Monday, January 31, 2011

Kenwood In Dash Dvd Player Parking Brake Overide

Cultural Appointments in Catania with library Akkuaria

As of January 26, 2011 every Wednesday from 17 hours onwards at the Library of Trinacria Piazza Giovanni Verga sixth of cultural events are held on the theme of poetry, fiction, art e. .. much more
The meetings, sponsored dall'AICS, Provincial Committee of Catania, Department of Culture, are taught by Vera Ambra.
Among the guests are actors, literary critics, pittori, cultori della lingua siciliana ecc.
Inoltre vengono trattati argomenti di attualità vari e in particolare sarà dato spazio agli Autori di Akkuaria e alla loro produzione letteraria.
Programma del Punto Akkuaria,
tutti i mercoledì ore 17.00 Libreria Trinacria Piazza Giovanni Verga 6a Catania

Incontro con il Poeta Pippo Nasca
I versi di Giacomo Leopardi tradotti in siciliano
A seguire libero recital con gli Autori presenti

Pomeriggio con il Duo Calì - D'Arrigo

February 16, 2011
Open Space: The authors present free recital with

February 23, 2011 Meeting with the poet Charles Found
recital with free Below the authors present

March 2, 2011 meeting with the poet Gaetano Petralia Following
free recital with the authors present

March 9, 2011 Meeting with the poet John Scilio
Following free recital with the authors present

March 16, 2011 meeting with the poet Antonio Cardella
Following free recital with the authors present

March 30, 2011 For 190 years after his death
"Homage to Domenico Temple" by Francesco Giordano
Following free recital with the authors present

Friday, January 28, 2011

Oil Of Oregano Rosacea

All I want is for January .. things!

Yeah, all I want are the things:)
Am I to materialist? Yes, I think yes, so what?
No, way, is not something so bad, I just love the accessories and clothes ^ _ ^

Ok girls let the long way to "list" of all that I managed to grab the new year.

category 1: give me what I could from my

Fake Rolex, functional but not so because
has the knob to adjust the clock is broken. Perfect for a bit 'stage in outfits;)

Nomination ring stolen in just the last year my mother
(Happy Mother: D)

Another thing that was my mother, this beautiful scarf (like Hermes)
Mantero Collection.
I found wandering around the event as one of its drawers .. by chance eh!

class 2: What I bought on its own

Maybelline Mascara The false eyelashes, there had already spoken here is fabulous, makes beautiful eyelashes.
Act against: it has little product.

Balsamo Splend'or coconut .. Perfect for CO-wash XD

New bag! I finally managed to find a new bag: D
socket to the market to € 15 is huge, comfortable and gorgeous: 3
[I apologize for the photos later that blogger turns me alone: \u200b\u200b(]

gorgeous earrings taken from Thelma & Louise, a
shop downtown in my city. I took two pairs to 6 €;)

To be continued . . . 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dollhouse Clothing Line

Hαi mαi provαto α cosα nαsconde ask each fαvolα?

Perchè α Biαncαneve è stαtα dαtα una melα αvvelenαtα? Per mostrαrci che non sono tutti gentili e che spesso le persone non sono chi dicono di essere.
Perchè Cenerentolα scαppα α mezzαnotte? For all that ricordαrci hα a limit, αnche the most beautiful dream that possα fαre. Why
lα lα Sirenettα cαmbiα suα codα for the gαmbe? For mostrαrci quαnto people siαndo arranged for those who α cαmbiαre αmαno. Why
Lα Bellα Addormentαtα sleep for a hundred years? To tell us that maybe we should αspettαre for a long, long time to primα trovαre lα personα giustα. Why is Jαsmine
innαmorα of Alαdin? For fαrci cαpire that what the heart wants, verrα 'obtained. Why
Lα Bellα dellα Bestiα falls in love? To remind us that not bisognα innαmorαrsi dell'αspetto exterior of unα personα not bisognα fermαrsi αll'αppαrenzα, it must scαvαre inside.

