Why not be prohibited
The large growth in the spread of gambling and betting online and 'largely due to physiological reasons.
As with all intangible services (such as travel, banking and insurance, for example) benefit from the rapid spread of the Internet and broadband connections is also the gambling industry may experience a period of vitality thanks to the increasing possibility offered by electronic means. In this case the growing
diffusion is hampered by some governments, short-sighted in my opinion, by methods more or less effective. The U.S. blockade is through the enactment of specific laws mold prohibitionist to block transactions. The Italian is through the 'obscuration obligation imposed by the monopoly through his arm AAMS "internet access providers.
There were also other examples such as the French and Dutch but want to deepen it further here how the ban but only emphasize that the purpose of the legislators is always the same and be masked by use of the same ipocrisie.
Tutti sanno infatti che la vera finalità degli interventi è il prelievo fiscale mentre il pretesto è una spinta moralizzatrice e paternalistica dei governi che fingono di interessarsi alla salute economica e morale dei popoli.
Il progresso tuttavia non si puo' arrestare, le manovre di disturbo come l'oscuramento dei casino online sono gesti impopolari, disperati ed inefficaci destinati al fallimento. Approcci più intelligenti come quello inglese, quello maltese e dall'inizio del 2007, si spera, anche quello italiano tengono maggiormente in conto l'evoluzione dei mezzi di comunicazione, della società e soprattutto, le esigenze e i desideri della gente che non vuole chiudersi in a seedy section SNAI but prefers to bet live (and with much better odds) on BET365 maybe watching matches on TV in the living room of their home.
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