Monday, April 12, 2010

Patty Cake Full Galerias

Apro la porta, entro in casa; penso che quest'estate ci sarà un gatto in meno sotto le nuvole delle ortensie e un po' piango. Poi leggo di vagoni appesi a una scarpata e mi vergogno. E' che mi lego ai felini con dei nodi stretti, fanno così anche i miei figli, gattari dentro.
Il vecchio che viene a prendere Micino per seppellirlo mi dice:- Sono proprio una tua passione, i gatti.
Dice così, senza condividerne il senso. Sempre che le passioni ne abbiano uno.
I gatti entrano furtivi nelle vite di chi li aspetta, la capacità di amore comprende le più disparate forme di affetto. Mi siedo sul gradino davanti alla porta della cucina e penso: arriverà un altro gatto, verrà a sapere del posto vacante nel mio giardino mezzo distrutto. E mi piacerà riconoscerlo e chiamarlo per nome, perché chi non li ama non lo sa, ma ognuno di questi animali, rispetto ai suoi simili, ha qualcosa di speciale e di diverso.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Suspensory Jockstraps


L’appello lanciato dallo scrittore Ceronetti

Salviamo la lingua italiana dall’invasione inglese!

Condividere non solamente ma anche combattere i barbarismi che infestano il glorioso
Nostro idioma – La velocità attuale ci può tuttavia far scegliere tra nostrani termini -
Par che nessuno voglia combattere: tutti sembrano arrendersi all’evidenza. Anche i governi, per bocca dei primi ministri (pardon, Premier…!), invitano al peccato… Qui si disserta dell’uso, sempre più smodato, of English in place of our substitute and Italic speech. Ab initio cleared up any misunderstanding: Let no bias feeds on our part against the language of Pope and Whitman, even as one admires, though poor grammar and content, precisely because of this has contributed strongly to cement what was, and still largely is, the British Empire. Yet, the invasion is invasion: it is called by other names, but such is. If you do not raise his voice loud and clear by those people who decades ago had called the authorities from the worlds of culture (or souls of Ungaretti, Montale and Quasimodo, without followers, at least not far after the death of Luzi and di Davide Turoldo…), tutto pare vano, tutto sfuma nell’indistinto. O come potranno avere delle direttive i nostri giovini –non si fa nemmeno conto degli adulti, i quali corrotti da par loro dall’ultimo trentennio di libertarismo, sono praticamente irrecuperabili- se i vecchi, o coloro i quali un tempo univano l’età alla saggezza, non si inalberano per difendere il sacrosanto vessillo del nostro idioma?
E’ una battaglia che dalle nostre parti (Catania è, per dire di un mòtto di città settecentesca, "litteris armatur, armis decoratur") si dovrebbe ben conoscere, prima di affrontarla. Senza donchisciottismi inutili, ma anche con coraggio e lealtà. Alcuni, e son molti, sostengono who knowingly pursue, in the chest dell'imbarbarimento Italic language, not a purity of style ('purity because in truth there never was), but the proper use of our words against foreigners, is sullen nationalism, bric-a sad past : worse, it is not 'fashionable'. Talk, talk the language of the enemy. And if Financo Academy of Bran, which is the first institution that should defend and advocate the proper use of the idiom of Italy, the only (maybe ...) that can retain, in times of political federalism (which anticipates say some, if not de jure secession, that de facto), the ethical sense of unità dei diversi popoli che la Patria nostra compongono e nel tricolore si riconoscono, dichiara la sconfitta effettiva (è assaj triste, come accade, udire l’attuale suo Presidente, in barba alle istanze del fu predecessore Giovanni Nencioni, asserire la commistione con l’inglese una necessità inevitabile…), i privati debbono svolgere la loro parte.
