Thursday, May 20, 2010

Major Motion Camera Detail

Mi sono avvicinata a Marina per l’ultima volta, sul suo grembo c’era una rosa. Avrei voluto uscire in strada, prendere un fiore da un rampicante e posarlo sui suoi piedi, ma poi mi sono trattenuta; resterà uno dei tanti gesti mancati della mia vita. Ho guardato Marina attraverso il velo delle tears by coming to terms with a strange quiet rebellion, a mixture of pain relief, and cursed by the end of a long suffering. While staring at his eyes closed, I did nothing but messing around in front of smiling. A thousand happy times with her experiences have emerged from dark corners of memory and have occupied the entire space of thoughts. In certain situations aside everything else, as if the newspaper does not concern you either, you need it.
the Marina's mother took her hands. I do not know where you find the strength to part with hands held tight during the early stages, led while carrying a pencil, touched with tears in his eyes and held for the first time a bike handle bar or steering wheel of a car. His daughter
Valeria touched his hands. Maybe you have a suggestion, but it seemed that his features were suddenly took all the folds of those of his mother. And I read in his eyes knowing that he must begin to walk through the world with the strength of her legs. We arrow shot from a bow to Marina had a deep love of learning. I embraced
Caesar taking away the echo of a whisper, moved: - And now with those who quarrel in the car? Going home, arrived at the junction of the bypass, every time I will think of her that makes me the act of slowing down.
Crossing the threshold, which I mentioned in the strong sunshine, I thought that part of the body beautiful, the hands.
not waste any opportunity to caress and squeeze anyone looking for the heat contained in the full capacity of our affection.

Monday, May 17, 2010

How Do I Clean The Inside Of Boots

of Dawn you will rise the most beautiful song Mary, Mary S. Aid concert in Catania

A beautiful concert of songs was held at the Marian shrine of St. Mary's aid in Catania, headed by Mons . Smedley, May 15, 2010, he directed the chapel choir of the Cathedral Etna, Master Mons.Nunzio Schiliro, the agency can.Maieli. Here the video of the famous song of Dawn you will rise more beautiful adaptation of the Master Schilirò for choir (video of the author of this blog).

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Midtown Madnes 2 Cody

Andrea Costa, socialist heart of the Italian language from English

hundred years ago, died in

Andrea Costa Imola, socialist heart

The appropriate commemoration of President Napolitano suggests the memory of a man who dedicated his life to the cause of the proletariat - from anarchism to socialism legalistic -

