About the recent attacks in the Horn of Africa
alleged piracy and truth about the state of Puntland
self-proclaimed after the collapse of the Government of Somalia in 1991, this federal state is not
responsible for seizures of cargo - Toxic waste from Europe - The reasons for these people and arrogance of power -
The Chronicles of recent months, give notice of the increasing attacks of so-called 'pirates' who, from the coast northeastern Somalia, undertake massive boardings of merchant vessels transiting in the Gulf of Aden. It seems that the traffic of goods and materials from that place important transit, is about twenty per cent of the world, for which the European Union, like other community entities, has set up since December, a group of naval ships to protect maritime traffic in those areas. We need to clarify beyond any misinformation, often concerned from European sources, in order to restore dignity to the people of Somalia in the Horn of Africa. While it is known that the collapse of the national government of the great African country, after the dictatorship of Siad Barre, dates from 1991, and subsequent attempts (including the U.S., with bloodshed) of the United Nations have not led, until quite recently, training in Mogadishu of a transitional government also approved by the OAU, in the north of the former Italian colony (trustee between 1950 and 1960 dall'AFIS, for the UN, after nine years of British occupation leading to our defeat in World War II) since the Nineties, there are two self-proclaimed independent states, from different stories, just between the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. Somaliland follows the eponymous British colony, and has hopes of seeing their status recognized by the United Nations. The Horn of Africa also sees May 5, 1998 in Garowe, the birth of the autonomous state of Puntland Federal ('country di Punt’ o dell’incenso, secondo la leggenda biblica), da parte di sette regioni, come si nota dalla cartina che qui si pubblica, autoproclamate e riunite in unica amministrazione.
Il governo autonomo federale del Puntland ha capitale Garowe, con città popolate come Bosso, dall’importante porto (la vecchia Bender Cassìm), ed Eyl. Tra le sue ricchezze, in una regione montuosa, la pesca ed il sale. La superficie supera i 212 mila km. quadrati, e di oltre due milioni e quattrocentomila abitanti è la popolazione; ha avuto tre presidenti, il cui ultimo, Abdelrahman Mohamed Mohamud detto anche Farole, è stato eletto l’otto di gennaio di quest’anno (dopo tre scrutini, in forma molto democratica); its Parliament is composed of 66 members from all regions, and the power is legislative executive and judicial. If the sovereign state of Puntland, in which the population, as well as the prevailing religion, the Arab-Muslim-also speaks English and Italian, does not have the international recognition it deserves, and should in our view have the its Constitution in Article 1 provides for the transient association with the national government of Somalia, where the latter is able to control and govern the territory of its relevance. Being as the political situation, because of our newspapers and TV there is often the message of 'pirates' Somali, which attack ships of the states of Europe?
One answer is given by the rais Mohammar el Gaddafi of Libya, also president of the Organization of African Unity, who said the attacks to be the "answer to greed of western countries who exploit the resources of Somalia", adding that the former fishermen through bold punts sometimes take possession of bulk cargo in transit, "make the food for their children: in fact these ships often carry, as the American" Maersk Alabama "whose captain was released with a 'blitz' U.S. naval forces, wheat and oil, essential food for the people of the Horn of Africa that does not receive aid international. However, the efforts of individual groups are not part of the strategy of the legitimate government of Puntland, which indeed is against any form of piracy, and it intends to crack down besides personally control their coastline, cutting off also (as has happened in recent weeks, with the detention of two Egyptian fishing boats and a freighter Italian) and the draft illegal, both established (by the investigations of Famiglia Cristiana, ultimately independence, not to mention those of fellow Rai 3 Ilaria Alpi, and for these reasons that there was murdered) spills of toxic wastes in the seas teeming with fish and full of riches of the north-eastern Somalia. The presence of toxic waste is the true why the authorities in Puntland, in this case, want to see clearly the presence of the Buccaneer Italian merchant ship, anchored in the Gulf of Aden: likewise a news blackout of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is sadly eloquent on European responsibility in this regard.
