Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mahabhringraj Hair Oil

Prayer to the Virgin of Pope John in the 152 th anniversary of the apparitions of Lourdes

In the 152 th anniversary of the Marian apparitions in Lourdes, we present an excerpt from the prayer March 25, 1958, the then Patriarch of Venice, Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, elected a few months after the papal throne under the name of John XXIII, addressed to the Virgin Mother, in a speech at the dedication of the temple dedicated to St. Pius X. There is particularly dear to worship and pray to the Creator of the universe, in the words of a man own unique and truly he proclaimed the universal brotherhood of nations.
"O Holy Virgin, or our Immaculate, whom thou dichiarasti on the words of the Vicar of thy Son Jesus on earth, O Queen of Lourdes, give, give from the fullness of your grace, your gifts. Renew the wonders of a century, and does happen to the new wonders ancient wonders: 'signa innovation, unchanged wonders'. Praise yet always in this place your hand and your right arm ... As your Son spoke a day to all the nations that dawn to be made, you call them, mother of Jesus and our Mother, and Reunite in obedience to the word of Jesus 'Repl Zion innumerabilibus verbis Tuis'. Be especially sweet for those who welcome the faithfulness of their ancestors and their ancient tradition, 'iis here creaturae tuae sunt ab initio'. Your confident communication to your beloved Bernadette repeated, here or find the Immaculate Virgin, a wider breadth of your testimony nel senso dei tuoi inviti, qui ed altrove, per il ritorno dei figli dispersi alla casa del Padre che è sempre la casa tua, la dolce casa nostra...
'Sancta Maria Immaculata, succurre miseris'. Soccorri i miseri, dà coraggio ai pusilli, consola i mesti, sana gli infermi, prega per il popolo, intercedi benigna per il clero, abbi uno sguardo speciale al devoto femmineo ceto; tutti sentano, tutti gustino il tuo aiuto benigno e potente, quanti ora e sempre qui ti rendono e renderanno onore, e ti offriranno le loro suppliche fatte passare attraverso l'intercessione del santo pontefice Pio X. Tutti accogli, o madre, e tutti esaudisci.
Siamo tutti tuoi figlioli: 'Exaudi orationes filiorum tuorum. Amen in aeternum'.
(dal Journal of a Soul of John XXIII, 4th ed., Pp.443-45)


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