The commemoration, which a few weeks ago, the President of the Republic has done in Imola honoring the memory of Andrea Costa, born and died there, of which this year marks the centenary of the departure, in our opinion is important to order to be recalled, in an age of dull and sad nebule fanatical, the work of a man of enthusiasm alive, the deep passion for the idea deeply internationalist and humanitarian inveratasi in the nineteenth, the century of great dreams and hopes of the concrete, in the birth of socialism in Italy and worldwide, has done mission secular holy and pure as light flowing from the deepest mystery Man. The humanity of the humblest fact, the improvement of class laborer, moving from the roots of the lower middle classes who saw the family level where Costa was born in Imola papal November 1851, were in constant political and human life of this great Italian, right on-even if perhaps not very large-recalled recently. He should set an example for younger generations franked così dallo spiritualismo delle religioni, come dal fanatismo estremista del razionalismo materialista: poiché Andrea Costa, il fondatore in Italia del ‘socialismo del cuore’, come lo si può definire, fu un uomo estremamente coerente, sino all’ultimo respiro, còlle idee sue (celebre la povertà di mezzi che lo accompagnò costantemente, come la penuria di denaro, per cui al rifacimento di un vestito doveva stare in casa, perché non ne aveva altro). Non a caso il Presidente Napolitano, proveniente da tradizione politica di sinistra, ha potuto seppur in tono minore (dovuto alla campagna elettorale) commemorarlo, ed i giornali hanno rammentato le parole del Pascoli, suo correligionario e sodale nelle prime battaglie dell’internazionalismo italiano, come colui che contribuì in modo determinante a migliorare le sorti delle plebi oppresse.
Partecipava Andrea Costa, ventenne e poco più, alle agitazioni internazionaliste di Michele Bakunin, figura splendida ed affascinante di nobile russo rivoluzionario ed anarchico, il quale con molta poesia –e poco senso pratico- dalla Svizzera tirava le fila della società segreta dell’anarchismo, unitamente a Cafiero, ad Errico Malatesta, a Severino Ferrari, Abdon Negri ed altri, sino alla fallita, e romanticamente sognata, insurrezione di Bologna e delle altre città del nord del 1874: Riccardo Bacchelli, scrittore scintillante del Novecento, scrisse su codesto tema un romanzo che reality sinks in, "The Devil in Pontelungo. It was then in exile in Switzerland and then in prison-a prison in Paris, this constant painful in the life of the Coast, which both the weak in body and still strong temper, not to make him the sixtieth year of life-that he matured that became his calling held by the International anarchist socialism legalistic, with the famous letter to his fellow Romagna region native who represented him for refuge from the constant toil, by deceptions, in the joints. And yet the principle was already mapped out in defense of himself that he wanted to express, in the Bologna Process in 1876: "We want the humanity of man. Hence it follows that it is not already the emancipation of the working class only one for which we are working, but the emancipation of the whole human race because if the working class must emancipate themselves from poverty, the privileged class must emancipate itself from much misery a thousand times serious than those of the proletariat, with deep moral misery. "It was clear that a speech so hot, a feeling of ardent love for the human race that he saw the suffering of those against whom they took, even if he had been followed, other streets (Carducci his professor in Bologna, he was 'legalized' and receive the praise of the Royal Family, Garibaldi wrote that anarchism does not approve ...) expressed in the letter: "... for now the most important thing to do is to reconstitute the Italian revolutionary socialist party, who will continue the work begun by the International ...". MISUSE premise for his election, the College of Ravenna in the year 1882, a Member of Parliament, the first Socialist to incoming House. With the inspiration of egalitarian fraternity that recognizes all people as having the same rights, Andrea Costa could not take social nell'alveo of Freemasonry (which was begun in Rome in 1883, according to some sources in Naples by Giovanni Bovio, philosopher Southern Italy and a great exponent of socialism, others) initiatory society in those decades had turned toward the civil progress of Italy, and in some ways they addressed the destinies and the pursuit of the ideals that were the compass of the Risorgimento: the rest were Masons, as is known, among the many, and Carducci, Pascoli, among the Socialists, the Ferrari, the two Labriola, Bisso, and Bakunin, Malatesta and Amilcare Cipriani. Nell'alveo latomistico he placing the attendance of the workers and petty bourgeois, thus renewing a class, that initiates the lodges around the country first characterized by strong corporatism in the sense of compensation.
Fascinating story of love, a feeling clear romantic and Andrea Costa tied to one of those rare women who join the class-was-a noble lineage, intelligence and sensitivity, or Anna Kuliscioff, blonde and blue-green eyes, known in Switzerland. After the first year of overwhelming fire, crowned by the birth of her daughter Andreina in Imola-PEL were both free love, they even touched the idea of \u200b\u200bwell-spousal relationship cooled, and if they suffered extremely Anna, comparing (in one of many sweet letters, kept in the bottom of the Library of Costa Imola) the character of Numa Rumestan, Daudet's novel, known as "joie de rue, douleur de maison", love was turning slowly in sentimento di affettuosa, vicina e costante amicizia, pur nelle diverse scelte (ella stabilitasi a Milano colla figlia -che poi farà scelte ‘borghesi’, sposandosi in chiesa con un giovine di tradizione conservatrice- diverrà la compagna del giovane e promettente avvocato Filippo Turati, amico e sempre sodale del Costa). Filiale rapporto che proseguirà epistolarmente sino alla fine della vita di Andrea Costa: il quale, dopo la fondazione del partito socialista, di cui era da tutti considerato l’anima spirituale ma non la guida, poiché diviso era il socialismo, in particolare sin dall’alba del XX secolo, in quelle correnti che glielo facevano intender come asfittico rispetto all’alveo romantico e rivoluzionario he lived on and powered up, it was in some sense 'noble father', chairing the meetings, but with little or no decisive voice: pure Turati, Bissolati and trade unionists appealed to him, continually re-elected, to harmonize the different trends . But Andrea Costa, who at 1 January 1901 had said the new PEL century tombstone in Imola, where it says "throw flowers profusely, workers thinkers men who died when the century saw the unity and independence of nations The century that founded the federation will see it ... even if the woman succumbed nell'obbrobrio secular ... maintains or redemption of the new century woman ... we give all the children of men working freedom justice peace, "immortalized in the marble high ideals of the Italian socialist conception of the universe, combined humanitarianism array Masonic appeared merged in his person in a single flame, he was tired. Elected Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies on end of 1908, the great honor that the new trends of government had been able to make it possible, even for the inclination of the new King Vittorio Emanuele III to that "socialist monarchy" in then you dreamed, and PEL vote of the left to the ministries and Zanardelli Giolitti, he knew that throughout Italy, from Sicily to Piedmont Rapisardi De Amicis ("... it makes no sense, love of country, if not means love of human beings, and this love can not hear, and then does not love his country, who does not suffer and indignant to see it made up almost two peoples and two separate races, one of which is cultivated, s' refines, lords, and the other who works for it, live in poverty and ignorance, embittered by the spectacle of wealth and injustice in the soul and offended by the contempt he feels that weigh on his head ... "in" First May, "p.iii, 1) ran a new feeling and full of social demands that the new century would have made it possible to implement: dolevagli yet having completed its task in a role that was defined by pure representation. And tired of this evil, rather than from the effects of previous hardships, with the last letter of Anna Kuliscioff ("Believe me, dear Andrea, my thoughts of affection and tenderness t'accompagna forever ...") in his hands, even married a few years ago with a milliner, died Jan. 19 in Imola 1910. Five years before the House, in calling for more humane conditions for the unemployed laborers of his college, had asked the government: 'a bit of humanity does not hurt ... and we're, oh, we're good. " The assembly moved by so much pathos, had acceded to the request of the Socialist deputy. The hope is that today, in cruel times, go back to that politics and those men, who perhaps looked languid and fierce to some other, but which was, appropriately headlined as the famous book with the "Pinocchio" Collodi was the manifesto of the new Italy (notas that in one in which ' other priests do not appear: they will be rehabilitated after Rerum Novarum, and, increasingly, to be honest men, very few, that the idea to give his life: as Aldo Moro), people of heart. That heart now apparently buried, but expects only a spade, a hammer and a straight edge to continue to fly, in the brotherhood of those in which all three colors, for better or worse, we continue to recognize us.

