Saturday, July 24, 2010

How To Tell If You Have A Tumor


What do you do if you find a kitten and live with a man who is not a gattofilo like you? Prepare a strategic plan, weave a plot, in short, devise something (after all, the queen of the vacuum cleaner and mop you). Justifications
to extract to the sleeve axis:
- the animal that you see on the couch is stuffed;
- yes, well, actually moves, but do not worry, it's a friend, is playing for around the world, if the balloon will not have failures, including eighty days will come to take it back;
- and we think the savings in power if we will use it in the fall as scaldasonno?
- yes, I admit I'm cheating, the truth is otherwise: I signed a contract with Discovery Channel, which will make a documentary on the effect of frisee valley fog in the hair of cats.
course, at that point, the landlord will assume an air of annoyance, but you convince yourself that it will make a right. And in a sign of gratitude will give him a nice halo friendly solar panels, with lights flashing. Come in handy next Christmas, because, with a house full of cats, not convenient to do the tree: the cats would now the fastest and disastrous to bring it down.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

14 Year Old Mastubate

Benedict XVI Virgin

Five years of intensive pontificate

Benedict XVI, a man only

Required fraternal solidarity with the Pope that
courage and determination to fight against the evils of the Church is also evil - Little obedience -

When, in April five years ago, St. Peter's exit from the chimney of the fatal 'white smoke' and the new Pope appeared on the balcony Central San Pietro, I want all that Joseph Ratzinger chose the glorious name of the patron saint of Europe and fidei defensor of the Christian tradition of the West, we help him on the path and increasing the awareness of what the believer appeals to faith, what he calls the dubious ethics, of that certain 'quid' and the Gnostic, appeals knowledge. After five years, appears Sadly, as we believe, in many places even inside the church and priestly body, the action often silent but lately vigorous renewal of the tradition, Benedict XVI, is opposed and vigorously opposed even by those who intend to thrive on certain past attitudes. It is without critical issue for either of the aspects, but striving to be objective. Especially in the face of the over twenty-six years of the pontificate of John Paul II, who, fortunately, no one advocated-as-someone called 'the Great' is large and less desire for holiness.
contradictions, even the obvious antithetical visions that Benedict XVI and John Paul II led the way to govern the Church as never before in recent months emerged with 'the clear yes. You will note that, in these columns, at the time of his election as already pointed out that Pope Ratzinger would prove much more than its predecessor and it did. And yet, while the analysis was just one of the greatest contemporary theologians, the eminent Professor Hans Kung, the bankruptcy judge for the respect of the progress of Catholicism, Pope John Paul II, we differ from the same court that has the same prof.Kung weeks made about the recent former colleague at the University of Tubingen, now Santo Padre. E’ stato, più di ogni altro problema, l’affare insanguinato e doorosissimo della pedofilia, lo spartiacque indiscusso che ha permesso anche ai tentennanti ed agli incerti, di comprendere il vero ‘carattere’ del pontificato di Benedetto XVI ed il suo privato, non pertanto impossibile da condividere, dramma personale ed umano. Così la giornata organizzata nelle scorse settimane di maggio, a pro della persona del Pontefice, ha nelle immagini televisive restituito il volto di un signore anziano di oltre ottant’anni, evidentemente compiaciuto e confortato dalle espressioni affettuose che delegazioni di tutta Italia gli hanno pòrto in piazza San Pietro, volendo dirgli "ti siamo vicini in un momento di grande dolore collective '. It is the closeness, even here made explicit, for one man who drives a ship in stormy waters, with sailors often rebel, rebellious, ready to act as the Judas Gospel.
therefore not repeat it again "a Pope that failed "(this was true for Wojtyla), but being next to one man, who is fighting openly and" as sheep among wolves "(it is now clear the meaning of his words seemed so enigmatic, shortly after the election), a perilous battle at all, where greater part of its clergy, it looks good from exercising the virtue of obedience and to question the actions of the last decades, for fear of withdrawal temporal power, direct child of the "father of lies", the devil, who has successfully bought the soul of many. It 'was very clear, the Holy Father, nell'Angelus of Sunday, May 16: "The evil to be fought is sin .. sometimes present among members of the Church ...." It is true that, in particular the mercy of the inevitable ambiguities of actual permanent service in the anticlerical press, which serves the powers-zealots of secularism by trade, far more dangerous in recent years, a dogma which also allows, under certain limits, the manifestation of a thought, and even free in some form, after Vatican II, has pertinent all'eterodossìa- obviously pleased reported episodes of disgusting corruption of priests, nuns and sometimes to the detriment of children, in the name of the statistics must honestly admit that they are minimum, compared with so-called 'psychological abuse' (slaps or other), counted to make mass in the group of sex scandals.