Non invocheremo le ombre del Tommasèo e del Fanfani, del Rigutini e del Biagi, né i maestri della lessicografia italiana del primo novecento, da Zingarelli a Palazzi: sia sufficiente l’appello, accorato ed appassionato come lui sa essere, di Guido Ceronetti, intellettuale libero nel più ampio senso del termine, traduttore insuperabile (la sua version of the Song of Songs is nothing short of wonderful) and poet in prose. He, in September 2007 and in January of this year, two articles appeared on-Sole 24 Ore and Corriere della Sera called on all people of good will to raise the barricades against the relentless encroachment of English in our language, and to fight without fear this conflict. Transcribe a piece of his mind: "a white flag in the wind, no trace of Thermopylae! The great language defined by Leopardi 'Almighty' (exaggerating a bit, 'but it was love) there it is taken and fish in a barrel face franchising, joint venture business, leasing, tour operators, jogging, privacy, marketing, full immersion, low cost, deregulation, talk shows, reality shows, imprinting, screening, scannering, stardom, rock stars, and then half the things are hard and soft and the other half ... The European Union clears all obstacles to employment of ' English language and abandon homelands ... The English war, all'anglofonia employment, all'americanofobia technological all'angloegemonia that is relentlessly crushing and burying the languages \u200b\u200bof continental Europe in quicksand with no return the least reactive of all This Italian our shortage, illiteracy, stupidly surrendered all'angloamericano, sparlacchiato evil young linguistically softened, forced into servitude by bilingual governments, like the current one who deliberately takes the subject (...) The miseducation leads straight linguistic indifference to everything: ethical values, cultural, religious place where 'the house of being', the language in which it embodies the spirit of the language, suffers the Richter scale in the seventh, so that will be worth more to live in Italy, learn basic English, but bad everywhere opener ... A language is not substitutable by a subsidiary, set up with arrogance. E 'in view of widespread confusion. Raise fearless language barriers. "
This wonderfully thought condensate, from a point of view 'Secular', well what the Pope has somehow recently said: relativism and indifference that lead to a lack of ethics and then to the most abhorrent crimes in our society have utmost abandonment of pride linguistic evidence national, against the barbarian invasion of English. And so that our language, as can be inferred also from a quick glance at the thesaurus (the Tommaseo, again: he, and not others, is in any case, the compass, even today), has plenty of phrases, adjectives of nouns to be too rich. But dechinare alien "is dirty thing," as well as the unnecessary items. And if the great sixties Aldo Gabrielli, in modern dictionaries, and before him the bright Alfredo Panzini in the volume of the same name, with a focus and a pinch of irony and fear their work provided detailed information to be a 'come' to the current vocabulary, today The situation is chaotic confusion, beyond being reversed. What strategy 'military', then? We do not see other solution than that of the oasis: growing from the cradle of the civil society or the family (traditional, extended, commingled as it is, but the family as the Pythagorean scheme if you want a Christian one, two, three, "male and female he created them ": in addition, it is the darkness) love tireless, slavish to the native language; actively monitor because it is correctly applied in primary and secondary teachers (it's the job of parents, where they are equal), then wait for the fruits, which inevitably will come. Centuries were used to switch from the Latin would say that almost courtly macaroni to the first forms of vulgar language (which is good to remember this, with the Sicilian school of poetry we were born on the island), so the battle is long. Today, the Internet and the means of mass communication require the speed and concision, even in the language: you can adapt to conditions are selected alternatives. And our language of Italy, by the grace of God, is abundant cornucopia of fruits happy. At least there is not, as in other areas, sad shortage. It draws from both hands, and call idioms that do not belong to our blue sky.