Baron of Sealand (Jordan Francis)

Pubblicato su Sicilia Sera n° 328 del 9 maggio 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Designer Sofa Singapore

Marina E. Nodes

I filled the last bag and I placed in the cart, I paid the bill with the head occupied by some thought and then I headed toward the exit. When you are engrossed in some dumb argument you move among the other without seeing them and I hit a woman advancing towards me. He looked at me with an expression contracted and embarrassed and stammered an apology I recognized the mother of E. The
I immediately reached out a friendly greeting and a smile you mentioned that sometimes I happened to see them painted on faccia: ha spostato all’insù un solo angolo della bocca. Mi ha fissato coi suoi occhi chiari, appannati da un passato di troppo dolore e mi ha stretto la mano in modo titubante, come se non le piacesse ricordarsi che conosco i buchi del suo passato.
Spostando lo sguardo ho visto anche suo figlio E., seduto su una panchina del centro commerciale. Gli sono andata incontro e ho provato l’impulso di abbracciarlo, ma mi squadrava con i suoi occhi di filo spinato, occhi di un adolescente con troppe ragioni per mostrarsi selvatico e distante.
Mi sono seduta vicino a lui. Mi si è stretto il cuore nel vederlo così poco cresciuto, il fisico macilento, l’abbigliamento trasandato di chi non ha soldi da spenderci. Me lo ricordo di un’intelligenza uncommon, E.
I also remember the initial difficulties of integration in the classroom, the distrust of others, his rebellion against everything, mixed with a kind of painful resignation. With his few years had to take on the fragility of his mother, who had been reunited in trial.
arrived in third grade, he was left alone for a year, because then they had found a home elsewhere. At the end of the school said sure, "I'll come to school here next year too, even if they live in another country, my mom will take me to the scooter, he promised me." They said sure we would see, unfortunately it was not possible.
I wanted to stay on bench a parlare con lui senza fretta, sua madre però l’ha chiamato:“Dobbiamo andare”.
Gli ho stretto un braccio, gli ho detto:“Sono proprio felice di averti rivisto, in bocca al lupo per tutto”.
Mentre si allontava mi ha sorriso allo stesso modo di sua madre, con un angolo solo della bocca e con gli stessi occhi, dipinti di un grigio azzurro tendente al dolore.