dall’altra. Tutti ivi sapevano di chi si trattasse, fra le tombe dei cittadini comuni: pure, correva voce che ivi non fossero stati sepolti i veri coniugi Ceausescu, che governarono la Romania per ventiquattro anni, ma dei sosia, delle controfigure. Tornammo dopo un paio d’anni in quel cimitero: una piccola lapide celebrativa era stata messa a ricordo del late dictator, only for his wife's name inscribed in simple wood.
This story came to us very clear in memory, when in recent weeks, namely July 21, corpses, suspected of Ceausescu were exhumed from their graves that we visited, the order of the Judiciary Romania which since 2004 had received request of the couple's daughter, Zoe, a mathematician (now deceased, the cause was continued by her husband Mircea Opran), who wished to ascertain if indeed the mortal remains of the parents is. It will establish these days of DNA testing, compared evidently the surviving relatives (grandchildren suppose, because his other son, Nicu, is also died of liver cirrhosis, and the third Valentin, and adopted). The event has a couple of days, as it appears, did almost awaken, in an allegorical way, the interest on the one who in life was called the "conducator" and "din geniul Carpathians", fondled by so-called Western powers and governments North Atlantic Treaty and by the United States very well received, as 'rebel' often, also being part of the communist bloc and the Warsaw Pact, under the directives of Moscow. Nicolae Ceausescu came to the leadership of Romania in 1965 after the death of Gheorghe-Dej Gheorghju, a strong Communist bureaucrat inspired by Stalin and then by Khrushchev; first, liberated Romania, better the workers would say, in 1944 by troops of the Red Army was under the hauberk fierce Ana Pauker, an official of the International Red ruthless, that he did not hesitate to send the survivors to death of the former regime, said the exiled King Michael (which is now back living at home), and led the PC Romania, until Stalin had it 'purge', for a softer government, whose summit was a liberal as formal Petru Groza: that according to the agreements of Yalta between Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt. Of
Georghiu Dej Ceausescu was the highest contributor, but just then the Brezhnev began its course in the USSR, while there at the beginning meant innovation then recline freezes of the Cold War of the seventies, the new head of state and Party Romania, had value and momentum pan-nationalist force: during the first occurred in Romania a decade developing the standard of living of the population , therefore, highly centralized socialist state, that even our sources of West praised as the best of all the nations of the communist bloc. While Ceausescu's foreign policy immediately explained his independent refuse to participate in the invasion of Prague in 1968, is aligned with the Western powers (the United States gave to the favored nation clause Romania for trade, as the EEC), he participated regularly Moscow Olympics Boycott (sensation aroused the presence of the teams to Romania Los Angeles in 1984), was received at the White House by Nixon, Carter and Buckhingam palace by Queen Elizabeth, was invested with the patronage of a friend of the central African states (Mobutu was the best ally on the African continent), and while he decided to devote himself to research petrochemicals in the seventies, the debt with the IMF progressed. This does not prevent him from maintaining good diplomatic relations with Israel (the only country in the Soviet bloc), and refused to condemn the actions (especially after the Yom Kippur War). In short, despite the portrayal in recent years has past the clichés of historical, Nicolae Ceausescu was a leader of communist state 'good friend' of the West. Even Italy, which he argued Eurocommunism Berlinguer, his speeches and his poetic prose were translated and appreciated. With Italy and Romania, due to the common linguistic origins, and partly ethnic, Latin, had and still has a privileged relationship. His tragedy was to insist to cover, changing the Constitution with a clause that prevented Romania to contract new external debt (the first article was very new government that succeeded him, changed in the early days of the so-called "revoluzia" which casts suspicion not just about planning for what was essentially a coup d'etat) precisely the debt contracts with the International Monetary Fund: for the Eighties, the Romanians made great efforts (ie that there was no great sacrifice at times of basic necessities ...) to cover all financial corporations of the West, and just late summer of 1989 the debt had been fully recovered. It was no accident that within a few months, twenty years later in circumstances that emerge more clearly, he was assassinated and the new regime opened the seams of the public debt, with the consequences of today. On 25 June, in fact there was an assault on the presidential palace in Bucharest (the same as the last known address of 21 December 1989 Ceausescu, the in cui venne artatamente fischiato da parte della folla) da parte di circa seicento persone, respinto con violenti scontri dalla polizia. I romeni chiedevano al presidente del Consiglio Emil Boc di sospendere le misure del governo che tagliano il 25% degli stipendi ed il 15% delle pensioni; si aggiunge la richiesta al Presidente della Repubblica Basescu, da poco rieletto, di non firmare la legge. Per queste ragioni il Fondo Monetario Internazionale ha chiesto l’approvazione della Corte Costituzionale romena prima di concedere l’ulteriore prestito. In questo frangente attuale, estremamente drammatico per la Romania (denunciato dal PRM, partito Romania Mare, ossia grande,il più numeroso tra le compagini dell’opposizione), si è svolta the 'virtual resurrection' of Nicolae Ceausescu. What is the hidden meaning, behind the veil of official form?
