National Literary Prize dedicated to Emilio Greek Organizzato dall’Associazione Artisti e Creativi
Al via il primo Premio letterario dedicato ad Emilio Greco Ulteriore iniziativa creata da Vera Ambra, con il supporto del Museo dell’artista insigne, partecipano
varie istituzioni culturali civiche – Attività collaterali sino a giugno -
Una città che sa valorizzare i propri tesori, una città che può degnamente ire orgogliosa di suoi figli che la rendono grande nel mondo, poiché –rammenta Sallustio- la gloria degli antenati è una luce perenne per i posteri, è una città in marcia verso il futuro. Vorremmo che questa fosse la nostra Catania, anche se da molti segnali si avverte il contrario. Quando però una bella iniziativa culturale, di quelle che lasciano il segno autentico e non appaiono scritte sulla sabbia, interviene a rammentarci il nostro passato, presente e futuro trasfusi in unico caleidoscopio, allor torniamo a sperare. Concretamente.
E’ il caso della, da poco costituita, Associazione Artisti e Creativi, ultima ‘creatura’ –non certo quella finale, conoscendo il personaggio- di quella donna d’ingegno e vulcanica animatrice culturale che è Vera Ambra, scrittrice e feconda cultrice dell’amicizia letteraria, la quale ha attraverso il sito e la casa editrice Akkuaria, da un decennio illuminato di variegate, molteplici manifestazioni, di ampio respiro nazionale (da Roma a Milano alle contrade del Sud, senza dimenticare la nostra Sicilia), i nuovi autori della poesia e della narrativa italiana.
Ben venga dunque il primo evento ufficiale del sodalizio, il premio letterario intitolato ad Emilio Greco, ottimo scultore the twentieth century, one of the greatest sons of Italy known and appreciated in the world worthy of our shoot Catania, from which poor, after the rudiments of graphic design and sculpture, he departed for Rome, where the maxima would Urbe soared toward artistic very broad shores, whose reverberations every day praise his works clear, terse sensuality of pure, motionless in their decisive cycle turbine. The Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the "Greek garden" of Japan, which enhances the widely, from monument to the beloved Pope John that at the time criticized in Pinocchio in Collodi, sculptures and graphic works of Greek masters have walked the continents with masses of consensus, to arrive in native city. It was a fortunate circumstance for the administration of Enzo Bianco attentive to the cultural movements, Antonio Di Grado Councillor branch, which allowed the opening in the building that houses the birthplace of the 'Swan' Bellini, a museum dedicated to graphics Emilio Greek: the now old master intervened in December 1994 that I remember correctly, the proper celebration dedicavagli Catania (for once ... because I am sad and sickly even commemorations post mortem!) in life: a few months later, he was dying. Never forget the world, the civic community seemed to have almost forgotten where it had not been disclosed to the meritorious work of managers and staff Museum, the creations of the master: therefore appropriate to establish a literary prize, as Emilio was also appreciable Greek poet. Of this aspect, as part of the award, he discussed Thomas D'Amico, director of the Museum, in an interesting and busy conference and then repeated in various local libraries that joined the initiative, which participates in the Municipal Historical Archives directed by the talented Dr. Minissale; the various aspects of the artist were also exposed in these events, illustrated by the head of the library of the Museum Cettina Tiralosi, who is also passionate about painting and photography.
The award provides the ban, "is reserved for books to works published in Poetry and Fiction in Italian" is the date by which the works must be submitted is May 30, 2010, with further information and details can be found at the site dedicated www.premioemiliogreco. com. The awards will be October 24, 2010 at the premises of the Palace of Culture, or Platamone, via Vittorio Emanuele of Catania, made available by the Culture of the Municipality. Sidelines of the event, already carried out on various sites, will take place in the cultural center of Concord Public Library, in Plaja 43, from eight to 15 May, and Municipal Historical Archive, in Sant'Agata 3 from 3 June 10. Among those who work actively to the event, we like to remind the writer and journalist, and storyteller, Alfio Patti, photographer and artist Tiziana Musmeci, the creative Ezio Scandurra sculptor, poet Gabriella Rossitto, the writer Alessandro Scardaci. The poetic work of Vera Ambra, who recently penned his autobiography, is the coordination and solemn corollary to the success of the event, which will undoubtedly have a successful result in the knowledge that if Picasso could be said Emilio Greek "the bigger picture we have in Europe, "the literary creations that will be revealed from this divine contest will have had a 'baptism of fire' prestigious and, as it is hoped, a harbinger of long and not inconsistent tracks.
Bar.Sea. (
Francesco Giordano) (published on Sicily Sera No. 329, May 28, 2010)