Friday, March 11, 2011

Love Letter In Arabic To Lovers

E '^ _ ^ arrivatoo

Good afternoon to all
finally arrived a parcel long awaited and desired,
but what will this package? hihihi soon tell you> _ \u0026lt;

But before I tell you a little 'the day today.

This morning I walked to school at 10 and 10, then taking the bus later I went to stop before mine and while I was waiting I saw a postman motor that si allontanava dalla zona di casa mia e subito ho pensato " Oh cavolo, potrebbe essermi arrivato il pacco :Q__ Ma no! Cosa dici! Lo vedi è in motorino, come fa a portare i pacchi!! " e quindi un po' scoraggiata me ne sono andata a scuola. 

Torno a casa all'ora di pranzo, guardo la cassetta della posta per vedere se c'è casomai qualche raccomandata, ma niente. Entro in casa, vedo mia mamma in cucina a leggere e sulla tavola, in un angolino, della carta blu che sembrava appartenere ad un pacco .. guardo mia mamma che se la ride sotto i baffi e allora capisco, MI ERA ARRIVATO IL PACCO!!
I ran into the room and there they were on the bed my darling beautiful *-*
Oh girls can not understand what I was happy ^ _ ^

But now that show you what I bought:

not find them beautiful? I have also paid very little, 32 €, and arrived home in perfect condition: D

photo taken from the site
To be my first purchase made on the internet I'd say it went very well:) What do you think? Have you ever bought on this site on the internet or otherwise?

comment on any aspect,

Peace, love and Chanel.  Giada

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Motion Sensor Power Switch


Raw bonito stop the knife with raw fennel, clumps of fennel, orange zest and orange juice, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper, enclosed in his skin and tail. As a garnish of candied orange peel.
E 'attempting to reproduce a dish I tasted at the restaurant Colander Castiglioncello, Li, long ago. The original, delicious, was based instead of raw yellowtail and minced shallots, celery, carrot and oregano and presentation I was pleasantly surprised. Here's impeccable original

My comparison is shameful, apart from the skin of yellowtail that is more clear and bright silver, is the subtlety that terrifies me, because when I ate at the restaurant I had not realized mica, Only when I tried to peel my house I realized bonito! The problem is that I did not have a suitable knife, that is perfectly sharp, without the right tools is very difficult to get good results. Fortunately, the bonito was big, in fact I had already done several things with that pesciolone, the last thread was in the freezer, waiting his turn for a ham. I had a lot 'of skin available, but the only strip intact that I could come up with was the darkest part damn it! It looks like a leather belt! It was a good idea .....
Well, good is good, I really like the bonito, I thought to make us a joke to the knife along with fennel and orange for this appeal to contest the de Band of Broccoli

and recycling as my second proposal The cookbook Cynthia

Quickly the recipe. To make 4 cylinders of 5 cm in diameter and about 2.5 cm in height I used:

150 grams of chopped bonito, passed in freezer at least 3-4 days before eating it raw to prevent pest risk especially Anisakis, I will never cease to repeat
1 / 2 fennel + its green tufts
grated rind of half an orange
the other half reduced to slices from candy
orange juice to taste water and sugar candy in equal parts for the orange peel
extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper to taste

Blanch the orange peels in water for 3 times, then drain and candied fruit and sugar in equal parts water for 6-7 minutes, drain and allow to dry.
knife to make a joke of the pulp bonito, separately chop the orange peel and fennel with green clumps, mix everything and season with olive oil, salt, pepper, orange juice.
Place the mixture in a pastry rings, remove and wrap the cylinder with a strip of leather made of bonito. Garnish with candied orange peel and serve with a salad of raw fennel and oranges.

And the code you ask? Normally the skipjack are quite large and have a tail that is not important right to a cylinder of this size and you can even enlarge the diameter by the size of the tail, the portion of crude should be minimal. Little trick: they are tails of mackerel that I had saved for this achievement :-)

So I hope that despite all the pitfalls and the tricks this dish is accepted by the Band and Cynthia, I've got the commitment put!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spin Bike Reviews Comments

March 8 ..

