Monday, March 7, 2011

Problema Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro


With this simple and tasty dish I would like to give my contribution to the collection of bread today and

A laudable initiative to inform and create awareness about a disease of women, endometriosis, a disease that affects just conscious but 3 million women in Italy, you want to create a collection of recipes dedicated to the special power to be followed by women affected by this disease as the power is helpful in controlling pain, it is important to reduce intake of foods that may favor the onset of inflammation and pain which then For example: red meat, dairy products, simple sugars. Are allowed, even recommended: cereali integrali, pasta, riso, tonno, pesce azzurro , verdure, legumi, noci, olio d'oliva.

La ricetta contiene tutti gli ingredienti consigliati, x 2 persone:

gr 180 pizzoccheri della Valtellina (con farina integrale di grano saraceno)
gr 150 di cimette di cavolfiore e le foglie più tenere
gr 100 di sarde pulite e sfilettate (gr 200-250 intere da pulire)
4-5 noci
1  spicchio d'aglio
olio extravergine d'oliva

Durante la cottura dei pizzoccheri, ca 15 min., stufare  clove of garlic in olive oil + a few tablespoons of cooking water, add the cauliflower florets and leaves, and cook 7-8 minutes, need to remain al dente, add salt off and add the sardines. Drain pizzoccheri, cauliflower sautéed in the sauce by adding chopped nuts and blasting it all over a high flame, sardines were cooked in minutes. Sprinkle with a little extra virgin olive oil raw.


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