Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy With Ge Cafe Appliances

The angels, our friends

Angels, at first regarded as personifications of God's will and then as part of a group of sky and a courtyard, were grouped into different classes or hierarchies: Cherubim, Seraphim, Thrones, Dominions , Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Archangels, Angels. According to medieval theologians are those who drive while residing in the Empyrean Intelligences, manifesting their action only on the nine heavens below so that each acts on a bright circle of the heavens, and these in turn show their influences on earth. They come from the Old Testament archangels (Raphael, Gabriel, Michael) that are closest to God, and so do the special categories of the Cherubim and Seraphim. Yet they all rooted in the religions of the earth were represented by Christianity as beings equipped with wings, probably influenced by ancient Oriental sculptures, which represented winged human figures as personifications of genes and supernatural creatures. Around the fourth century there emerged pictures of angels with wings and halo, children dressed in white who are holding the wand of the messenger, lilies, palms, flaming swords to fight the devil, incense, flags and trumpets to announce the Judgement. In the Middle Ages and early Renaissance angels are increasingly portrayed as androgynous and girls. It is stated in the twelfth century, the tendency to depict angels in particular with winged heads (index of non-corporeal and as children (innocence). This tendency is then to its final event in the idyllic angelic cherubs typical of the baroque. Finally, in the nineteenth century developed the tendency to portray the guardian angel of ogni persona e in particolar modo dei bambini. Entrare in contatto con il divino messaggero angelico ,ed approfondire tale rapporto, significa intraprendere responsabilmente un lungo cammino che concerne Dio, poichè gli angeli sono riflessi divini,specchi, come diceva Dante,che riflettono la luce stessa di chi ha creati e la moltiplicano all'infinito; (Paradiso. XXIX. 136 sgg.,). Allora l'angelo custode guarda la nostra realtà secondo una prospettiva libera dai condizionamenti dello spazio e del tempo, che a loro volta comprimono la nostra esistenza fino a sopraffarla ed inquinare la nostra obiettività. Essi dunque ci sono superiori, nella scala evolutiva, nella stessa misura in cui noi lo siamo rispetto agli animali. L'angelo interviene nella nostra esistenza nel momento in cui lo desideriamo intensamente con tutto il cuore. L'esempio migliore che vi posso dare per avere l'idea di cosa sia avere un angelo in cui credere è che quando voi non siete innamorati, sedurre una persona è una grande fatica. Mentre quando lo siete, le persone sono certamente attratte da voi perchè sentono la vostra energia. Nel momento in cui deciderete di aprirvi al regno spirituale, il vostro rapporto con il mondo non è più limitato agli altri e a se stessi, ma diviene tridimensionale, aprendosi ad una terza dimensione, quella degli angeli, e la vostra vita cambia e diventa più facile. E il mezzo per permettere all'amico celeste di aiutarti sono le preghiere. Difatti sotto il nome dell'angelo custode of each individual are stated clearly the gifts and powers that he grants to those who request them, since the angel goes to the man when he goes to the angel. To do this there are prayers that the tradition has consecrated for each angel, and if you want to deepen the discourse can invoke and pray the angel who presided over the day of our birth and who chairs the day of our birthday. He is our angel of the day and is very beneficial for all that concerns our love life, our friendships, our loves and our emotions. Also there is the angel told the mission that governs twenty minutes during which we have come to light. The gifts and powers granted by the angel in the course of twenty minutes of his rule extending over the course of twenty-four hours of the day to beneficially affect our intelligence and our intelligence. It 'necessary to invoke this angel the twenty minutes of his rule in order to understand things clearly these beings of light are manifested in several ways: I describe an angelic experience took place in the mountains of Medjugorje about three years ago; the evening a lady came down to the valley after visiting the Holy Places, the descent was fairly steep and was carrying a torch that would have eased the way, so the lady panicked fearing not do this alone. So Trusting fully in Madonna, churches the help of his guardian angel, soon to his surprise, she noticed that she had been raised and have now reached the most secure place and out of danger. It was then that a very tall young man dressed in European clothes, appeared before her in silence, the lady thanked him very much for the help lend. The man, who had hardly been there before, he had rescued in an area difficult to cross and then, without a word with a smile sketched, had vanished.

Claudia Rita Grasso


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