Auguri mie dolci followers , 
auguri di carnevale e 
auguri perché oggi è la festa delle donne
che io dedico a tutte le donne che ancora non hanno garantiti i loro diritti
e che sono succubi di persone spregevoli, 
auguri a tutte le donne del world, from the least to the most fortunate.

Greetings ^ _ ^

Q hen writes women need to dip the pen in the 'rainbow and dry page the dust of the wings of butterflies . (Denis Diderot)

Peace, love and Chanel. Jade

Monday, March 7, 2011

Problema Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro


With this simple and tasty dish I would like to give my contribution to the collection of bread today and

A laudable initiative to inform and create awareness about a disease of women, endometriosis, a disease that affects just conscious but 3 million women in Italy, you want to create a collection of recipes dedicated to the special power to be followed by women affected by this disease as the power is helpful in controlling pain, it is important to reduce intake of foods that may favor the onset of inflammation and pain which then For example: red meat, dairy products, simple sugars. Are allowed, even recommended: cereali integrali, pasta, riso, tonno, pesce azzurro , verdure, legumi, noci, olio d'oliva.

La ricetta contiene tutti gli ingredienti consigliati, x 2 persone:

gr 180 pizzoccheri della Valtellina (con farina integrale di grano saraceno)
gr 150 di cimette di cavolfiore e le foglie più tenere
gr 100 di sarde pulite e sfilettate (gr 200-250 intere da pulire)
4-5 noci
1  spicchio d'aglio
olio extravergine d'oliva

Durante la cottura dei pizzoccheri, ca 15 min., stufare  clove of garlic in olive oil + a few tablespoons of cooking water, add the cauliflower florets and leaves, and cook 7-8 minutes, need to remain al dente, add salt off and add the sardines. Drain pizzoccheri, cauliflower sautéed in the sauce by adding chopped nuts and blasting it all over a high flame, sardines were cooked in minutes. Sprinkle with a little extra virgin olive oil raw.

How To Break In A Pair Of Skate Shoes

Collaboration: Red Carpet, Grammy Awards 2011

Hello my dear
I ask forgiveness for this failure occurred this time for family reasons .. but there are now so much and I hope to be there:)
But let's start now with the collaboration of the post yesterday that neither I nor we were able to publish for Francesca problemi di connessione.

Stavolta parliamo dei look da Red Carpet della 53° edizione dei Grammy Awards.
Ho scelto 5 delle mie artiste preferite .

Katy Perry:

Dress by Giorgio Armani
Voto: 9 1/2

 Katy, la mia adorata Katy. In versione Angel è stupenda. Lei sa osare nel giusto modo :) I have to admit that the bra is really great, but I think it's due to her breasts. What about? I really liked, I've seen in Vanity Fair that she was the grandmother, I put my picture below ^ _ ^ Beautiful, clever and sweet, Katy continues: D

J. LO:

Rating: 8 1 / 2

Jennifer Lopez in a mini (really mini) metallic dress is gorgeous. With the physicist who found this dress and high heels enhance the lot.
As always, flawless and sensual.

Keri Hilson:

Rating: 8 1 / 2

Keri Beautiful blonde with a helmet and climbed the peacock blue dress .
Choices fits perfectly for the look of Red Carpet, maybe your shoes do not make me completely crazy, but it's okay. One question: why the red carpet must also bring your bag? is so necessary? In short, not that its clutch is bad, indeed .. what do you think?


Rating: 5 1 / 2 (yes I know, I always give votes means, sorry> ;. \u0026lt;)

Rihanna When I saw I had a stroke. Ok, we are in period where it is better to exaggerate, but not be ridiculous!
The shape of the dress yet again, but we did not own tissue.
Rihanna at a party we're not hot, the next time you add more white lines ..