Baron of Sealand, or Francesco Giordano

(published on Sicily Sera No. 327, April 4, 2010)

Pokemon Silver Pokemon Sprite Hacking

Shah Reza Palha, innovative slandered

After recent events in Iran

The Shah of Persia , an innovator again slandered

events that disturb the tranquility of the great Asian nations in the West they give biased interpretations
and deliberately misleading - The socialization of Reza Pahlavi and the current government -

One of the recent statements by the head of the opposition to the government of Iran, the political Moussawi, is that the current President of the Republic, Ahmadinejad, and its vertices, form a government "worse than the Shah" as a result, many states west of the TV, they very quickly sent some old pictures of the last ruler of the then Persia, deposed by the coup of Khomeini, as you know, just thirty-one years ago, and which this year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the death in exile in Egypt that housed. To better understand these claims, moreover, made by a man, Moussawi, who was prime minister during the years of the Khomeini regime, now head of the protest movement since last year that disturbs the public order of Iran, in having more political freedoms that the government is far from being grant-in fact already imposed the death sentences for the riots in recent months, under the current law, it is important to know that the Iranian people today, three-quarters born after the coup of January to Feb. 1979, then did not live during the monarchy, thus preserving the memory of it indirect and mediated, the bodies of the system they wanted to convey. For several millennia, the offspring of Iran is among the best for fine intelligence and courage, throughout the world, but the Khomeini government has manipulated at will without any doubt the textbooks and teaching, enhancing young people's interpretation of autocratic rule of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as the epitome of tyranny. And yet, the violent protests that in recent times have demonstrated against the harsh government of President Ahmadinejad, strongly inspired by the spiritual leader of the religious nation, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, a man of culture and subtle wit, leads to conclude that the educated and do not Iran's fanatical youth classes in a sense drawn from the message that the West comes mainly through the Internet, tuttavolta mediated by its history of the twentieth century, which was entirely under the sign of modernity and the equilibrium constant between the proud and then the dominant powers, the purpose (goal, as we shall see shortly, preserved broadly by the current regime) to pursue a policy of autonomy over key aspects of a national community of today, namely self-sufficiency in energy, economic and political.
Codest What principles have been primarily made by the Shah Mohammad Reza, is the history of Iran, then Persia, to say without doubt or hesitation. In 1980, thirty years ago, freshly laid and already terminally ill with cancer (will shut down in July of that year, a guest of his brother Sadat: who will die assassinated a year later), the shah penned a book that appears today, in our opinion, interpreted in the light of current events , quite prophetic: "Answer to History." In this text, the man who had been the last five years mercilessly vilified by newspapers and television Western, as the highest responsible for the oppression of his people, after having been operated by the same public information 'doped', in the fifties and sixties, exalted as a proponent of the modernization of Iran: a 'script' che abbiamo tristemente veduto in replica con il Presidente iracheno Saddam Hussein- , spiegava nella immediatezza dei fatti, le attività squisitamente politiche, economiche e sociali che permisero alla Persia ed ai persiani di divenire, in pochi decenni (dopo la fine dell’ultima guerra ed il suo avvento al trono, in seguito alla abdicazione del padre Reza Scià, fondatore della dinastìa Pahlavi che si rifaceva agli Achemenidi, Ciro Serse e Dario), una nazione moderna, con infrastrutture paragonabili a quelle dell’Europa e delle Americhe, e soprattutto il suo obiettivo di indipendenza energetica dai due blocchi all’epoca contrapposti, divenendo il leader di quegli stati che allora si chiamavano Paesi non allineati.
Lo Shah was a man personally and basically good, Western-educated and whose mind was full of authentic spirituality alien to religious fanaticism of the mullahs and the ayatollahs whose privileges he always fought (the famous law of the sixties, under the known 'white revolution' which sanctioned the modernizing reforms after the failed coup of Mossadeq who wanted to take his place, which confiscated the estates of many dead hand of the mosques, the prerogative of the religious order to distribute them to farmers, according to the social system of economy of communities: the present day system applied in Bolivia by President Chavez, not surprisingly criticatissimo in the West): sixty years, even after a lifetime steeped in the most glittering glamorous (the second marriage, then turned into a sad tale, with the Princess Soraya who can not give him an heir, with the subsequent repudiation of this lady in tears of both became one of the biggest stories of the newspaper serials of Europe in the fifties and sixties, particularly in Italy much loved by the sovereign nation and also by Soraya, whose love for her ex-husband never ceased to manifest itself, until she lived), could well stand out as the leader of a new world is not subjected to the power of money (because of its very rich), world's largest producer of oil through the Snip (in 1977, the state company was, according to Fortune magazine, ahead of Exxon and Shell) and real rocker that would have reconciled genuine political capital and work, overcoming the aporia senseless and unacceptable in the choice between capitalism and Marxism.
