Distribuzione giornaliera e settimanale delle porzioni alimentari.
Prendiamo in considerazione una dieta "media" di circa 2000 Kcal.
Pane (anche integrale): deve essere consumato tutti i giorni (circa 4 porzioni=200g)
Prodotti da forno (biscotti, fette biscottate, corn flakes): tutti i giorni (1 porzione=50g)
Pasta / rice / barley / corn and coarse grains (barley, rye, oats, etc..) every day (1 portion = 80g)
Fresh egg pasta (tagliatelle, etc..) as an alternative to the consumption of dry pasta, but not every day
P auction fresh stuffed (tortellini , ravioli, etc..) as an alternative to the consumption of dry pasta, but not every day
potatoes, potato dumplings: should not be consumed every day (up to 2 servings of 200g per week)
raw or cooked vegetables: imperative to eat it every day at every main meal (minimum of 500g per day in two meals)
Fresh fruit (a fruit high = 2-3 = small fruits about 150g ): 3 servings per day mandatory
fruit juice (unsweetened): alternative to a fruit, but not always
fresh meat (preferably lean meat): not every day (up to 5 servings per week = 500g). And 'well prefer fish and vegetables to meat.
Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, fresh (preferably oily fish): 3 servings per week = 450g.
Meats (including meat and canned fish): not every day (up to 3 servings per week = 150g)
Eggs (1 egg = 60g approx): NOT all i giorni (massimo 2-3 uova a settimana)
Legumi freschi/in scatola (fagioli, ceci, lenticchie, ecc.): 2 porzioni minime a settimana=240g (se secchi 60g circa vale a dire 2 porzioni da 30g).
Se i legumi si consumano al posto della carne le porzioni possono aumentare.
Latte (un bicchiere da tavola=125g circa): tutti i giorni 1 porzione
Yogurt (un vasetto=125g): tutti i giorni 1 porzione
Latte e yogurt sono interscambiabili
Fresh cheese (mozzarella, ricotta cheese, soft cheese, growth, goat ..): not every day (up to 2 servings per week = 200g)
ripened cheese (fontina, Gorgonzola, Taleggio, Parmesan ..): not every day (up to 2 servings per week = 100g that can be distributed daily to season the pasta)
Oil (a tablespoon table = about 10g, about a teaspoon = 5g): 3 servings per day = 3 tablespoons
Butter (better not use margarine): not every day
sugar / honey / jam (one tablespoon = 10g shaved about): 1 portion = 10g per day
These rules apply to a diet of 2,000 Kcal, it is obvious that, depending on your calorie needs, you have to decrease or increase the portions, but there are foods that should NEVER be reduced or eliminated: fruits and vegetables, milk / yogurt. Of course, you can reduce portions of meats and cheeses, sugar, bakery products, oil, bread and pasta.
When you're satisfied? Before eating Breathe deeply and imagine trying to eat the food of your choice made these simple questions: | |
1. | The size of the bites influences you in different ways? |
2. | prefer chewy bite or swallow the rapidly? |
3. | Give priority to certain combinations of foods or flavors? |
4. | To what extent do you feel like the dish that stands before you? |
Ora che hai preso coscienza delle tue preferenze, mangia in modo consapevole secondo le tue esigenze.
Quando finisci di mangiare chiediti: | |
1. | Ti senti sazia oppure no? |
2. | In qualche modo sei poco convinta di quello che hai mangiato? |
3. | Desidereresti qualcos'altro, ad esempio una cosa da bere oppure un dolce? |
Se hai risposto sì, significa che non hai fatto abbastanza attenzione alle tue esigenze, per cui impegnati nel prossimo pasto a valutare meglio le tue scelte.
3 consigli base per diminuire le calorie e sentirti sazia: | |
1. | Per ridurre le calorie dalla tua dieta è necessario abolire gli alimenti grassi, che a parità di peso, contengono il doppio delle calorie dei carboidrati. |
2. | |
3. | Also the eye wants its part: to fool yourself, try using the plates rather small, so the pieces will seem more abundant. |
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