What Are Car Parts Called

Guidelines for a healthy and balanced diet (pt. 3) _The Teens

L ' adolescence is characterized by a deep its physical, psychological, hormonal and behavioral eating plan especially on the adolescent is often led to the infringement or indifference, and this may lead to considerable unrest.

On the other hand, the energy and nutritional needs of this age are significant because of the sensitive body growth, which has a peak speed of around 14 years for males and around 10 years for females.
Here are the three watchwords of the diet for teenagers that deve essere:  

  1. completa : non si devono eliminare a priori delle categorie di cibi, ma mangiare di tutto e vario
  2. equilibrata : nell'arco della giornata i principi nutritivi devono essere distribuiti in modo equilibrato
  3. leggera : non bisogna esagerare con il sale e i condimenti; i menu ideali sono quelli della  dieta mediterranea , che utilizzano solo olio extravergine d’oliva.
Parlando di teenagers al femminile:

Essere  adolescenti  non è mai stato facile, ma in questi ultimi anni forse lo è ancora di meno. I mass media e la pubblicità propongono immagini di  modelle magre  al limite dell' anoressia  che spesso fanno sentire le ragazze grasse anche se non lo sono effettivamente.

The consequence is to stimulate a kind of 'power unbalanced and lacking in fiber , iron and calcium .

A girl who has 12 to 17 years should take about 2000 calories.

calories Of these 60% of the total shall be provided by carbohydrates .
30% of fat (preferably vegetable).
12% of protein (half-type animal: fish , milk, eggs , meat, cheese , and half of vegetable type: pasta, legumes and bread).
are also important to football and iron .

The mistakes made easier

not have breakfast

Wrong! Breakfast should provide at least 20% of daily calories .
not eat fish
Wrong! Fish is rich in essential fatty acids.
Eating snacks and snack
Wrong! Are calorie and assimilate quickly, but do not give a sense of satiety and make me want to eat again.
drink sodas
Wrong! Provide an excess of sugar and create swelling.

For those who are too thin:

If you are slightly underweight these are the dietary advice that you we can increase by a few pounds for .
- not only eating food fossilizzatevi on a few ones, try to eat anything !
- During the day you make a couple of snacks based Craker or fruit.
- Never skip the first breakfast
- Dedicate always with meals as long as you need, do not eat standing up and hastily.

For those plump:

If you have any pounds these are the tips you we can give to lose.

- Try to always do a good breakfast rich in fiber (cornflakes) fruit and vegetable proteins ( milk or yogurt ).
- Do not eat between meals and avoid especially merendine  e  snack ipercalorici.
- Mangiate ogni giorno 2 porzioni di  frutta  e di  verdura .
- Non bevete  bibite gassate  e  succhi di frutta  molto zuccherati (preferite succhi freschi d'arancia o frullati con frutta di stagione).

E poi... Fate più movimento!

Non usate sempre il motorino, sostituitelo appena potete con la  bicicletta .
Guardate meno TV e videocassette e fate qualche bella corsetta, magari in compagnia di un'amica.

Spero che anche per voi queste linee guida vi siano utili, 
Peace, love and Chanel.  Giada

My Daughters Low Self Esteem

Guidelines for a healthy and balanced diet (pt. 2)

Distribuzione giornaliera e settimanale delle porzioni alimentari.

Prendiamo in considerazione una dieta "media" di circa 2000 Kcal.