The Shah had in fact since 1963 implemented the distribution of profits to the workers of enterprises, making them sharers in the national economy, specifically the implementation through the entrance of a majority stake, with state law in 1975. He is well read and meditated on the CSR program Mussolini, that of socialization, the Duce could not be implemented because it was too late: and put in practice. So he wrote: "... one of the most advanced laws in the world, thanks to which the worker participated in the profits of the company. The owners had to sign a collective agreement with the delegates or business with the union's majority, will award prizes proportional to production workers ... also participated fully in the bank ... to net earnings for workers, particularly established for the granting of loans to employees, contributed to the foundation of several hundred workers' credit unions ... practiced an annual interest rate of 4 % ... in August 1975 all existing private production units over five years had sell 49% of their shares to workers and employees. The newly created state-owned industry was to distribute 99% of the shares first among its workers and employees, then among those of other companies, among the peasants finally ... we were giving an example of collaboration among workers, technicians and employers as well ... professional agitators and Marxist faith that capitalism fighter "(in response to the story, cap.IV). It was the so-called 'third way', the supreme and sublime balance for social harmony between the previous ideology that only a man of great intelligence and lofty goal as the Shah Mohammad Reza, realizing the dreams of those who preceded him, he could achieve. Industries state were sold in October 1978, just before the riots broke out unstoppable then that a few months later brought the exile of the Shah, Khomeini's return (which the Sovereign had generously pardoned after a failed putsch in 1963 with other similar Mussolini regime ...) and the establishment of the Islamic Republic, whose elders immediately blocked the secular laws of the former government, retaining their feudal privileges.
Thirty years have passed in vain, however, if today some of the measures, which we call self-sufficient without doubt, the aforementioned assumptions in the years since the Shah's government (which was nevertheless based on the lack of a single party, the personal trust in uomini che lo tradirono, e di non aver istituito un organismo di forte interscambio sociopsicologico còlla popolazione minuta, sobillata e manovrata dagli imam delle moschee), come l’energìa nucleare per scopi di arricchimento energetico (di là dalla legittima difesa personale della Nazione), la promozione della istruzione già obbligatoria per tutti, alcuni provvedimenti di economìa sociale come il lavoro obbligatorio, sono stati fatti propri, seppur con nomi e forme diverse, dall’attuale governo del Presidente Ahmadinejad –il quale non a caso riscuote di amplissimi consensi- ; le forme di protesta sobillate, come si è anche evidenziato, da agenti dell’Occidente, in particolare della Gran Bretagna che da cento anni trama fra le montagne iraniane per controllarne le ricchezze, non possono far dimenticare anche l’accordo colla Cina (politica anch’essa perseguita dallo Scià, che era già stato apprezzato ed aveva avviato collaborazioni coll’allora capo del PC cinese Hua Guofeng, come col leader romeno Nicolae Ceausescu ed il Maresciallo Tito: pur essendo assaj vicino agli Stati Uniti del Presidente Nixon), col quale il governo attuale di Teheran ha due anni fa stabilito una concessione ventennale di fornitura di gas naturale al colosso cinese: e questo governo ne garantisce, come è ovvio, la vitalità.
Pertanto leggere alcune dichiarazioni di oppositori all’attuale regime in virtù di critiche ad un passato, forgotten for many in the West, is not only misguided but the result of (desired and scientifically implemented) disinformation, which I am guilty of newspapers, TV accomplices but going back to lenders in the first semi-hidden political and economic, so-called strong economic powers and finance. In this dirty game we do not pay, restoring the pieces of the puzzle in their proper place, and in defending the inalienable right of the Iranian people their sovereignty now threatened by outside rabble-rousing (the sad, recent and declared by the press in Tehran, "servile" statements of Prime Minister Berlusconi on Iran, are the most wrong today we can say in the matter), remember with emotion the splendid figure of a man, illuminated by a light that never goes down (Mohammad Reza was started, as you know, to Freemasonry), who was the Shah of Persia, commemorating with his last words of tolerance, brotherhood, great humanity: "I pray for the millions of unemployed. I pray for those who have lost everything. I pray for those who suffer in silence and for those over there are suffering. I pray for those who are blinded by lies and dall'impostura. God will enlighten and tear and for all the hate from their hearts. "
It 's a message of love, the latter of the Shah, who has no time or space, the value of which stands in clear skies every day kiss by the rays of the all-seeing, all pages, the law, fleeing the darkness and runs toward the unfathomable way.

