Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Does Stenosis Do

Updates ♥

Buon pomeriggio mie care 
è tanto tanto che non ci sentiamo, I'm so sorry :(

Quindi vi farò una carrellata di ciò che mi è successo during the period in which we have not heard.

Fri the story a bit 'random: Yesterday I went to the hairdresser to make me check the forelock and I took the opportunity to make me do that ringlets miraculously survived the night;)

In March I'm going to ride, Yeah! We go for three days in Ravenna, Foci del Po and something Pomposa .. I do not remember exactly, cooomunque are happy and I can not wait to leave.

flat stomach I started rewriting the program in the gym, now I have left to decrease the food and then I should improve;)

These fashion weeks are really like me, I hope you soon a post (I warn you that it will be very long) with the leaders' favorite and perhaps even worse.

Ah, I hope to show you what I want from an early time, still will not tell you what to luck, but hope it will be soon in my hands: 3

In June I'll have a tattoo per il compleanno (l'ho deciso io e quindi me lo devo fare per forza u.u ). Uno piccolo naturalmente, pensavo o dietro il collo o dietro l'orecchio. Consigli a riguardo??

Sto partecipando ad un concorsino dove devo disegnare dei gioielli (ve ne parlerò casomai meglio in futuro), anche qui avete qualche suggerimento?? Secondo voi cosa potrebbe andare di moda nelle prossime stagioni??

Ultima cosa, sperando di aver detto tutto, vi volevo segnalare questo giveaway to Nicole who is giving away a spoon Urban Decay, which drew upon a beautiful peacock *-* as first prize, second prize and as a set of enamel OPI collection of Katy Perry as a blush of Kiko: Q____

What are you doing still here, go and participate!

fineeeee E: D

Peace, love and Chanel. Giada


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