Pane (anche integrale): deve essere consumato tutti i giorni (circa 4 porzioni=200g)
Prodotti da forno (biscotti, fette biscottate, corn flakes): tutti i giorni (1 porzione=50g)
Pasta / rice / barley / corn and coarse grains (barley, rye, oats, etc..) every day (1 portion = 80g)
Fresh egg pasta (tagliatelle, etc..) as an alternative to the consumption of dry pasta, but not every day
P auction fresh stuffed (tortellini , ravioli, etc..) as an alternative to the consumption of dry pasta, but not every day
potatoes, potato dumplings: should not be consumed every day (up to 2 servings of 200g per week)

raw or cooked vegetables: imperative to eat it every day at every main meal (minimum of 500g per day in two meals)
Fresh fruit (a fruit high = 2-3 = small fruits about 150g ): 3 servings per day mandatory
fruit juice (unsweetened): alternative to a fruit, but not always

fresh meat (preferably lean meat): not every day (up to 5 servings per week = 500g). And 'well prefer fish and vegetables to meat.
Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, fresh (preferably oily fish): 3 servings per week = 450g.
Meats (including meat and canned fish): not every day (up to 3 servings per week = 150g)
Eggs (1 egg = 60g approx): NOT all i giorni (massimo 2-3 uova a settimana)
Legumi freschi/in scatola (fagioli, ceci, lenticchie, ecc.): 2 porzioni minime a settimana=240g (se secchi 60g circa vale a dire 2 porzioni da 30g). 
Se i legumi si consumano al posto della carne le porzioni possono aumentare.

Latte (un bicchiere da tavola=125g circa): tutti i giorni 1 porzione
Yogurt (un vasetto=125g): tutti i giorni 1 porzione
Latte e yogurt sono interscambiabili
Fresh cheese (mozzarella, ricotta cheese, soft cheese, growth, goat ..): not every day (up to 2 servings per week = 200g)
ripened cheese (fontina, Gorgonzola, Taleggio, Parmesan ..): not every day (up to 2 servings per week = 100g that can be distributed daily to season the pasta)

Oil (a tablespoon table = about 10g, about a teaspoon = 5g): 3 servings per day = 3 tablespoons
Butter (better not use margarine): not every day
sugar / honey / jam (one tablespoon = 10g shaved about): 1 portion = 10g per day

These rules apply to a diet of 2,000 Kcal, it is obvious that, depending on your calorie needs, you have to decrease or increase the portions, but there are foods that should NEVER be reduced or eliminated: fruits and vegetables, milk / yogurt. Of course, you can reduce portions of meats and cheeses, sugar, bakery products, oil, bread and pasta.

When you're satisfied?

Before eating
Breathe deeply and imagine trying to eat the food of your choice made these simple questions:

The size of the bites influences you in different ways?
prefer chewy bite or swallow the rapidly?
Give priority to certain combinations of foods or flavors?
To what extent do you feel like the dish that stands before you?

Ora che hai preso coscienza delle tue preferenze,  mangia in modo consapevole secondo le tue esigenze.

Quando finisci di mangiare chiediti:
Ti senti sazia oppure no?
In qualche modo sei poco convinta di quello che hai mangiato?
Desidereresti qualcos'altro, ad esempio una cosa da bere oppure un dolce?

Se hai risposto sì, significa che non hai fatto abbastanza attenzione alle tue esigenze, per cui impegnati nel prossimo  pasto  a valutare meglio le tue scelte.

3 consigli base per diminuire le calorie e sentirti sazia:
Per ridurre le  calorie  dalla tua dieta è necessario abolire gli alimenti grassi, che a parità di peso, contengono il doppio delle calorie dei carboidrati.
Enter your diet potatoes, rice and pasta served with vegetables and flavored with a little olive oil .
Also the eye wants its part: to fool yourself, try using the plates rather small, so the pieces will seem more abundant.

Resetting Brookstone Luggage Locks

Guidelines for a healthy and balanced diet (pt. 1)

Girls I decided to do a diet, or rather to regulate what I eat, to be able to get a drier and physical well-being and mental and physical, then turning the web I found advice on how to eat a healthy and balanced and I report below a patchwork of the most useful advice to me:

The reasons that can lead us to correct the our diet are many: problems of constipation, indigestion, feeling bloated, sick or awareness of eating disorder, or simply because we dislike the most when you look in the mirror and want to feel more fit and vital. Here are 10 tips + 1 to lose weight and follow a balanced diet.