Baron of Sealand, or Francesco Giordano

(published on Sicily Sera No. 327, April 4, 2010, in the photo, SM Reza Palha and Empress Farah Diba, in a happy moment)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy With Ge Cafe Appliances

The angels, our friends

Angels, at first regarded as personifications of God's will and then as part of a group of sky and a courtyard, were grouped into different classes or hierarchies: Cherubim, Seraphim, Thrones, Dominions , Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Archangels, Angels. According to medieval theologians are those who drive while residing in the Empyrean Intelligences, manifesting their action only on the nine heavens below so that each acts on a bright circle of the heavens, and these in turn show their influences on earth. They come from the Old Testament archangels (Raphael, Gabriel, Michael) that are closest to God, and so do the special categories of the Cherubim and Seraphim. Yet they all rooted in the religions of the earth were represented by Christianity as beings equipped with wings, probably influenced by ancient Oriental sculptures, which represented winged human figures as personifications of genes and supernatural creatures. Around the fourth century there emerged pictures of angels with wings and halo, children dressed in white who are holding the wand of the messenger, lilies, palms, flaming swords to fight the devil, incense, flags and trumpets to announce the Judgement. In the Middle Ages and early Renaissance angels are increasingly portrayed as androgynous and girls. It is stated in the twelfth century, the tendency to depict angels in particular with winged heads (index of non-corporeal and as children (innocence). This tendency is then to its final event in the idyllic angelic cherubs typical of the baroque. Finally, in the nineteenth century developed the tendency to portray the guardian angel of ogni persona e in particolar modo dei bambini. Entrare in contatto con il divino messaggero angelico ,ed approfondire tale rapporto, significa intraprendere responsabilmente un lungo cammino che concerne Dio, poichè gli angeli sono riflessi divini,specchi, come diceva Dante,che riflettono la luce stessa di chi ha creati e la moltiplicano all'infinito; (Paradiso. XXIX. 136 sgg.,). Allora l'angelo custode guarda la nostra realtà secondo una prospettiva libera dai condizionamenti dello spazio e del tempo, che a loro volta comprimono la nostra esistenza fino a sopraffarla ed inquinare la nostra obiettività. Essi dunque ci sono superiori, nella scala evolutiva, nella stessa misura in cui noi lo siamo rispetto agli animali. L'angelo interviene nella nostra esistenza nel momento in cui lo desideriamo intensamente con tutto il cuore. L'esempio migliore che vi posso dare per avere l'idea di cosa sia avere un angelo in cui credere è che quando voi non siete innamorati, sedurre una persona è una grande fatica. Mentre quando lo siete, le persone sono certamente attratte da voi perchè sentono la vostra energia. Nel momento in cui deciderete di aprirvi al regno spirituale, il vostro rapporto con il mondo non è più limitato agli altri e a se stessi, ma diviene tridimensionale, aprendosi ad una terza dimensione, quella degli angeli, e la vostra vita cambia e diventa più facile. E il mezzo per permettere all'amico celeste di aiutarti sono le preghiere. Difatti sotto il nome dell'angelo custode of each individual are stated clearly the gifts and powers that he grants to those who request them, since the angel goes to the man when he goes to the angel. To do this there are prayers that the tradition has consecrated for each angel, and if you want to deepen the discourse can invoke and pray the angel who presided over the day of our birth and who chairs the day of our birthday. He is our angel of the day and is very beneficial for all that concerns our love life, our friendships, our loves and our emotions. Also there is the angel told the mission that governs twenty minutes during which we have come to light. The gifts and powers granted by the angel in the course of twenty minutes of his rule extending over the course of twenty-four hours of the day to beneficially affect our intelligence and our intelligence. It 'necessary to invoke this angel the twenty minutes of his rule in order to understand things clearly these beings of light are manifested in several ways: I describe an angelic experience took place in the mountains of Medjugorje about three years ago; the evening a lady came down to the valley after visiting the Holy Places, the descent was fairly steep and was carrying a torch that would have eased the way, so the lady panicked fearing not do this alone. So Trusting fully in Madonna, churches the help of his guardian angel, soon to his surprise, she noticed that she had been raised and have now reached the most secure place and out of danger. It was then that a very tall young man dressed in European clothes, appeared before her in silence, the lady thanked him very much for the help lend. The man, who had hardly been there before, he had rescued in an area difficult to cross and then, without a word with a smile sketched, had vanished.

Claudia Rita Grasso

Indoor Public Ice Skating In Etobicoke

sms to the wrong recipient

Mando un sms a una certa Patrick:
- Hello, I'm Cristina, steps to take when the book of your sister?
But I must have put another number in memory because I get a response or a William Amilcare:
- You are wrong.
- sorry and thanks for giving me advised. So begins a series of
- Ki 6? Where and 6?
The type of writing is more likely to type the message has not been a Amilcare but rather a Mirko. I would almost be tempted to respond:
- Hello, I'm blind to Sorrento and the phones have a relationship rather than confrontational. Last week I called the beautician and she said the butcher. Yesterday, however, thinking of talking to an uncle of Cortona, I made a garrulous "Buoncompleannozzzio" to a coach builder in Motta di Livenza. Okay, not really the case that you lose time with me. Even so, my beardless stranger, I have a fair number of springs.
maybe I could make you sit on my lap to tell the tale of Tom Thumb, but check out of my suit pants are always decorated with a few cat hairs.
However, if you have time to spend, I would need two strong arms to move the library. Behind think there is a colony of spiders with the physique of Platinette, but no wig. If you feel up to the man of hard work I also have a shower with silicone because I tried to call the plumber, but he said the ice cream. And, while you're there, please check if you have the tools and a set of allen wrench, without underestimating the risk of being in front of a psikopatika Perikolo ke could use it to give it to you in the head.