At this time the insurgency raging across Libya against the despotic and undemocratic regime of Muammar Gaddafi, in power since 1969, ie from the deposition His Majesty Sidi Idriss Senussi the first and only (so far) King of Libya unified, thanks to the will of the victorious Allies of World War II.
We express our solidarity to the brothers in Tripoli affectionate, especially in the Fezzan and Cyrenaica, you are releasing, on behalf of the One God, powerful and merciful, chains of slavery, and we are confident find that, after the grief of the blood shed by the followers in these moments of darkness, the Way of Light. In tolerance, harmony, moderation and respect for civilization, which has no trends which are not democratic and progress towards the conjugate Tradition.
In this regard, we hope the return of constitutional monarchy in Libya: a return that is being manifested in the symbols which, who knows how to decrypt them, are signs of reality. Observe the player photos submitted today by a blogger (a7fadhomar) at the site of the uprising that Flickr sees in Benghazi (the capital city of Cyrenaica, the land of the Sylphs and the Hesperides, the ancient Berenice of Battus, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Senussi, that God will always protect the holy places of el Beida, where he was the first zaùia, Giarabub ...), and Kufra Libyan people and the army fraternization: the human tide that pulls in the young coastal bengasina and not on the tank leafy most of the green flag Jamahiria gheddafiana, but the 'old' flag of the United Kingdom of Libya, which is the banner of the monarchy of King Idriss. And if the statements to be forgotten is the nephew of the late King, His Highness Prince Idriss, who lives between Rome and Washington, as the positions of the other Prince, His Highness Mohammed Senussi, who lives in London, the reality apparent. The people of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania and Fezzan, he wants to govern themselves in libertà: se non con una larga autonomìa, attraverso la figura di un monarca che garantisca l'unificazione dei territori. Del resto, fu proprio il Regno d'Italia, di cui tali regioni erano colonie dalla guerra italo-turca del 1911-12, che creava nel 1934 la colonia unita di Libia, ergendola a provincia metropolitana nel 1938. La sciagurata guerra perduta dal fascismo rovinò tutto, ma era nei voti che il già Emiro di Cirenaica Sidi Idriss Al Senussi, discendente del Profeta (con lui la pace), divenisse la figura catalizzante, in virtù della sua purezza e del suo carisma, del Regno Unito di Libia, il quale nasce dal balcone dell'ex governatorato di Bengasi, con la stessa bandiera delle foto qui riportate, mezzaluna e pentalfa, che at this time flutters in the wind again Africanus after 42 years on the evening of December 24, 1951. Nihil novum sub
sun, then: Libya may be returned (as it was in Spain, as some analysts are already preparing) a constitutional monarchy, under the tradition of the Holy Brotherhood Senussi, ascending from great people. It can intelligently combine royal sovereignty and social reforms. Or you can break up (This accords well with the story, as Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Fezzan very different structurally and ethnically), although the world powers would not enthusiastic, and difficult to allow this energy was so important, CODEST way. And yet, the ongoing revolution in North Africa, nothing can be excluded. Everything is in the hands of the One, the Supreme Artificer. And to Him who alone knows the secret of the lost words, relies on the fate of our peoples of the Mediterranean. But the signal is, the flag Senussi monarchy (green prophetic words, black rot, red for perfection in torment, with the albedo of the crescent and star) high in the sky in Benghazi: return the reigning dynasty in Libya, so if you want and you can, but in any case no longer reign marred by fanaticism and degeneration controiniziatiche, virtue, tolerance towards all, the infinite Light of the five points.
(F. Thurs)
We express our solidarity to the brothers in Tripoli affectionate, especially in the Fezzan and Cyrenaica, you are releasing, on behalf of the One God, powerful and merciful, chains of slavery, and we are confident find that, after the grief of the blood shed by the followers in these moments of darkness, the Way of Light. In tolerance, harmony, moderation and respect for civilization, which has no trends which are not democratic and progress towards the conjugate Tradition.
In this regard, we hope the return of constitutional monarchy in Libya: a return that is being manifested in the symbols which, who knows how to decrypt them, are signs of reality. Observe the player photos submitted today by a blogger (a7fadhomar) at the site of the uprising that Flickr sees in Benghazi (the capital city of Cyrenaica, the land of the Sylphs and the Hesperides, the ancient Berenice of Battus, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Senussi, that God will always protect the holy places of el Beida, where he was the first zaùia, Giarabub ...), and Kufra Libyan people and the army fraternization: the human tide that pulls in the young coastal bengasina and not on the tank leafy most of the green flag Jamahiria gheddafiana, but the 'old' flag of the United Kingdom of Libya, which is the banner of the monarchy of King Idriss. And if the statements to be forgotten is the nephew of the late King, His Highness Prince Idriss, who lives between Rome and Washington, as the positions of the other Prince, His Highness Mohammed Senussi, who lives in London, the reality apparent. The people of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania and Fezzan, he wants to govern themselves in libertà: se non con una larga autonomìa, attraverso la figura di un monarca che garantisca l'unificazione dei territori. Del resto, fu proprio il Regno d'Italia, di cui tali regioni erano colonie dalla guerra italo-turca del 1911-12, che creava nel 1934 la colonia unita di Libia, ergendola a provincia metropolitana nel 1938. La sciagurata guerra perduta dal fascismo rovinò tutto, ma era nei voti che il già Emiro di Cirenaica Sidi Idriss Al Senussi, discendente del Profeta (con lui la pace), divenisse la figura catalizzante, in virtù della sua purezza e del suo carisma, del Regno Unito di Libia, il quale nasce dal balcone dell'ex governatorato di Bengasi, con la stessa bandiera delle foto qui riportate, mezzaluna e pentalfa, che at this time flutters in the wind again Africanus after 42 years on the evening of December 24, 1951. Nihil novum sub
sun, then: Libya may be returned (as it was in Spain, as some analysts are already preparing) a constitutional monarchy, under the tradition of the Holy Brotherhood Senussi, ascending from great people. It can intelligently combine royal sovereignty and social reforms. Or you can break up (This accords well with the story, as Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Fezzan very different structurally and ethnically), although the world powers would not enthusiastic, and difficult to allow this energy was so important, CODEST way. And yet, the ongoing revolution in North Africa, nothing can be excluded. Everything is in the hands of the One, the Supreme Artificer. And to Him who alone knows the secret of the lost words, relies on the fate of our peoples of the Mediterranean. But the signal is, the flag Senussi monarchy (green prophetic words, black rot, red for perfection in torment, with the albedo of the crescent and star) high in the sky in Benghazi: return the reigning dynasty in Libya, so if you want and you can, but in any case no longer reign marred by fanaticism and degeneration controiniziatiche, virtue, tolerance towards all, the infinite Light of the five points.
(F. Thurs)
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