It 's a personal attack to Benedict XVI, who, as has been said, very precise and very clear for principals. As this is not the forum of any ecclesiastical body, we can put it bluntly: even the very strong power groups of the Church (see the case of the infamous head of the Legionaries of Christ) entwined in mortal embrace the Pope Wojtyla, can not forgive the intransigence personal and ethical rigor of Joseph Ratzinger Pontifex Maximus, and make every effort to undermine the authority where it appears, as in the case of the recent visit to Malta, strengthened. In the latter predicament, never witnessed in the past-not to remind that 'repentance' or so-called facts that occurred centuries earlier, while not lacking the positive aspects of Pope John Paul II, we have also been very critical of his reign, was moved to expansions tears as happened in recent weeks in the very Catholic Malta, the Pope during his meeting with some victims of sexual abuse by priests. The same former victims later told reporters the poignant cry of the elderly Pope, and his solemn promise: "I will ensure that never happens again." He is a man to keep what he says. Moreover, even the much criticized approach of pedophilia, including clerical, with the homosexuality, it comes from the minds artfully crammed with prejudices, but from the Bible, from the fact its oldest: "If one lies with a male as one lies with a woman , both commit an abomination: they shall die, they fall on their blood "(Leviticus 20, 13). The words of Moses are very clear, and Jesus: "But who scandalize one of these little ones which believe in me, it would be better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea ... I say in fact that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven "(Mt 18, 6-10). The whole step of the Divine Master is an eloquence without frills and would be the case that even the secular law would punish the murderers pedophiles methods with exactly the same as those suggested by him.
Loneliness of Pope Benedict is also where the moon, moved the field from the decisive action taken pedophilia, it is noted how his orders in terms of teaching are not applied only in small part: the evidence is sufficient that the motu proprio "Summorum Pontificorum" his control issued three years ago, namely the obligation per ogni diocesi di celebrare la Messa secondo il rito tridentino, quindi in lingua latina come avveniva prima della riforma conciliare, è in molte parti d’Europa disatteso, quando non vilipeso e criticato apertis verbis. Per fortuna in Italia, qui e la, si avvertono intenzioni positive: a Bologna persino il Cardinale Arcivescovo Caffarra, dopo aver disposto che ogni domenica la Messa latina, già affollata da molti giovani, sia celebrata in una chiesa, ha egli stesso concelebrato secondo l’intramontato rito, dando un luminoso esempio ai confratelli delle altre diocesi della nostra Patria.
Non che Papa Ratzinger sia esente da errori: notammo infatti che, forse per la sua formazione inserita da molti decenni nelle gerarchie della Santa Sede, poco o punto incisiva è la parola sua intorno al dilacerante problema del lavoro e della disoccupazione, che nella Italia di oggi colpisce le fasce sociali più deboli e sempre meno tutelate: mentre la Chiesa se tende a tamponare con soluzioni in stile Caritas (fra l’altro sovvenzionata dagli enti pubblici dello Stato), non alza solennemente la voce con l’enfasi che servirebbe, contro gli sfruttatori del lavoro in ogni forma. Persino Pio XII negli anni dell’immediato dopoguerra, era affatto incisivo in tal senso, anche per contrastare il sindacalismo comunista. Inoltre, le mancate chiarificazioni del Santo Padre sull’annoso problema del matrimonio (e delle sue conseguenze, mentre si diffondono sempre più i divorzi cumbersome with the annulment, which should be simplified to revive new marriages, and above all to free the Church from the yoke of Mammon), reported that "free from the pumps of Satan" in the homily Benedict XVI recalled the night of Easter just passed by linking it to Baptism and the book of Enoch: For those who have not understood, a text considered apocryphal, but full of esoteric mysticism, for example, took over from another bench of the Petrine teaching. And if
"reconstruct Christ's robe," as Benedict XVI said not long at Lourdes, is above all the task of baptized Christians, we realize how many tears MISUSE as its symbol, has agreed with copious perdite di sangue: ogni sforzo deve auspicarsi, senza deflettere di un millimetro, per recuperare le forze e le stille di codesto liquido vitale. Il canale primo e privilegiato è, come jeri come sempre, la Grande Madre: Vergine beatissima dei popoli e delle nazioni, perpetuo soccorso di coloro che la invocano con fiducia, rosa mistica al centro della croce dalle eguali braccia che comprendono l’universo intiero: "sicut in caelo et in terra". Era la medesima divisa della Tabula Smaralgdina: "come in alto così in basso, per la bellezza dell’Unità".

Barone di Sealand (Francesco Giordano)

Pubblicato su Sicilia Sera No. 330, July 4, 2010