Rating: 7 +

A nice dress, the one chosen by Beyonce. Great color, but I find that not enough to enhance :/ le cade male sui fianchi. Cara, mi dispiace ma stavolta non sei riuscita a dare il massimo. Menomale che il suo sorriso la fa brillare sempre e comunque :)

Infine vi lascio alcune foto con le attrici meglio vestite .. 

.. e le cantanti peggio vestite .

I'd like to share with me whether or not these choices in a little comment below ^ _ ^

Peace, love and Chanel. Jade

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Recipe For Chicken Perlo Rice


The fanciful and ingenious pair (see-bowl pasta molds made from beer cans on the penultimate post ) si separa per il contest, ognuno la sua ricetta, anche se so che hanno pasticciato insieme e si sono dati un gran da fare! Da buoni milanesi lavorano troppo, hanno tempo per cucinare, con una certa cura, solo nel weekend. Per un paio di weekend consecutivi infatti (poi sono riuscita a postare solo ora) mi sono arrivati  sms tipo "stiamo ammattendo per il tuo contest" e "basta acciughe!!!" perchè provavano e riprovavano e intanto se le pappavano ma si sono divertiti un sacco nel trovare soluzioni ardite ed originali!!
Ed ecco cosa ha partorito la loro fantasia eclettica, partiamo dall'idea più pazzesca, non credevo che l'avrebbe fatto and instead did it: the ice cream with anchovies!! I ensure that there is good, and certainly how it is matched, it makes sense, is not completely out ..... I'll try it ......


Joseph writes: "Via free hors d'oeuvres and / or finger food, dishes, unless someone manages to make us a dessert! dessert with anchovies ... hhmmm ... I've thought a little 'dessert ... no ma GELATO sì! Ed ecco qui la mia ricetta:

Gelato alle acciughe
75gr di latte intero fresco
75 gr di panna fresca
75 gr di acqua
35 gr di zucchero di canna liquido
2 tuorli
5 gr di maizena
30 gr di acciughe fresche (pulite)
20 gr di olio evo

Preparare uno sciroppo con l’acqua e lo zucchero e lasciarlo raffreddare; far bollire 1/2 quantitativo di  panna con il latte, sbattere i due tuorli d’uovo, aggiungere la maizena, e poi versare sopra alle uova il latte con la panna facendo attenzione  che non si formino grumi, rimettere sul fuoco e riportare ad ebollizione. Passare al setaccio e lasciare raffreddare. Frullare le acciughe con l’olio evo ed il resto della panna, passare al setaccio, unire i tre composti e amalgamare bene il tutto, lasciar raffreddare e poi versare il composto nella gelatiera.

Per la tartara : 200 gr di filetto di tonno freschissimo tagliato in dadolata, condito con olio, sale e pepe e composto in una formina a triangolo (fatta in casa ovviamente!!)

Come “biscotto” per il gelato ho usato un bastoncino di pane di segale  tostato in forno
Decorazioni : fili di erba cipollina legati con fili di scorza di limone e fili di scorza di limone legati con fili chives


Ok I must be fair and spotless but how can you not comment on these cute little fish delighted and look who's setting studied! I'm not cute?

Stephen writes: "Because I love delights in the weekend with homemade bread, to participate in this contest that I could not propose a recipe bread bread with fresh anchovies. How? Ever, even with the anchovies in oil, how much I have to make? many questions at the end is to me nothing left to prove. The first experiment does not convinced me completely, he did not feel the taste of anchovies enough, however, gave me confirmation that you could do, the second time I put some anchovies in more and this is the result.

