Friday, June 25, 2010

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Scenes from my wedding

In public places I tend to familiarize with other women, here is one of the possible dialogues between a stranger and me as we queued for two ounces of ham:
- Are you single?
- No, I live with Hal 9000.
- And who would?
- Do you own this 2001 Space Odyssey? That 's what the wretched waking hibernation on the ship. Sleep in the sense of ... funeral because they took out all three. But that will never be. As they say: a dead pope if he makes another. And, here in Italy, the popes are not lacking.
- Indeed. And physically it is?
- Oh, no, no I can tell, is a matter of privacy! Watch if not I can really most of these intrusions into the private sphere of good people, here.
- Sorry, I did not think it was a state secret.
- Of course it is. It 's like if I asked you if you put garlic in the meatballs to the mortadella. They are personal choices about.
- Ah ...
- only I can give you information: I live with someone who has a mania to keep the air conditioner in freezer mode.
- Poor.
- Exactly. I put the ski suit every time I go on the sea ice to make the bed. Of course, just lies down, he discarded it in a second agitated between the sheets and begging: "Did you remember to buy the ice?"
- And you?
- I am not able to respond because I nailed the jaw by a stroke.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What's The Difference Between Cydia And Rock?.

Behind the door of my house I saw

Behind the door of my house there is a clock that keeps time inaccurate. There are fused to stealthily between the cushions of sofas and paintings of vivid colors to forget the mists of winter. There are rumors of children, scattered objects. Behind the door of my house there are tears and laughter hidden in old handbags hanging all'attaccapanni. There are postcards in the pages of books and useless keys on the bottom of the drawers. Behind the door of my house are hunted in the pockets of melancholy grembiuli e foto di allegrie incorniciate. Ci sono suole consunte di passi camminati e carte stradali con direzioni nuove da trovare. Dietro la porta di casa mia non c’è nulla di diverso da quello che si potrebbe trovare suonando un altro campanello, ci sono stanze di vita quotidiana, dove si fa di tutto per far sentire bene accolte le persone che arrivano, in modo che non abbiano fretta di andarsene via.

Friday, June 4, 2010

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one man dressed only in beautiful, the poetry of Francesco Petrarca

reading of the poem "Beautiful Lady, who dressed only" number 366 of the Canzoniere Francesco Petrarca; text from cod. Vatican 3196, edition of A. Chiari. Background music Fugue in D minor BWV 538 'Dorian' for organ by Johann Sebastian Bach. Picture of St. Mary of Help, venerated in the sanctuary under sixteenth in Catania. Narrator Francesco Giordano.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Black Spot On Big Screen Tv

Fake gold circulating in the world

Interesting news from the financial front

's not all gold (true) that shines ...

The financial market it turns out, in crisis, have fake gold ingots actually Tungsten - Both the U.S. and China responsible for the colossal hoax -