E 'now known by many, that the true rulers of the international governments are not really those that we see in television, but hidden men who never get noticed, but the ranks of the great rulers of the world economy and finance. From many investigations courageous, you know that they gather in groups 'study' and lobbies, such as Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the Council of Foreing Relations, and the like. They are linked, often, by the formation of associations and fraternal bond of Freemasonry, which is a supranational entity and also a center of essential clotting to unite people and ideas would be dispersed and opposite. On the Masonic philosophy, we have nothing to complain, unlike the followers of a conspiracy. We note only that, as is known from related environments, Nicolae Ceausescu (probably his wife Elena: she, however, uneducated but intelligent woman, was the real ruler of the soul of her husband, especially in the last fifteen years, was also a political position, being the first Vice President of the Council) was affiliated to the ancient brotherhood of Masonry International. This then explained, and explains better today, his unorthodox acts in terms of foreign policy. Communist better yet fervent socialist, he had no hesitation in the tie with Nixon and General De Gaulle, though he is a personal friend of the President of East Germany Erich Honecker (who died in exile in Chile in general of anti-Pinochet Chile, after the fall and the dissolution of the GDR: Pinochet is that Honecker , as seems almost certain, they were bound by oath of the Masonic initiation constraint) imposed the profit participation of workers in domestic factories (definitely read the corporate documents of the Italian Social Republic, but was able to apply them ... so it was very well regarded by Ambiente Italia 'right', as it may seem incongruous ...), and was awarded highest honors from the Queen of England ('s Were withdrawn just days before his assassination, as if you knew in high places ...). Yet the same disappearance of the man who established one of the most systematic personality cults of all communist regimes, is surrounded by the aura Masonic: it seems that just before the deadly discharge of musketry, he was singing the Internationale: it is not the Codest 'socialist workers' anthem around the world, whose words were penned by that French workers, Eugene Pottier, known to affiliate (as well as Ho Chi Minh and, probably, Deng Xiaoping) to which the appeal massonofobi the' cult of the snake green ', ie the Grand Orient of France?
Finally, for those who want to read (we are very confident that in international circles of the occult has been given a similar reading) the 'resurrection' of the body of Ceausescu and his wife (if they really are: remember that he, like other famous dictators, he had three or four doubles, one in particular, Andruza, was the twin brother: If you find that the corpses are not real ones, is another mystery in the mystery ...) in the key of esoteric numerology, the 21 (day of the disinterment), seven (month July, and the seventh month after twenty years), and the digits of the year, according to the Major Arcana (and readings Gebelin and Levi) they signified the world, led by well-fenced wagon, che va verso il giudizio, il quale è vicino, comunque orientato da Iside, la papessa, ed Osiride, il mago, attorniati dalla matta folla. Per quei che invece si dilettano di vampirismo (l’eroe nazionale romeno, Vlad Tepesc, cristiano combattente contro i turchi, ha avuto da Bram Stoker la jattura di essere assimilato al personaggio diu Dracula nell’omonimo romanzo ottocentesco: Ceausescu, che pare andasse a ‘rigenerarsi’ esotericamente nel castello di Vlad a Snagov, fu paragonato a Dracula; ma anche Bram Stoker era affiliato all’ordine riservato, e paramassonico, della Golden Dawn…), sia sufficiente la testimonianza di Gelu Voican, oggi ambasciatore romeno in Tunisia e componente del tribunale improvvisato which condemned to death Ceausescu, who said recently that that night you saw disappear and then reappear the bags containing the two bodies: the moon was full. And five days later to bury the body of the former dictator was warm, as if asleep.
We like to remember the man, no doubt guilty of many crimes but also much less criminal than it has said so far, with a poem he wrote in the seventies, to paraphrase (was not this a case for an atheist communist which, however, allowed freedom of worship in the churches, from Catholic to Orthodox synagogues ..) Isaiah 5.4: "Let us draw from cannons tractors \\ lights and nuclear sources, \\ From nuclear missiles \\ plows to work the fields. " If the company today applied Codest precepts, even from a so-called tyrant, many evils would be remedied. St. Teresa of Avila wrote: "If Satan could love," and who says he can not, we would add, "cease to be bad."

Baron of Sealand

Published in Sicily Sera No. 332, October 5, 2010


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