1. Eat all meals
Never skip the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) so to keep your metabolism always active and powerful. You burn more calories even if you do two snacks of fruit during the day.

2. Check the portion size
Sometimes, without realizing it, err on the portions. It is a very common mistake to avoid, not only because they accumulate more fat to be disposed, but also because we eat more than necessary.
Good advice to check the quantity of food is to use smaller plates: trick the brain filled to the brim, but eat less than usual.

3. No sugars and bad fats
a treat every now and then we can be, but it's better not to overdo it and it is important to have the quality. Do you prefer the homemade cake bought at the snack, choose some cubes of dark chocolate or milk instead of smarties.
As regards sugar, it is best to limit them, but if you want to Burn it to sweet preference in the morning, at breakfast, or at best as a snack. Never after lunch or after dinner, or slow digestion and the sugars will turn to fat.

4. Eat slowly and chew well
Eat slowly, chewing carefully each food. Avoid eating voraciously and quickly help the stomach, because the sense of fullness comes 20 minutes after the meal.

5. Beware Condiments
seems trivial, while it is a very important rule: often you eat diet or make small sacrifices, and then watering foods with unhealthy fat and seasonings.
This will retrieve all the calories that you wanted to take, which is why it is better to choose the olive oil in small quantities compared to butter or lard, not counting the various sauces and dips .

6. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and fill
They say you should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day is a golden rule, to be followed whenever possible. Just eat fruit for breakfast and snacks during and vegetables for lunch and dinner to fill up on vitamins.
Not only is it very healthy for the skin and the body, but is also a great way to stock up on fiber and to increase the sense of satiety.

7. Do not delete Carbohydrates
slimming diets require abandoning carbohydrates as a first step to lose weight, but it is something unhealthy and wrong in particular. Carbohydrates, in fact, are rich in starch and provide the energy to face their days. I shall only try and eat them for breakfast and lunch, taking less at night, to stay healthy and lose weight.

8. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day

Water is essential to our health, it provides minerals, without being fat, because it contains no calories. Assunta abundantly, especially outside of meals, water reduces the sense of hunger and improves the functionality of intestinal transit.
In the elderly, who feel a little thirsty, 's Water prevents dehydration, especially during summer heat waves. The mineral waters rich in calcium (in especially those with more than 300 mg / liter of calcium), especially taken with meals, help us to protect us from osteoporosis. Water also, along with physical activity and fiber contained in vegetables, fruits and whole grains (pasta, rice, bread) is the only true natural remedy for constipation.
Finally, it is very helpful to have a perfect skin: In addition to making it bright and smooth, it also reduces the swelling of the eye, as well as swelling in the body. In short, the reasons to drink so there are a lot.
9. Follow the Rule of the portion and percentage

Several scientific studies have shown that the body needs to introduce certain percentages of protein, carbohydrate and fat per day. For this, assume 15% of protein per day, 30% of the remaining percentage of lipids and carbohydrates.

10. Drink a glass of milk every morning
A glass of milk a day is good for hunger nervosa. It gives a kick to the body and help you feel more satisfied here because it is good to drink one drink per day.

11. There are no forbidden foods
No food is forbidden: But there are some foods to be consumed in moderation. Always remember this rule, especially when you fall into temptation.

diet, according to its etymological meaning (d the greek "style that is diaita life) should not be understood only as food but also as a lifestyle involving physical activity, occupational, sports, the rhythm of sleep habits and luxuries (such as smoking, the 'intake of coffee and alcoholic beverages) .
To be effective over time and be healthy, the diet should be balanced, ie, physiological and biochemical meet the needs of our body.
An unbalanced diet, although it may cause us to lose a few pounds quickly, will not help us ever really solve our problem, we do not teach you anything, and can sometimes even be harmful.