Maybe someone recalls one of the most famous James Bond films of the mid-sixties, with starring the great Sean Connery "Goldfinger" is the story of an intelligent speculator, that falsifies the gold of the most famous U.S. gold reserve, that of Fort Knox, and replacing therein the ingots of gold with some real ' soul of tungsten (specific gravity from a metal very similar to gold). If at the time was MISUSE imagination, be aware that reality, perhaps inspired by the famous film exceeds the present day. Indeed it was known, a few weeks ago that banks in Hong Kong, a former colony hour city was part of the People's Republic of China, have been found gold bars in reality filled with tungsten. All came from the United States. The published documents do know that about fifteen years ago, at the time of Clinton's presidency (aided by Robert Rubin, Alan Greenspan and Lawrence Summers) about 1.5 million 400-ounce bars of tungsten were baked by a sophisticated American metallurgical industry. Then they were golden ingots 640,000 and sent to Fort Knox where he still is. There are copies of shipping documents attesting to dates, quantity and weight of the ingots delivered to Fort Knox. Tungsten has a specific gravity very close to gold but is relatively inexpensive (about $ 20 per kilo). By weight / volume of an ingot tungsten can not be distinguished by a gold ingot. The rest of the 1.5 million bars of gold and tungsten, however, were put on the market.
The overwhelming demand for gold from the market in recent months of huge financial crisis has also highlighted that, apart from the fake ingots and sold to those existing in reality do not exist.
In October 2009, succeeded by a sad fact: JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank (closely monitored by the Bank of England) who had previously sold Gold Futures (virtual bars) at a price di circa 1000$/oncia chiesero ai legittimi proprietari se quell’oro poteva essere da loro ricomprato a 1250$/oncia per evitare di dovere consegnare quei lingotti. Lingotti che evidentemente non possedevano. Ecco una delle tante falsità che hanno corrotto il mercato economico mondiale, alla radice della crisi finanziaria, che è in ultima analisi crisi del capitalismo e quindi del modello occidentale. Ma in questo la Cina, che negli ultimi mesi ha incrementato l’acquisto di oro dall’Europa, invogliando i privati ad aumentare le proprie riserve auree, superando per volume di acquisti persino l’India (e la Russia, la quale ha intenzione di aumentare dal due al dieci per cento il proprio forziere aureo: segno che la dirigenza Putin-Medvedev non vede all’orizzonte la fine della tempesta sociale…), contribuisce alla truffa, se così si può appellare. C’è infatti sul mercato, proprietà dello stato di Cina, una ditta che ha per nome Chinatungsten. La ditta cinese spiega pubblicamente, attraverso il sito Internet, che il tungsteno è "environmental-friendly", e che mentre la lega oro-tungsteno non funziona per svariati motivi, una moneta con l’anima di tungsteno e la copertura di oro non potrà mai essere identificata come contraffazione da misure di densità. Chinatungsten precisa molto bene come funziona: "in dettaglio il tungsteno puro sotto forma di dischi, piatti, fogli, anelli etc.. se rivestito con uno strato di oro acquisterà its typical gloss and can thus replace him. "The site of the institution stands an attractive picture of gold bars marked. False gold. And a warning:" please do not use our products for illegal gold-plated tungsten ".
out by this testing, each company can deduct in that we are destined to live, being born in the twentieth century and enter, perhaps idealized, indeed, with confidence and inevitable, in XXI. Indeed counterfeiters of gold and metals have always existed: Epper, where they had no complicity of the monarchs, they were punished with the utmost severity, by the powers that be, in past centuries. We could perhaps console ourselves with the poem, where the great poet Dante Varuna places without hope of metals in the falsatori Malebolge Hell (songs XXIX ff.), "to lick up the mirror of Narcissus", describing them as plague, scabby and intent on scratching for ever, and hydropic: terrible punishment indeed, that in every However, for those who have faith, will be imposed in the spiritual world. Since
tuttavolta us for the time of a shell of the arrow, we are in step Of this life that is at least aware of the evidence which informs us (hence the unavoidable necessity, in a society that no longer has an excuse for tearing in none 'ignorance) that the fundamentals of the economies of nation-states have their hearts in the material, which should be secured by gold reserves, false ingots. Or at least that of the ingots are passed off as real. It would be appropriate, for example, that the current Italian government informed us of the real property of the gold reserves of the Bank of Italy, which since the dawn of the millennium, by statute, is a private institution and not the state treasury. For those who still delude themselves that the appearance of public institutions exist (beyond the election ... ludi paper), consider carefully the aforesaid matter, and colleagues to the ownership of gold. It 's easy, join the dots. The solution, however, the fragile and unprepared for the understanding, can portare al mentale sconquasso. Per alcuni: che infatti, si adagiano nel rimbecillimento quotidiano dei programmi-scemenza della televisione. Fortunatamente, il nostro popolo serba ancora una parte (quanto grande e presente?…) di sanità etica: unica speme, innanzi alle tenebre.

