Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Are Car Parts Called

Guidelines for a healthy and balanced diet (pt. 3) _The Teens

L ' adolescence is characterized by a deep its physical, psychological, hormonal and behavioral eating plan especially on the adolescent is often led to the infringement or indifference, and this may lead to considerable unrest.

On the other hand, the energy and nutritional needs of this age are significant because of the sensitive body growth, which has a peak speed of around 14 years for males and around 10 years for females.
Here are the three watchwords of the diet for teenagers that deve essere:  

  1. completa : non si devono eliminare a priori delle categorie di cibi, ma mangiare di tutto e vario
  2. equilibrata : nell'arco della giornata i principi nutritivi devono essere distribuiti in modo equilibrato
  3. leggera : non bisogna esagerare con il sale e i condimenti; i menu ideali sono quelli della  dieta mediterranea , che utilizzano solo olio extravergine d’oliva.
Parlando di teenagers al femminile:

Essere  adolescenti  non è mai stato facile, ma in questi ultimi anni forse lo è ancora di meno. I mass media e la pubblicità propongono immagini di  modelle magre  al limite dell' anoressia  che spesso fanno sentire le ragazze grasse anche se non lo sono effettivamente.

The consequence is to stimulate a kind of 'power unbalanced and lacking in fiber , iron and calcium .

A girl who has 12 to 17 years should take about 2000 calories.

calories Of these 60% of the total shall be provided by carbohydrates .
30% of fat (preferably vegetable).
12% of protein (half-type animal: fish , milk, eggs , meat, cheese , and half of vegetable type: pasta, legumes and bread).
are also important to football and iron .

The mistakes made easier

not have breakfast

Wrong! Breakfast should provide at least 20% of daily calories .
not eat fish
Wrong! Fish is rich in essential fatty acids.
Eating snacks and snack
Wrong! Are calorie and assimilate quickly, but do not give a sense of satiety and make me want to eat again.
drink sodas
Wrong! Provide an excess of sugar and create swelling.

For those who are too thin:

If you are slightly underweight these are the dietary advice that you we can increase by a few pounds for .
- not only eating food fossilizzatevi on a few ones, try to eat anything !
- During the day you make a couple of snacks based Craker or fruit.
- Never skip the first breakfast
- Dedicate always with meals as long as you need, do not eat standing up and hastily.

For those plump:

If you have any pounds these are the tips you we can give to lose.

- Try to always do a good breakfast rich in fiber (cornflakes) fruit and vegetable proteins ( milk or yogurt ).
- Do not eat between meals and avoid especially merendine  e  snack ipercalorici.
- Mangiate ogni giorno 2 porzioni di  frutta  e di  verdura .
- Non bevete  bibite gassate  e  succhi di frutta  molto zuccherati (preferite succhi freschi d'arancia o frullati con frutta di stagione).

E poi... Fate più movimento!

Non usate sempre il motorino, sostituitelo appena potete con la  bicicletta .
Guardate meno TV e videocassette e fate qualche bella corsetta, magari in compagnia di un'amica.

Spero che anche per voi queste linee guida vi siano utili, 
Peace, love and Chanel.  Giada


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