Friday, December 15, 2006

Create Your Own Wwe Wrestler Online

Stars paper

Take a square sheet of paper
(including color) to create the basis
mill (without the base mill is not the star).

Fold the foil up to form a rectangle.
Fold again to form a small square.

fully reopen the package.
Draw the two diagonals.

Turn the bend model and the four
triangles with apex at the center.

Reopen the paper again, turn it over again
and bring the sides up and down the middle.

Reopen still
bend model and the right sides of the center-left.

Push the top left and right toward the center
and also push up and down the sides toward the center.
should be something like this, the mill base is complete.
P.S. : se non viene avete sbagliato qualche passaggio; riguardate sopra.

Inizio della STELLA di NATALE:
spingere i 4 vertici destro-sinistro verso il centro
fino a formare un quadrato, procedere allo stesso
modo sugli altri punti; il risultato deve essere così:

Piegare le “linguette” internamente formando
degli angoli acuti con il vertice rivolto verso l' interno.
Piegare le linguette rimaste sotto la figura.
Aprire, formando dei rombi, gli angoli interni.

Ecco, la "mezza-stella" è pronta!

Perform the same steps of the route
earlier on another sheet.

Open the tabs of the two "half-stars."

Bend the tabs like in the picture on this side .....

.... and on this side .....

And the star


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