Ingredients: Anchovies
100 grams of fresh (cleaned and filleted)
500 grams of flour 00
bio 250 ml of warm water
15 grams of yeast in
cube 2 teaspoons fine salt 1

teaspoon sugar 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil In a glass

crumble baking powder, add a teaspoon of sugar and pour the water, stir and let stand for several minutes, in the meantime, whisk the anchovies, previously cleaned, washed and dried. Pour into a large bowl the flour, add yeast, anchovy oil blend and mix with a wooden spoon, then transfer the dough on work surface and begin kneading by hand for 15 minutes, adding two teaspoons of salt. After putting the dough in a large bowl, cover with a cloth and let rise in a warm and humid. After three hours, take the dough, knead quickly giving it the desired shape. For this recipe I Joseph has built a fish-shaped mold with which I made a dozen sandwiches. Let rise for another hour, then preheat the oven and bake for 30 minutes at 180 ° C.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chaining Pokemon Hgss

Collaboration: MFW first day

Good evening darlings,
after a 'difficult and sweaty meeting Francesca and I have
finally decided the theme of our collaboration (of which I spoke here ).
will begin the first episode talking about the outfits on the first day of Fashion Week in Milan for four bloggers who follow, m to go to see who I am:

_in order alfabetico_ Irene's closet; Little Thing Snob ; The Blonde Salad ; The fruit fashion.

[ to see more photos click on ]


Voto: 7 1/2

Outfit molto semplice ma d'effetto. Adoro la camicetta, il cappello e la gonna, ma non messi insieme. Non so, forse avrei tolto il cappello e cambiato le scarpe, che trovo le stiano male, non le valorizzano le gambe; tutto sommato un outfit rispettabilissimo e adatto per fare il giro di tutte le sfilate.


Rating: 8 1 / 2

Alessandra Unfortunately there are only two pictures, which perhaps do not even justice outfit.
Overall, with his coat on, I like the approach he did with skirt and shirt, but seeing the other photos .. mm .. I am not convinced. Will stir up your sleeves? I do not know, but I can tell you that this is a great outfit, I really like. Ale for me is promoted;)


rating: 9 -

The look chosen by Chiara I find it a bit 'special. Beautiful floral skirt and shoes with wooden heel and platform (not to mention the Givenchy *_*), but that hat? You can not see. Sorry Clare but this time you did not center, even if you go near.


Voto: 9 +

L'outfit di Veronica mi azzarderei a definirlo classico, ma stupendo. Adoro il total black spezzato da un capo di un colore totalmente differente, in questo caso un fucsia molto acceso. Come dice lei nel suo blog, ci sarebbe stata meglio una clutch invece che questa "borsona", ma i piedi reclamano tregua nel passare da una catwalk all'altra. 

E questo era tutto ragazze. Ora però tocca a voi dirmi cosa ne pensate: condividete le mie opinioni oppure le avete totalmente differenti? Se vi va scrivetemelo qua sotto :)
Alla prossima puntata,

Peace, love and Chanel.  Giada

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Does Stenosis Do

Updates ♥

Buon pomeriggio mie care 
è tanto tanto che non ci sentiamo, I'm so sorry :(

Quindi vi farò una carrellata di ciò che mi è successo during the period in which we have not heard.

Fri the story a bit 'random: Yesterday I went to the hairdresser to make me check the forelock and I took the opportunity to make me do that ringlets miraculously survived the night;)

In March I'm going to ride, Yeah! We go for three days in Ravenna, Foci del Po and something Pomposa .. I do not remember exactly, cooomunque are happy and I can not wait to leave.

flat stomach I started rewriting the program in the gym, now I have left to decrease the food and then I should improve;)

These fashion weeks are really like me, I hope you soon a post (I warn you that it will be very long) with the leaders' favorite and perhaps even worse.

Ah, I hope to show you what I want from an early time, still will not tell you what to luck, but hope it will be soon in my hands: 3

In June I'll have a tattoo per il compleanno (l'ho deciso io e quindi me lo devo fare per forza u.u ). Uno piccolo naturalmente, pensavo o dietro il collo o dietro l'orecchio. Consigli a riguardo??

Sto partecipando ad un concorsino dove devo disegnare dei gioielli (ve ne parlerò casomai meglio in futuro), anche qui avete qualche suggerimento?? Secondo voi cosa potrebbe andare di moda nelle prossime stagioni??

