L’appello lanciato dallo scrittore Ceronetti
Salviamo la lingua italiana dall’invasione inglese!
Condividere non solamente ma anche combattere i barbarismi che infestano il glorioso
Nostro idioma – La velocità attuale ci può tuttavia far scegliere tra nostrani termini -
Par che nessuno voglia combattere: tutti sembrano arrendersi all’evidenza. Anche i governi, per bocca dei primi ministri (pardon, Premier…!), invitano al peccato… Qui si disserta dell’uso, sempre più smodato, of English in place of our substitute and Italic speech. Ab initio cleared up any misunderstanding: Let no bias feeds on our part against the language of Pope and Whitman, even as one admires, though poor grammar and content, precisely because of this has contributed strongly to cement what was, and still largely is, the British Empire. Yet, the invasion is invasion: it is called by other names, but such is. If you do not raise his voice loud and clear by those people who decades ago had called the authorities from the worlds of culture (or souls of Ungaretti, Montale and Quasimodo, without followers, at least not far after the death of Luzi and di Davide Turoldo…), tutto pare vano, tutto sfuma nell’indistinto. O come potranno avere delle direttive i nostri giovini –non si fa nemmeno conto degli adulti, i quali corrotti da par loro dall’ultimo trentennio di libertarismo, sono praticamente irrecuperabili- se i vecchi, o coloro i quali un tempo univano l’età alla saggezza, non si inalberano per difendere il sacrosanto vessillo del nostro idioma?
E’ una battaglia che dalle nostre parti (Catania è, per dire di un mòtto di città settecentesca, "litteris armatur, armis decoratur") si dovrebbe ben conoscere, prima di affrontarla. Senza donchisciottismi inutili, ma anche con coraggio e lealtà. Alcuni, e son molti, sostengono who knowingly pursue, in the chest dell'imbarbarimento Italic language, not a purity of style ('purity because in truth there never was), but the proper use of our words against foreigners, is sullen nationalism, bric-a sad past : worse, it is not 'fashionable'. Talk, talk the language of the enemy. And if Financo Academy of Bran, which is the first institution that should defend and advocate the proper use of the idiom of Italy, the only (maybe ...) that can retain, in times of political federalism (which anticipates say some, if not de jure secession, that de facto), the ethical sense of unità dei diversi popoli che la Patria nostra compongono e nel tricolore si riconoscono, dichiara la sconfitta effettiva (è assaj triste, come accade, udire l’attuale suo Presidente, in barba alle istanze del fu predecessore Giovanni Nencioni, asserire la commistione con l’inglese una necessità inevitabile…), i privati debbono svolgere la loro parte.
Non invocheremo le ombre del Tommasèo e del Fanfani, del Rigutini e del Biagi, né i maestri della lessicografia italiana del primo novecento, da Zingarelli a Palazzi: sia sufficiente l’appello, accorato ed appassionato come lui sa essere, di Guido Ceronetti, intellettuale libero nel più ampio senso del termine, traduttore insuperabile (la sua version of the Song of Songs is nothing short of wonderful) and poet in prose. He, in September 2007 and in January of this year, two articles appeared on-Sole 24 Ore and Corriere della Sera called on all people of good will to raise the barricades against the relentless encroachment of English in our language, and to fight without fear this conflict. Transcribe a piece of his mind: "a white flag in the wind, no trace of Thermopylae! The great language defined by Leopardi 'Almighty' (exaggerating a bit, 'but it was love) there it is taken and fish in a barrel face franchising, joint venture business, leasing, tour operators, jogging, privacy, marketing, full immersion, low cost, deregulation, talk shows, reality shows, imprinting, screening, scannering, stardom, rock stars, and then half the things are hard and soft and the other half ... The European Union clears all obstacles to employment of ' English language and abandon homelands ... The English war, all'anglofonia employment, all'americanofobia technological all'angloegemonia that is relentlessly crushing and burying the languages \u200b\u200bof continental Europe in quicksand with no return the least reactive of all This Italian our shortage, illiteracy, stupidly surrendered all'angloamericano, sparlacchiato evil young linguistically softened, forced into servitude by bilingual governments, like the current one who deliberately takes the subject (...) The miseducation leads straight linguistic indifference to everything: ethical values, cultural, religious place where 'the house of being', the language in which it embodies the spirit of the language, suffers the Richter scale in the seventh, so that will be worth more to live in Italy, learn basic English, but bad everywhere opener ... A language is not substitutable by a subsidiary, set up with arrogance. E 'in view of widespread confusion. Raise fearless language barriers. "
This wonderfully thought condensate, from a point of view 'Secular', well what the Pope has somehow recently said: relativism and indifference that lead to a lack of ethics and then to the most abhorrent crimes in our society have utmost abandonment of pride linguistic evidence national, against the barbarian invasion of English. And so that our language, as can be inferred also from a quick glance at the thesaurus (the Tommaseo, again: he, and not others, is in any case, the compass, even today), has plenty of phrases, adjectives of nouns to be too rich. But dechinare alien "is dirty thing," as well as the unnecessary items. And if the great sixties Aldo Gabrielli, in modern dictionaries, and before him the bright Alfredo Panzini in the volume of the same name, with a focus and a pinch of irony and fear their work provided detailed information to be a 'come' to the current vocabulary, today The situation is chaotic confusion, beyond being reversed. What strategy 'military', then? We do not see other solution than that of the oasis: growing from the cradle of the civil society or the family (traditional, extended, commingled as it is, but the family as the Pythagorean scheme if you want a Christian one, two, three, "male and female he created them ": in addition, it is the darkness) love tireless, slavish to the native language; actively monitor because it is correctly applied in primary and secondary teachers (it's the job of parents, where they are equal), then wait for the fruits, which inevitably will come. Centuries were used to switch from the Latin would say that almost courtly macaroni to the first forms of vulgar language (which is good to remember this, with the Sicilian school of poetry we were born on the island), so the battle is long. Today, the Internet and the means of mass communication require the speed and concision, even in the language: you can adapt to conditions are selected alternatives. And our language of Italy, by the grace of God, is abundant cornucopia of fruits happy. At least there is not, as in other areas, sad shortage. It draws from both hands, and call idioms that do not belong to our blue sky.
Baron of Sealand, or Francesco Giordano
(published on Sicily Sera No. 327, April 4, 2010)
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