Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Put Battery Into M205


Hello Cherie, but what a beautiful day it is today?
Here in Florence is a beautiful sun, even if it is chilly, you? :)

This morning I would like to speak to the CO-wash.

What is this CO-wash?
Co-wash is a new way to wash your hair using only the balm and zucchero. 

Strano eh? Ma non fatevi intimorire dallo zucchero.

Vi lascio un video di TheMissRettore, più esperta e competente di me in questo argomento.

Ricapitolando un po' le cose dette nel video su come realizzare il CO-wash: 

Abbiamo bisogno di: Un bicchiere, un balsamo senza siliconi, zucchero bianco, zucchero cane.

Balsam Splend'or costs around € 1, max 1.50 and available
even in supermarkets.

  • Balsamo: for those with short hair to his ears should fill 1 / 4 of the glass.
    For those who have average, that is up to the shoulders, 1 / 3.
    For those who have long past the shoulders 1 / 2.
  • Sugar: for those with short hair or medium must add 1 tablespoon of white sugar and a cane. For those who have far
    2 tablespoons white sugar and brown sugar.
I have something to say about the dose, in my opinion are a bit 'exaggerated, both me and my friend have tried these quantities and are really too many, especially the balm that would immediately.

On the video side of Kathy, I realized I was wrong to do that so far the CO-wash why having massaged the "composed" it immediately flush instead of distenderlo su tutta la lunghezza e aspettare 5 min. , ma vi giuro che mi sono trovata bene lo stesso. 

I miei capelli sono più morbidi, leggeri, belli, le doppie punte sembrano sparite e trovo che si siano allungati molto più velocemente del solito. Insomma, se non l'aveste ancora capito, lo adoro .

E come dice la Dona, vinciamo lo scetticismo e facciamoci il CO-wash!! :D

Peace, love and Chanel.  Giada


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