Ultima cosa, sperando di aver detto tutto, vi volevo segnalare questo giveaway to Nicole who is giving away a spoon Urban Decay, which drew upon a beautiful peacock *-* as first prize, second prize and as a set of enamel OPI collection of Katy Perry as a blush of Kiko: Q____

What are you doing still here, go and participate!

fineeeee E: D

Peace, love and Chanel. Giada

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Finalize The Sv2000 Dvd Recorder

Whale the monarchy in Libya: the flag of Senussi raised by the rebels in Benghazi

At this time the insurgency raging across Libya against the despotic and undemocratic regime of Muammar Gaddafi, in power since 1969, ie from the deposition His Majesty Sidi Idriss Senussi the first and only (so far) King of Libya unified, thanks to the will of the victorious Allies of World War II.
We express our solidarity to the brothers in Tripoli affectionate, especially in the Fezzan and Cyrenaica, you are releasing, on behalf of the One God, powerful and merciful, chains of slavery, and we are confident find that, after the grief of the blood shed by the followers in these moments of darkness, the Way of Light. In tolerance, harmony, moderation and respect for civilization, which has no trends which are not democratic and progress towards the conjugate Tradition.
In this regard, we hope the return of constitutional monarchy in Libya: a return that is being manifested in the symbols which, who knows how to decrypt them, are signs of reality. Observe the player photos submitted today by a blogger (a7fadhomar) at the site of the uprising that Flickr sees in Benghazi (the capital city of Cyrenaica, the land of the Sylphs and the Hesperides, the ancient Berenice of Battus, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Senussi, that God will always protect the holy places of el Beida, where he was the first zaùia, Giarabub ...), and Kufra Libyan people and the army fraternization: the human tide that pulls in the young coastal bengasina and not on the tank leafy most of the green flag Jamahiria gheddafiana, but the 'old' flag of the United Kingdom of Libya, which is the banner of the monarchy of King Idriss. And if the statements to be forgotten is the nephew of the late King, His Highness Prince Idriss, who lives between Rome and Washington, as the positions of the other Prince, His Highness Mohammed Senussi, who lives in London, the reality apparent. The people of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania and Fezzan, he wants to govern themselves in libertà: se non con una larga autonomìa, attraverso la figura di un monarca che garantisca l'unificazione dei territori. Del resto, fu proprio il Regno d'Italia, di cui tali regioni erano colonie dalla guerra italo-turca del 1911-12, che creava nel 1934 la colonia unita di Libia, ergendola a provincia metropolitana nel 1938. La sciagurata guerra perduta dal fascismo rovinò tutto, ma era nei voti che il già Emiro di Cirenaica Sidi Idriss Al Senussi, discendente del Profeta (con lui la pace), divenisse la figura catalizzante, in virtù della sua purezza e del suo carisma, del Regno Unito di Libia, il quale nasce dal balcone dell'ex governatorato di Bengasi, con la stessa bandiera delle foto qui riportate, mezzaluna e pentalfa, che at this time flutters in the wind again Africanus after 42 years on the evening of December 24, 1951. Nihil novum sub
sun, then: Libya may be returned (as it was in Spain, as some analysts are already preparing) a constitutional monarchy, under the tradition of the Holy Brotherhood Senussi, ascending from great people. It can intelligently combine royal sovereignty and social reforms. Or you can break up (This accords well with the story, as Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Fezzan very different structurally and ethnically), although the world powers would not enthusiastic, and difficult to allow this energy was so important, CODEST way. And yet, the ongoing revolution in North Africa, nothing can be excluded. Everything is in the hands of the One, the Supreme Artificer. And to Him who alone knows the secret of the lost words, relies on the fate of our peoples of the Mediterranean. But the signal is, the flag Senussi monarchy (green prophetic words, black rot, red for perfection in torment, with the albedo of the crescent and star) high in the sky in Benghazi: return the reigning dynasty in Libya, so if you want and you can, but in any case no longer reign marred by fanaticism and degeneration controiniziatiche, virtue, tolerance towards all, the infinite Light of the five points.
(F. Thurs)