The Italian public opinion, which was once the "door ocean" of our kingdom, the social structure of which administrative map was largely created by us, the Whole having been built by the Italian government in Somalia since 1905 Cologne , thus punishing the previous private management of twenty years earlier, in line with the colonial policy of the time, especially British, in the last anni poco conosce, deve essere ora bene informata, sulla attuale situazione di quelle terre antiche e gloriose, patria di gente fiera ed orgogliosa la quale ha accettato la modernità ma coniugata colla tradizione, e che non intende farsi sfruttare da alcuno, nel cammino fatale verso il proprio sviluppo e la propria libertà, in armonia con il corso del volere divino. L’antico sultanato di Migiugurtinia, dalle cui radici il Puntland prende il nesso storico, ha tutte le capacità per progredire nel XXI secolo, senza nessuna crosta soffocante di ipocrita neocolonialismo delle potenze anglo-americane e la complice sudditanza dei governi dell’Unione Europea. E’ fondamentale pertanto far conoscere il punto di vista del popolo somalo, che ha nel governo dello Stato del Puntland un autorevole interprete.
Per quel che concerne poi il concetto di pirateria, mentre i giornalisti poco informati passano il paragone, oltretutto errato, colla isola di Tortuga, rimandando così all’idea romantica dei Drake e dei Morgan, attraverso i quali comunque si impose e prosperò l’Impero coloniale di Sua Maestà Britannica, meglio sarebbe –in specie per la stampa italiana- ricordare le parole di Tucidide, il quale (nella "Guerra del Peloponneso", cinquecento anni a.C.) precisa: "In antico i greci ed i barbari abitanti le regioni costiere del continente e quelli che erano nelle isole, quando cominciarono ad intensificarsi i traffici per mare, si volsero alla pirateria; guided them very determined men, all intent to obtain money for food for himself and the crowd nor a coward ... this kind of activity had nothing shameful in those days, in fact it involved quite a degree of glory ... some people on the continent today are attributed A has to exercise piracy .... "The press should remember that our local, after Minos of Crete, a great chief naval piracy is a newly created state was (Herodotus narrates the exploits) tyrant Polycrates of Samos, and for 'Italy, the general Pompey the Great was said (the sixth child in Sicily organized large pirate naval bases against Octavian in the civil war), obtained full powers for three years in 67 BC, in just three months for whole navy defeated the pirates of Cilicia, capturing more than twenty thousand prisoners, but (accurate Plutarch in his Life) "as to the people of the pirates, do not even think of them die ... thought instead that it is not man to be born or become its very nature be a wild and unsociable: degenerate when he moves away from its nature, practice the habit. " We should remember well Codest statements of wisdom of a great statesman of ancient Rome (not coincidentally, murdered by the minions of Caesar), reflecting on the "vices" that its mismanagement, to say the least, and international relations, also past Italian governments that unworthily affair with the then deposed Somali, have made the plunge Somalia into chaos within which struggles for almost twenty years (to December, the UN representative for Somalia Ahmedou O. Abdallah said that "the international community has abandoned the his fate, piracy is one of the consequences "), superseded in some regions with the creation of autonomous states, Somaliland and Puntland, where if there is peace among the nations, they must be appreciated for their work and not listed as co- acts which are still distant and well-springs due to the arrogance of world economic powers. More than piracy in the Horn of Africa are governed by the State of Puntland must write of progress and civilization, given the glorious and ancient origins of these peoples, which (as it was, and is still in Sicily, in some respects) with a gesture, a handshake, a secret symbol can reach agreements, conclude negotiations and handle situations, preserving the authentic ethics, nobility of mind and character than others, and their guilt, they wanted to forget. The Puntland and the alleged piracy then you write with honesty and justice.
Baron of Sealand, or Francesco Giordano
(published on Sicily Sera No. 318, June 5, 2009)
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