Bar.Sea. (Francesco Giordano)

(pubblicato su Sicilia Sera n° 329 del 28 meggio 2010)

Goldensoft Golden Plus Plus

National Literary Prize dedicated to Emilio Greek

Organizzato dall’Associazione Artisti e Creativi

Al via il primo Premio letterario dedicato ad Emilio Greco

Ulteriore iniziativa creata da Vera Ambra, con il supporto del Museo dell’artista insigne, partecipano
varie istituzioni culturali civiche – Attività collaterali sino a giugno -

Una città che sa valorizzare i propri tesori, una città che può degnamente ire orgogliosa di suoi figli che la rendono grande nel mondo, poiché –rammenta Sallustio- la gloria degli antenati è una luce perenne per i posteri, è una città in marcia verso il futuro. Vorremmo che questa fosse la nostra Catania, anche se da molti segnali si avverte il contrario. Quando però una bella iniziativa culturale, di quelle che lasciano il segno autentico e non appaiono scritte sulla sabbia, interviene a rammentarci il nostro passato, presente e futuro trasfusi in unico caleidoscopio, allor torniamo a sperare. Concretamente.
E’ il caso della, da poco costituita, Associazione Artisti e Creativi, ultima ‘creatura’ –non certo quella finale, conoscendo il personaggio- di quella donna d’ingegno e vulcanica animatrice culturale che è Vera Ambra, scrittrice e feconda cultrice dell’amicizia letteraria, la quale ha attraverso il sito e la casa editrice Akkuaria, da un decennio illuminato di variegate, molteplici manifestazioni, di ampio respiro nazionale (da Roma a Milano alle contrade del Sud, senza dimenticare la nostra Sicilia), i nuovi autori della poesia e della narrativa italiana.
Ben venga dunque il primo evento ufficiale del sodalizio, il premio letterario intitolato ad Emilio Greco, ottimo scultore the twentieth century, one of the greatest sons of Italy known and appreciated in the world worthy of our shoot Catania, from which poor, after the rudiments of graphic design and sculpture, he departed for Rome, where the maxima would Urbe soared toward artistic very broad shores, whose reverberations every day praise his works clear, terse sensuality of pure, motionless in their decisive cycle turbine. The Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the "Greek garden" of Japan, which enhances the widely, from monument to the beloved Pope John that at the time criticized in Pinocchio in Collodi, sculptures and graphic works of Greek masters have walked the continents with masses of consensus, to arrive in native city. It was a fortunate circumstance for the administration of Enzo Bianco attentive to the cultural movements, Antonio Di Grado Councillor branch, which allowed the opening in the building that houses the birthplace of the 'Swan' Bellini, a museum dedicated to graphics Emilio Greek: the now old master intervened in December 1994 that I remember correctly, the proper celebration dedicavagli Catania (for once ... because I am sad and sickly even commemorations post mortem!) in life: a few months later, he was dying. Never forget the world, the civic community seemed to have almost forgotten where it had not been disclosed to the meritorious work of managers and staff Museum, the creations of the master: therefore appropriate to establish a literary prize, as Emilio was also appreciable Greek poet. Of this aspect, as part of the award, he discussed Thomas D'Amico, director of the Museum, in an interesting and busy conference and then repeated in various local libraries that joined the initiative, which participates in the Municipal Historical Archives directed by the talented Dr. Minissale; the various aspects of the artist were also exposed in these events, illustrated by the head of the library of the Museum Cettina Tiralosi, who is also passionate about painting and photography.
The award provides the ban, "is reserved for books to works published in Poetry and Fiction in Italian" is the date by which the works must be submitted is May 30, 2010, with further information and details can be found at the site dedicated www.premioemiliogreco. com. The awards will be October 24, 2010 at the premises of the Palace of Culture, or Platamone, via Vittorio Emanuele of Catania, made available by the Culture of the Municipality. Sidelines of the event, already carried out on various sites, will take place in the cultural center of Concord Public Library, in Plaja 43, from eight to 15 May, and Municipal Historical Archive, in Sant'Agata 3 from 3 June 10. Among those who work actively to the event, we like to remind the writer and journalist, and storyteller, Alfio Patti, photographer and artist Tiziana Musmeci, the creative Ezio Scandurra sculptor, poet Gabriella Rossitto, the writer Alessandro Scardaci. The poetic work of Vera Ambra, who recently penned his autobiography, is the coordination and solemn corollary to the success of the event, which will undoubtedly have a successful result in the knowledge that if Picasso could be said Emilio Greek "the bigger picture we have in Europe, "the literary creations that will be revealed from this divine contest will have had a 'baptism of fire' prestigious and, as it is hoped, a harbinger of long and not inconsistent tracks.

Bar.Sea. ( Francesco Giordano)

(published on Sicily Sera No. 329, May 28, 2010)